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WEBDAV File Upload Exploiter

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WEBDAV File Upload Exploiter, surely you already know about this one exploit ^^. This exploit uses the PUT method, which allows the client to upload files to the server. What do you think if there is WEBDAV File Upload Exploiter for Android and developed in the form of application? Certainly it is very interesting is not it, because that is also the reason why you are now reading this.

Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) is an extension of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows clients to perform remote authoring operations of Web content.
The WebDAV protocol provides a framework for users to create, modify and move documents on the server. The most important features of the WebDAV protocol include property maintenance about an author or modification date, name management, collection, and overwrite protection. Property maintenance includes things like file creation, deletion and query information. The namespace management handles the ability to copy and move web pages in the server name space. Collections deal with the creation, deletion, and list of various resources. Finally, overwrite protection takes care of the aspects associated with locking files.

*.Download the WEBDAV File Upload Exploiter here
*.Install and open the app now you will see 4 columns. Explanation for each column # first column is the column name of the script that you will upload # second column is the location of the script that you will upload # third column is the site you are targeting # the fourth column is the result, if you successfully uploaded the file to the server then the url link will appears in the fourth column
*.Just fill the first, second and third columns then press Upload button, if your file is successful at upload, its result will appear in column fourth.

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