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WebKit - Basic Information Gathering

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Basic Information Gathering Tool should not be underestimated because the information collected is not small and all of it is sensitive information. There are whois lookup, zone-test, dns lookup and others. Basic information gathering performs accurate data collection and analysis and WebKit uses open source.

Example usage of WebKit
Usage: WEBKIT | basic information gathering for web

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -T HOSTNAME          Ip address or Domain name, required=True
  -t, --traceroute     Traceroute Using MRT
  -p, --ping           Test ping/Nping
  -d, --dns-lookup     Dns Lookup
  -r, --reverse-dns    Reverse Dns Lookup
  -H, --host-records   Find DNS Host Records
  -s, --shared-dns     Find Shared DNS Servers
  -z, --zone-test      Zone Transfer Test
  -w, --whois          Whois Lookup
  -g, --geoip          GeoIP - IP Location Lookup
  -i, --reverse-ip     Reverse IP Lookup
  -n, --tcp-port       TCP Port Scan
  -S, --subnet         Subnet Lookup
  -C, --HTTP-Headers   HTTP Header Check
  -e, --extract-pages  Extract Links From Page

Installation for WebKit
$ apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
$ apt-get install git python python-requests
$ git clone
$ cd WebKit
$ python


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