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GeoStudio 2023.1 new release

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In the latest GeoStudio version, you’ll notice improvements to speed up your geotechnical 3D workflow. Key features and functionality are implemented to improve your 3D modelling experience and to enhance your slope stability analysis.

GeoStudio 2023.1 (600 MB)


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GeoStudio 2023.1


Requires maintenance through 2023-03-31



Requires maintenance through 2022-10-17

Enhanced 3D Workflow

3D geometry creation application embedded

The 3D geometry creation application is now embedded in the main GeoStudio window, bringing 3D modelling in GeoStudio closer to the 2D experience. Undo and redo commands are now available to save time while working with 3D geometries. 

Import Leapfrog Geological Model Volumes

You can now import Leapfrog Geological Model Volumes from Seequent Central into a 3D geometry, and assign materials to existing parametric geometry objects. This workflow makes it easy to map complex geologies to analysis geometry, removing the need to create complex parametric surfaces to capture stratigraphic boundaries. 

Define piezometric surfaces with imported background mesh

Piezometric surfaces can also be imported into 3D geometries using the Import Background Mesh command. An imported background mesh representing the Piezometric surface can be used to define the initial pore water pressure conditions in a 3D seepage analysis. 




Instalasi software WA. 082231036047

SLOPE/W Improvements

Cuckoo Search method for circular slips

cuckoo search algorithm method for circular slips critical in geostudio 2022 ver.1
(mencari bidang lereng dengan FS terendah sampai dengan tertinggi)

The Cuckoo Search method is available to search for circular slip surfaces. This search method provides an unbiased attempt at locating the critical slip surface and is beneficial for identifying the critical mode of failure in complex geology or large domains. This search method can also be used to identify portions of the domain where additional analysis may be required.

Updated Compound Strength material model

Updates to the Compound Strength material model provide a more straightforward material definition for jointed rock mass. The inputs include the dip angle and two ranges around the dip in which the strength is linearly interpolated between the joint and intact material. 

Learn more about GeoStudio SLOPE/W

Licensing Options

GeoStudio now supports three licensing types:

  • Legacy FlexNet
  • Seequent ID
  • Bentley Connect (for E365 customers)

A License System selection tool allows users to select the desired License System or to easily move from one License System to another. 

Additional Resources

BUILD3D Fundamentals course

Those looking to create 3D geometries and analyses in GeoStudio can access the new BUILD3D course available in the Seequent learning portal. This course covers the methods for importing various geometry file types, creating and modifying 3D geometry items, defining the 3D mesh, and interpreting 3D results. 

Visit GeoStudio Online Learning Freely Available Courses

Slope Stability Verification Manual

A new Slope Stability Verification Manual is available. This document comprises dozens of analyses testing various scenarios and compares the simulated results with published studies and analytical solutions. 

Updated Compound FLOW example

The updated Compound Strength example file demonstrates the new functionality of this material model. 

New 3D FLOW example

The new 3D FLOW example simulates chemical volatilization of trichloroethylene from a shallow contaminated groundwater table into cracks in the basement of an overlying 3D building. 



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