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 Simulasi 3D analisis Rembesan Bendungan dengan geo studio versi 2023.1

GeoStudio 2023.1

GeoStudio 2023.1 (600 MB)

Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Maret 2023


GeoStudio 2023.1 (600 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Maret 2023

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    Tingkatkan kemampuan analisis stabilitas lereng Anda dengan GeoStudio 2023.1 yang baru dirilis! Rilis ini menyertakan produk terbaru dalam portofolio GeoStudio, SLOPE3D, yang memberdayakan Anda untuk melakukan analisis stabilitas lereng 3D yang disempurnakan. Metode penyelesaian lanjutan SLOPE3D, pendekatan 2D/3D terintegrasi, dan integrasi uniknya dengan produk Seequent dapat memberikan desain geoteknik yang lebih efisien dan andal.

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Fitur: Impor Volume Model Geologi OBJ untuk Pembuatan Geometri 3D. Menghasilkan geometri analisis dengan cepat menggunakan file data dari paket eksternal, dengan mengimpor output model geologis yang bersih dan menyatu dalam format file OBJ.
  • Fitur: Jala latar belakang sekarang dapat didefinisikan sebagai dinamis, yang memungkinkannya menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan pada objek geometri induknya.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan indikator arah kardinal ke tampilan widget orientasi untuk membantu orientasi geometri umum dan penentuan arah kemiringan dan kemiringan menggunakan model material kekuatan majemuk.
  • Ubah: Kisi orientasi sekarang meluas tanpa batas pada kanvas tampilan untuk membantu menggambar geometri.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus ketika Wajah Kondisi Batas dipilih di Penjelajah Geometri di mana wajah yang dipilih tidak disorot dengan warna material dan Tidak ada yang ditampilkan sebagai kondisi batas yang ditetapkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus selama Sketsa - pengeditan 2D di mana beberapa objek sketsa tidak dapat dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus di mana badan tidak dapat dipilih di area grafik selama operasi pengeditan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Diperbaiki sebagai crash sesekali setelah menggabungkan Volume Model Geologi (GMV) yang diimpor.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki penghapusan mesh latar belakang dan operasi lain agar tidak memengaruhi mesh latar belakang di geometri lain dalam file proyek.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus di mana pembuatan mesh tidak terjadi untuk Volume Model Geologi (GMV) jika opsi Gunakan mesh Default ditetapkan dan GMV diimpor untuk kedua kalinya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kerusakan saat membuka file proyek yang tidak memiliki jala latar belakang di folder hasilnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki pencegahan pemilihan ulang file lain jika Import 2D Sections - From File operation melaporkan pesan file yang tidak valid.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki pengecatan elemen padat sesekali dengan warna acak dan visibilitas acak setelah pembuatan jala.
  • Perbaikan bug: Snap to body tidak berfungsi selama pembuatan Sketch 3D di versi 2022.1.


  • Fitur: Sertakan analisis stabilitas 2D dan 3D dalam satu file proyek untuk perbandingan hasil yang cepat.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan opsi konvergensi Volume Permukaan Slip Minimum ke SLOPE/W.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kerusakan saat melihat hasil untuk analisis SLOPE/W yang mendapatkan tekanan air pori dari permukaan piezometrik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kerusakan saat melihat hasil gabungan SEEP/W dengan analisis SLOPE/W yang berisi wilayah kosong.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kesalahan penyelesaian SLOPE/W untuk digabungkan SLOPE/W dengan proyek SEEP/W di mana analisis SEEP/W menggunakan tipe elemen segitiga tidak terstruktur untuk semua wilayah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jumlah maksimum pengaturan iterasi sekarang dibatasi hingga 100 untuk mencegah limpahan konvergensi. File yang ada dengan pengaturan ini lebih besar dari 100 akan disesuaikan menjadi 100 secara otomatis.
  • Perbaikan bug: View Object Information for a Geosynthetic Reinforcement tidak menampilkan semua nilai dengan benar saat beban tarik dihitung dari tekanan overburden di versi 2022.1.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kontur variabilitas spasial tidak ditampilkan dengan benar di Tampilan Hasil, tetapi benar di Tampilan Geometri, di versi 2022.1.


  • Perbaikan bug: Bidang aktivasi PWP tidak tersedia untuk masuk di beberapa model material.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus di mana melihat informasi hasil sinar memilih titik gauss yang salah jika node sekunder digunakan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Koreksi akumulasi regangan plastik dalam analisis SRS menggunakan model material Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, dan Ubiquitous Joint.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki pembuatan elemen melengkung di bawah tepi wilayah melingkar saat mesh dengan node sekunder digunakan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Partial Factors tidak diterapkan pada kekuatan tarik dalam analisis SRS menggunakan model material Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, dan Ubiquitous Joint.
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter status model Mohr-Coulomb salah disetel ulang jika analisis Koreksi Stres atau Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan diasuh ke analisis jenis yang sama.
  • Perbaikan bug: Plot atau kontur parameter keadaan seperti rasio pori atau ukuran permukaan hasil akan menunjukkan nilai yang salah pada antarmuka tanah dan tepi domain.


  • Fitur: Model Material yang Diperbarui untuk Peningkatan Analisis Perpindahan Panas. Implementasi model bahan termal yang disederhanakan dalam TEMP/W dan TEMP3D telah ditingkatkan untuk lebih mengakomodasi perubahan sifat selama kondisi pembekuan/pencairan.


  • Fitur: Model Material yang Diperbarui untuk Peningkatan Analisis Perpindahan Panas. Implementasi model bahan termal yang disederhanakan dalam TEMP/W dan TEMP3D telah ditingkatkan untuk lebih mengakomodasi perubahan sifat selama kondisi pembekuan/pencairan.

Semua produk

  • Perbaikan bug: Menganalisis dengan induk tetapi yang mendapatkan kondisi awal dari permukaan piezometrik menampilkan hasil tekanan air pori induk alih-alih tekanan air pori dari permukaan piezometrik saat Langkah 0 dipilih dalam daftar Langkah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kasus ketika Kondisi Awal diatur untuk referensi hasil analisis GeoStudio lain dan nama analisis yang direferensikan diubah mencegah penyelesaian.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki hilangnya pemilihan warna material setelah pemilihan jenis material berikutnya pada dialog Tentukan Material.
  • Perbaikan bug: Mengaktifkan tombol Ekspor/Salin/Cetak pada dialog Lihat Informasi Objek.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki crash sesekali saat menyelesaikan analisis.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki hang sesekali selama startup GeoStudio terkait dengan beberapa pengaturan lisensi.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki salin dan tempel Poin dalam dialog Permukaan Piezometrik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kerusakan yang terputus-putus saat beralih cepat di antara analisis dalam tampilan Hasil. Pohon analisis sekarang dinonaktifkan hingga pemuatan selesai.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki Salin dan Tempel untuk model material Add-In.
  • Perbaikan bug: Peningkatan interpolasi PWP bagian 2D dari hasil FE 3D. Dalam rilis ini, kami meningkatkan penyempurnaan mesh yang digunakan untuk menghitung PWP dalam 2D ​​berdasarkan perkiraan kerapatan mesh dari mesh FE 3D sumber.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2022

GeoStudio 2022.1

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    Alur kerja geoteknik lebih lancar dari sebelumnya dengan GeoStudio 2022.1 yang baru dirilis! Rilis ini menyertakan fitur dan fungsionalitas utama untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pemodelan 3D dan menyempurnakan analisis stabilitas lereng melalui SLOPE/W.

    Lisensi lebih fleksibel dari sebelumnya. Dengan rilis ini, GeoStudio mendukung tiga jenis lisensi, memungkinkan transisi yang mudah antara Sistem Lisensi, dan sekarang tersedia untuk akun perusahaan Bentley melalui E365.

Semua produk

  • Fitur: GeoStudio sekarang mendukung tiga jenis lisensi: (1) lisensi FlexNet lama; (2) Lisensi ID yang terlihat; dan (3) Lisensi Bentley Connect untuk pelanggan E365. Alat pemilihan Sistem Lisensi memungkinkan pengguna GeoStudio untuk memilih Sistem Lisensi yang diinginkan atau dengan mudah berpindah dari satu Sistem Lisensi ke Sistem Lisensi lainnya.
  • Perubahan: Pelabelan Permukaan piezometrik digunakan secara umum di seluruh UI dalam 2D ​​dan 3D dan di seluruh jenis analisis yang menggantikan garis permukaan air, garis piezometrik, dan istilah terkait serupa.
  • Perubahan: Analisis dalam tampilan pohon GeoStudio sekarang diurutkan secara numerik jika berisi angka.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, gambar yang diimpor dari file CAD 3D tidak diorientasikan dengan cara yang sama seperti geometri yang diimpor dari file yang sama.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa nilai y hilang saat menyalin data dari grafik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pengubahan ukuran grafik bisa sangat lambat, bahkan butuh beberapa menit untuk menggambar ulang sendiri.
  • Perbaikan bug: Unit untuk beberapa parameter di Draw Graph berbeda dari yang diatur di View Units.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika dua nama analisis berbeda hanya dengan karakter non-alfanumerik (seperti titik), satu akan gagal dipecahkan dan/atau hasil dari satu akan muncul di yang lain.
  • Perbaikan bug: Di Gambar Kontur saat di Tata Letak Halaman dan Tampilan Hasil, dua legenda muncul di halaman.
  • Perbaikan bug: Fit to Viewport gagal jika ada sesuatu yang dipilih dalam mode Sketsa.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kondisi tertentu, GeoStudio mogok saat membuka file yang ditingkatkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok dalam beberapa kasus saat mengekspor sebagai versi sebelumnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Ketika batas muka wilayah (diterapkan ke semua node di suatu wilayah) diterapkan ke elemen garis antarmuka, terkadang batas yang benar tidak ditetapkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat komputer ditidurkan atau dibiarkan semalaman dan menggunakan lisensi Seequent ID, ini dapat menghasilkan sejumlah besar pesan kesalahan.

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Fitur: Aplikasi pembuatan geometri 3D BUILD3D kini hadir di jendela utama GeoStudio, menyederhanakan alur kerja 3D. Peningkatan ini membawa pemodelan 3D di GeoStudio lebih dekat ke pengalaman 2D.
  • Fitur: Penugasan material cepat dengan Volume Model Geologi yang diimpor dari Leapfrog melalui Seequent Central ke objek geometri parametrik 3D. Alur kerja ini memudahkan untuk memetakan geologi yang kompleks untuk menganalisis geometri, menghilangkan kebutuhan untuk membuat permukaan parametrik yang kompleks untuk menangkap batas stratigrafi.
  • Fitur: Perintah undo dan redo sekarang tersedia untuk membuat dan memodifikasi geometri 3D.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan kemampuan untuk mengukur jarak antar titik menggunakan alat penggaris.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tugas Impor Profil di Manajer Tugas BUILD3D tidak pernah selesai saat mengimpor file yang rusak atau kosong.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, kondisi batas yang diterapkan pada wajah bersama tidak diterapkan pada mesh.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, kondisi batas dapat diterapkan secara tidak benar ke fitur yang tidak ditekan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, geometri 2D yang dihasilkan dari bagian yang dibuat di BUILD3D kehilangan garis atau memiliki garis tambahan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, kisi latar belakang menghilang saat mengedit profil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Ukuran sel di kisi latar belakang berubah saat tampilan digeser.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menekan Enter saat mengedit bidang di jendela Properties sebenarnya menekan tombol OK di jendela berlabuh yang terpisah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat menyesuaikan permukaan dengan jerat latar belakang tertentu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat memilih mesh permukaan untuk digunakan sebagai permukaan piezometrik, daftar permukaan juga menyertakan GMV, meskipun tidak sesuai sebagai permukaan piezometrik.


  • Fitur: Metode Pencarian Cuckoo dapat digunakan untuk mencari permukaan slip melingkar di SLOPE/W. Metode pencarian ini merupakan upaya yang tidak memihak untuk menemukan permukaan slip kritis. Ini bermanfaat untuk mengidentifikasi mode kegagalan kritis dalam geologi kompleks dan/atau domain besar. Metode pencarian ini juga dapat mengidentifikasi bagian domain yang membutuhkan analisis tambahan.
  • Fitur: Model material Kekuatan Senyawa awalnya mengharuskan pengguna untuk memasukkan sudut awal dan akhir yang membatasi kemiringan bidang. Model Compound Strength yang ditingkatkan sekarang memungkinkan masuknya sudut dip secara langsung dan dua rentang di sekitar dip, di mana kekuatan diinterpolasi secara linier antara sambungan dan material utuh. Perubahan penting lainnya adalah material utuh dipilih dari daftar material yang ada dan hanya diskontinuitas yang harus ditentukan dalam tabel parameter sambungan.
  • Fitur: Dalam material Kekuatan Kompon, material utuh sekarang dipilih dari daftar material yang ada dan hanya diskontinuitas yang harus ditentukan dalam tabel parameter sambungan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam View Slice Information untuk lereng Kanan ke Kiri, tombol panah kanan dan kiri mengarah ke arah yang salah.


  • Fitur: Permukaan piezometric dapat diimpor menggunakan perintah Import Background Mesh di BUILD3D. Permukaan piezometric yang diimpor dapat digunakan untuk menentukan kondisi tekanan air pori awal dalam analisis SEEP3D.


  • Perbaikan bug: Tegangan rata-rata gambar model konstitutif NorSand sedang diinisialisasi secara tidak akurat jika garis keadaan kritis diwakili oleh idealisasi semi-logaritmik dan parameter keadaan awal Psi (atau rasio pori) ditentukan sedemikian rupa sehingga tanahnya padat.
  • Perbaikan bug: Koreksi terhadap kalkulasi cutoff tegangan pada model Mohr-Coulomb, Hoek-Brown, Ubiquitous Joint. Titik tegangan dikembalikan ke partisi yang salah antara permukaan luluh geser dan tegangan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa parameter status dari beberapa model material tidak disetel ulang jika analisis Koreksi Stres atau Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan adalah induk dari analisis Deformasi-Beban atau Konsolidasi.


  • Perbaikan bug: Perkiraan radiasi matahari tidak tepat pada garis lintang di dalam lingkaran kutub.

Kamis, 2 Desember 2021

GeoStudio 2021.4

GeoStudio 2021.4 (92.2 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Desember 2021

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 11.3.0 - 02 Desember 2021 - GeoStudio 2021.4 melanjutkan perjalanan kami menuju digital twin dengan interoperabilitas yang lebih besar antara pemodelan geologi Leapfrog dan analisis geoteknik GeoStudio dengan alur kerja beberapa bagian yang baru. Benamkan diri Anda dalam 3D dengan GeoStudio 3D FLOW baru, menggabungkan semua analisis CTRAN3D dan AIR3D baru dengan SEEP3D dan TEMP3D yang ada dan produk 2D yang sesuai untuk lebih banyak fleksibilitas dalam pemodelan lingkungan.

    • versi 11.3.1 - 27 Jan 2022 - Rilis ini meningkatkan daya tanggap dan memperbaiki beberapa bug. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 11.3.2 - 08 Agustus 2022 - Rilis ini memperbaiki satu masalah khusus yang memengaruhi beberapa orang yang menggunakan lisensi Seequent ID. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang menggunakan lisensi Seequent ID.

    GeoStudio 2021.4 melanjutkan perjalanan kami menuju kembaran digital dengan interoperabilitas yang lebih besar antara pemodelan geologi Leapfrog dan analisis geoteknik GeoStudio dengan alur kerja beberapa bagian yang baru. Benamkan diri Anda dalam 3D dengan GeoStudio 3D FLOW baru, menggabungkan semua analisis CTRAN3D dan AIR3D baru dengan SEEP3D dan TEMP3D yang ada dan produk 2D yang sesuai untuk lebih banyak fleksibilitas dalam pemodelan lingkungan.


    • GeoStudio 3D FLOW Bundle sekarang tersedia, menambahkan pengangkutan kontaminan 3D dan aliran udara dengan CTRAN3D dan AIR3D.

    • Interoperabilitas tambahan dengan Leapfrog melalui Seequent Central.

    • Peningkatan kinerja dan model material baru di SIGMA/W.

    • interoperabilitas BUILD3D dengan Leapfrog melalui Seequent Central.


    • Ini adalah rilis GeoStudio terakhir yang mendukung Windows 7 dan Windows 8.1. Windows 8 tidak didukung.

    • Untuk pengguna lisensi jaringan, server lisensi jaringan (lmadmin) perlu diperbarui ke rilis terbaru untuk bekerja dengan versi GeoStudio ini.

Tingkat Dukungan untuk Versi GeoStudio Sebelumnya

    • Dukungan untuk GeoStudio 2016 dan 2018 akan dihentikan dan secara teori semua unduhan, artikel dukungan, pelatihan khusus untuk versi ini dapat dihapus dari situs web

    • Dukungan untuk GeoStudio 2018 R2 akan beralih ke Dukungan Layanan Mandiri

    • Dukungan untuk GeoStudio 2019 dan 2019 R2 akan dipindahkan ke Reduced Support

Semua produk

  • Fitur: Server lisensi jaringan (lmadmin) telah diperbarui ke versi
  • Fitur: Dengan lisensi berbasis Seequent ID, lisensi Bernama dan Bersama kini dapat digabungkan.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan keamanan
  • Perubahan: Alat baris perintah (seperti file batch untuk membangun) tidak lagi disediakan dengan Add-In SDK.
  • Perbaikan bug: Membatalkan langkah-langkah setelah menggambar beberapa titik menggunakan Draw Regions menghasilkan geometri yang salah, titik baru ditambahkan ke tengah geometri, bukan di akhir, dan kesalahan mengklaim bahwa geometri berpotongan sendiri meskipun tidak secara visual.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat berada di Page Layout, memodifikasi "Starting Contour Value" dan "Increment by" (tidak menggunakan Auto Range) akan menghasilkan nilai yang berbeda secara drastis.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat legenda ditampilkan, Perbesar ke Objek dapat memperkecil terlalu jauh.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kerusakan dapat terjadi jika 'setel ulang parameter status' tidak aktif dan model material yang dianggap berasal dari wilayah tertentu berbeda dari yang ada di Analisis Induk. GeoStudio sekarang menyetel ulang parameter keadaan semua bahan yang berbeda dari analisis Induk.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet saat menggambar wilayah melingkar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika satu Add-In mereferensikan yang lain, hasilnya mungkin salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat mencetak grafik, hanya data yang dicetak, bukan grafik itu sendiri.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menerapkan penghalang yang tidak dapat ditembus ke wilayah terapung dapat menyebabkan GeoStudio mogok.
  • Perbaikan bug: Geometri yang diimpor dari file gsz lain selalu diimpor sebagai metrik, menghasilkan koordinat yang salah jika file lain sebenarnya adalah metrik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Penghalang yang tidak dapat ditembus ditampilkan meskipun tidak diaktifkan untuk analisis tertentu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Hasil mungkin salah jika ada node yang tumpang tindih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Hasil mungkin salah jika ada node batas yang tumpang tindih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kesalahan "Tidak dapat menemukan lisensi" saat membuat analisis baru saat dalam mode Pelajar atau Dasar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa kegagalan lisensi Seequent ID akan tetap ada bahkan setelah kondisi kesalahan diperbaiki, hingga GeoStudio dimulai ulang.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kesalahan FileLoadException Microsoft .NET Framework terjadi saat menginstal GeoStudio.
  • Perbaikan bug: Penataan gagal dengan "0x80070643: Kesalahan fatal selama penginstalan."

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Fitur: Memperkenalkan CTRAN3D untuk analisis transpor kontaminasi 3D.
  • Fitur: Memperkenalkan AIR3D untuk analisis aliran udara 3D.
  • Fitur: Impor beberapa penampang 2D yang diterbitkan oleh Leapfrog ke Seequent Central.
  • Fitur: Impor penampang 2D dari DXF/DWG.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan kinerja beralih ke tampilan hasil. Beberapa masalah 3D 2x lebih cepat untuk mengalihkan tampilan dari rilis sebelumnya.
  • Fitur: Mempertimbangkan transformasi sketsa saat membuat badan permukaan dari sketsa.
  • Fitur: Tombol "Sesuaikan titik dasar" baru menghitung ulang titik dasar objek yang diimpor.
  • Fitur: Tambahkan opsi "Angka signifikan untuk penyederhanaan toleransi yang diskalakan" untuk semua fitur yang menghasilkan geometri 2d.
  • Fitur: Sorot bidang untuk bagian rencana yang dipilih.
  • Fitur: Hanya menampilkan tepi luar dalam tampilan mesh dalam mode wireframe.
  • Fitur: Perintah "Muat Ulang Semua" baru, memungkinkan memuat ulang semua fitur yang mendukung muat ulang.
  • Fitur: Perintah Fit Surface sekarang memiliki kemampuan untuk menunjukkan penyimpangan permukaan yang dihasilkan dari sumber.
  • Fitur: Bagian 2D yang diimpor dapat digunakan sebagai referensi bidang.
  • Fitur: Sorot entitas yang dipilih dalam tampilan grafik dari dialog log tugas.
  • Fitur: Perintah baru untuk membuat jala latar belakang dari wajah yang dipilih.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan UI untuk menyetel ulang titik dasar widget transformasi secara manual yang digunakan dalam perintah impor.
  • Fitur: Periksa geometri yang tidak valid untuk impor profil dari STEP/IGES.
  • Fitur: Sekarang dimungkinkan untuk menyorot/memilih dalam pratinjau semua geometri baru/yang dimodifikasi selama pengeditan fitur.
  • Ubah: Properti bagian geometri telah dipindahkan ke lembar properti. Misalnya, Terjemahkan vertikal/horizontal, Panjang tepi.
  • Perubahan: Penetapan BC untuk Sheet/Wire/Vertex selalu disebarkan dari body ke turunan terdekat, yaitu permukaan->wajah, garis->tepi.
  • Ubah: Hitung elemen solid hanya untuk status perintah Generate Mesh.
  • Ubah: Perbesar agar pas dengan tampilan model setelah impor IGES/STEP.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki pesan kesalahan "Tidak Ada Hasil" yang tidak perlu saat mencoba menampilkan hasil kosong.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki regenerasi model yang tidak perlu untuk dokumen baru.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki kerusakan untuk perintah Fit Surface to Points yang disebabkan oleh titik duplikat.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki masalah yang menyebabkan fitur Bagian dapat menghasilkan garis ekstra dalam geometri 2d.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki masalah yang menyebabkan fitur Potong dapat mengabaikan argumen jika sepenuhnya diserap oleh alat.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki masalah pemilihan profil setelah menekan/melepas profil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dialog latar belakang mesh "Pilih Proyek Pusat" tidak memilih ulang "terbaru" saat diluncurkan berikutnya. Bug ini juga menyebabkan tombol "Muat Ulang" untuk latar belakang tidak memuat mesh dari revisi sentral terbaru saat "terbaru" dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas menghilang setelah mengkloning atau mengganti nama analisis.
  • Perbaikan bug: Isosurfaces mungkin salah jika nilai dasarnya tidak menggunakan unit standarnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: BUILD3D mogok saat membuat dan mengganti nama bagian 2D yang dibuat dari beberapa geometri 3D.


  • Fitur: Peningkatan kinerja yang signifikan telah dilakukan, khususnya untuk analisis SRS dan konsolidasi, menghasilkan peningkatan kecepatan 2-3x saat penyelesaian.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan model tutup tanah lunak, subset yang disederhanakan dari model tanah pengerasan.
  • Fitur: Model SANICLAY direvisi oleh pembuatnya pada tahun 2013, untuk mengatasi kurangnya keunikan CSL pada model aslinya. Model yang direvisi ini telah ditambahkan ke SIGMA/W sebagai SANICLAY RH 2013.
  • Fitur: Inisialisasi parameter status SANICLAY telah diperbaiki jika tanah terkonsolidasi berlebihan (yaitu OCR > 1). Perubahan prosedur inisialisasi ini akan mengubah hasil simulasi jika tanah memiliki OCR > 1,0.
  • Fitur: Hitungan Iterasi Stres vs. grafik SRF ditambahkan secara default untuk analisis stabilitas pengurangan kekuatan.
  • Fitur: Hasil yang dihitung pada balok dapat diplot vs. SRF.
  • Fitur: Model CamClay yang Dimodifikasi sekarang akan memungkinkan memplot ukuran permukaan hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Grafik nilai dari elemen struktural memiliki sumbu x Waktu daripada Faktor Pengurangan Kekuatan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter kekuatan NorSand dapat diatur ke nilai di luar kisaran yang benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Koreksi Stres dan Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan (SRS) menganalisis meremehkan vektor pemaksaan sisi kanan yang terkait dengan koreksi stres. Dalam kasus analisis SRS, faktor reduksi kekuatan (yaitu "faktor keamanan") diremehkan dan solusinya seringkali ambigu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika modulus elastisitas adalah fungsi yang sangat non-linear dari tekanan efektif-y, pemecah dapat berhenti sebelum waktunya dan hasilnya salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Di Draw Plastic States, tampilan tidak diperbarui saat kolom Parameter diubah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa parameter konvergensi dapat dibiarkan kosong, menghasilkan jawaban yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Waktu berlalu yang tercantum dalam tampilan hierarki analisis mungkin salah dalam beberapa kasus.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menghasilkan node yang tumpang tindih untuk penghalang kedap air di sepanjang tepi yang memiliki elemen nol di satu sisinya dapat menghasilkan hasil yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah salah mengembalikan kesalahan "Aktivasi material tidak terdefinisi atau tidak sinkron dengan kondisi awal" untuk analisis konsolidasi yang tidak terkuras.


  • Perbaikan bug: Model Mohr-Coulomb Spasial kadang-kadang dapat menghasilkan kesalahan "Material" nama "memiliki nilai Kohesi dan/atau Phi yang tidak terdefinisi" meskipun model ini tidak memiliki properti kohesi atau phi.


  • Fitur: Kondisi batas kepala total vs volume bisa salah bila digunakan dengan jaring yang mengandung elemen dengan node sekunder.


  • Perbaikan bug: Jika opsi Heat Transfer di pengaturan analisis tidak aktif, properti batas termal masih ditampilkan di View Object Information.

    Rilis ini meningkatkan daya tanggap dan memperbaiki beberapa bug. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    Rilis ini memperbaiki satu masalah khusus yang memengaruhi beberapa orang yang menggunakan lisensi Seequent ID. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang menggunakan lisensi Seequent ID.

Semua produk

  • Perbaikan bug: Saat memperoleh lisensi langganan bersama menggunakan Seequent ID dan memilih opsi Saat aplikasi sedang berjalan, GeoStudio berulang kali merilis lisensi dan meminta untuk mendapatkannya kembali.

Rabu, 16 Juni 2021

GeoStudio 2021.3

GeoStudio 2021.3 (91.4 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Juni 2021

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 11.2.0 - 16 Juni 2021 - Berdasarkan rilis GeoStudio sebelumnya yang memperkenalkan GeoStudio Core dan SIGMA/W yang diformulasi ulang sepenuhnya, rilis 2021.3 kami memperluas kemampuan ini. Perluasan pustaka model material SIGMA/W dan SLOPE/W, serta peningkatan konvergensi pemecah untuk masalah yang sangat tidak linier di SLOPE/W, memungkinkan Anda meningkatkan produktivitas dan kepercayaan diri melalui analisis yang diperluas. Kami secara komersial menawarkan lisensi berbasis Seequent ID, dan kami juga memiliki interoperabilitas pertama kami dengan Leapfrog via Central. Akhirnya, alur kerja 3D yang ditingkatkan dengan transformasi koordinat bernama dan pemasangan permukaan yang ditingkatkan akan memberikan pengalaman pemodelan yang tidak ada duanya!

    • versi 11.2.1 - 02 September 2021 - Rilis ini melengkapi terjemahan ke semua bahasa yang didukung, menyederhanakan pemberian lisensi melalui Seequent ID, termasuk peningkatan SIGMA/W, serta beberapa perbaikan bug. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 11.2.1 - 02 September 2021 - Rilis ini melengkapi terjemahan ke semua bahasa yang didukung, menyederhanakan pemberian lisensi melalui Seequent ID, termasuk peningkatan SIGMA/W, serta beberapa perbaikan bug. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 11.2.2 - 14 September 2021 - Rilis ini memperbaiki bug yang memengaruhi orang yang menggunakan lisensi FlexNet bersama dengan lisensi Seequent ID. Kami merekomendasikan siapa pun untuk memutakhirkan yang terpengaruh oleh bug ini.


    GeoStudio 2021.3 semakin memperluas cakupan masalah yang dapat ditanganinya untuk analisis stres dan stabilitas, serta menambahkan peningkatan interoperabilitas ke BUILD3D.

    • Dukungan untuk dua model material baru, Hardening Soil dan SANICLAY, telah ditambahkan ke SIGMA/W, bersamaan dengan peningkatan pada NorSand.

    • Dalam SLOPE/W, model material Kekuatan Kompon sekarang tersedia, fungsi Estimasi Geser/Normal telah diubah menjadi model kekuatan konstitutif Hoek-Brown berfitur lengkap yang baru, dan analisis memiliki opsi untuk menyertakan skema Under-Relaxation.

    • Kemampuan 3D GeoStudio terus meningkat dengan pengalaman pengguna dan peningkatan interoperabilitas untuk BUILD3D termasuk transformasi koordinat bernama pada impor dan ekspor, bersama dengan implementasi baru dari pemasang permukaan NURBS ke mesh yang diimpor. Peningkatan kinerja telah dilakukan untuk memastikan daya tanggap selama pembuatan geometri.

    • GeoStudio mendukung lisensi Seequent ID sekaligus mempertahankan dukungan untuk lisensi FlexNet yang ada.

Semua produk

  • Fitur: Lisensi Seequent ID kini tersedia, sekaligus mempertahankan dukungan untuk lisensi FlexNet yang ada. Seequent ID mengonfirmasi siapa Anda, hak lisensi yang Anda miliki, dan mengizinkan koneksi ke Seequent Central untuk mengimpor permukaan ke BUILD3D.
  • Fitur: Halaman Awal GeoStudio menyertakan tautan untuk MySeequent Learning Pathways.
  • Fitur: GeoStudio menggunakan https alih-alih http untuk tautan web dan layanan web.
  • Ubah: GeoStudio sekarang menginstal secara default ke folder yang sama dengan perangkat lunak Seequent lainnya.
  • Perubahan: Alat baris perintah tidak lagi disediakan dengan Add-In SDK.
  • Ubah: Tooltip di Draw Graph terkunci ke titik terdekat dengan kursor alih-alih mengikuti sumbu x.
  • Ubah: Zoom maksimum bergantung pada jangkauan geometris domain. Batas zoom sekarang menjadi nilai tetap.
  • Perbaikan bug: Variabel Konten Air Volumetik yang tidak digunakan terlihat di View Object Information.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tombol "Terapkan" di dialog Impor File mengimpor lapisan yang salah dari file dxf Vulcan saat beberapa "berlaku" diminta dengan kumpulan lapisan berbeda yang dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memilih beberapa garis geometri di Gambar Grafik yang menyertakan lingkaran dapat menyebabkan urutan titik grafik yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memisahkan wilayah melalui lingkaran mengambang menghasilkan jaring yang tidak valid.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat mengimpor CSV dengan banyak kolom.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa titik tidak berada dalam rentang grafik bahkan dengan opsi Gunakan Skala Otomatis.
  • Perbaikan bug: Draw Mesh Properties hilang tombol Cancel untuk memungkinkan penghentian pembuatan mesh.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat mengimpor wilayah DXF dan DWG saat penyederhanaan digunakan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Urutan analisis di Solve Explorer dapat tidak sinkron dengan urutan pohon Project Explorer setelah analisis diganti namanya.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin menjadi non-responsif untuk waktu yang lama dan/atau melaporkan kesalahan memori jika nilai nol atau negatif dimasukkan dalam Properti Draw Mesh untuk nilai "Rasio Ukuran Default" dari panjang tepi.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat menyelesaikan ketika Lokasi Grafik diterapkan ke garis dengan penghalang kedap air dalam kondisi tertentu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam Teks Sketsa, saat menempatkan daftar bahan, kotak dengan warna bahan tumpang tindih dengan teks.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kesalahan FileLoadException Microsoft .NET Framework terjadi saat menginstal GeoStudio.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat membuka file di Tampilan Tata Letak.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kerusakan dapat terjadi jika "Setel ulang parameter status" tidak aktif dan model material yang dianggap berasal dari wilayah tertentu berbeda dari yang ada di Analisis Induk. GeoStudio sekarang menyetel ulang parameter keadaan semua bahan yang berbeda dari analisis Induk.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat memilih model Add-In Fungsi Batas Hidraulik tertentu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Daerah terapung melingkar yang tumpang tindih dengan banyak daerah latar belakang tidak memisahkan daerah latar belakang dengan benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Membatalkan langkah-langkah setelah menggambar banyak titik menggunakan Draw Regions menghasilkan masalah geometri.

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Fitur: Melalui Seequent Central, permukaan 3D dapat diimpor dari proyek Leapfrog ke BUILD3D.
  • Fitur: Alat transformasi baru yang sederhana memberikan kemampuan untuk memutar, menskalakan, atau menerjemahkan jaring dan geometri untuk mengimpor dan mengekspor dengan mudah ke dan dari BUILD3D. Pengaturan transformasi dapat diberi nama dan digunakan kembali.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan pembuatan permukaan NURBS dari mesh berbasis segitiga atau quad yang diimpor dan juga data point cloud.
  • Fitur: Impor permukaan berbasis segitiga dan quad-mesh dari Seequent Central, DXF/DWG, atau STL dan gunakan fitur pemasangan permukaan parametrik baru yang kuat yang secara efisien menyesuaikan permukaan dengan kumpulan data besar. Beberapa jaring permukaan dapat diimpor secara bersamaan dari satu sumber.
  • Fitur: Berikan pesan deskriptif untuk kasus persimpangan selama pembuatan mesh.
  • Fitur: Gunakan unit tampilan untuk sumber tanpa unit dalam perintah impor/ekspor.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan kinerja untuk memilih objek dalam tampilan definisi.
  • Fitur: Konversi satuan yang ditingkatkan untuk semua bidang numerik di UI.
  • Fitur: Perintah baru untuk mengimpor jala latar belakang dari Seequent Central.
  • Fitur: Tampilkan sub-jaring untuk mesh latar belakang dengan properti individual.
  • Fitur: Petunjuk yang ditingkatkan untuk input perintah yang diperlukan.
  • Fitur: Sakelar pilihan baru untuk pesawat. Tampilkan semua pesawat saat sakelar ini AKTIF.
  • Fitur: Pisahkan kurva sketsa secara otomatis saat jepret.
  • Perubahan: Peningkatan stabilitas untuk geometri 2D yang dihasilkan dari bagian.
  • Perbaikan bug: Diperlukan beberapa Undo untuk menghapus langkah Undo yang dibuat di BUILD3D.
  • Perbaikan bug: Judul Grafik tidak selalu diperbarui saat membuat perubahan di Gambar Grafik.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio terkadang mogok saat keluar saat analisis 3D ditampilkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Masalah toleransi dengan lokasi di dekat batas domain.
  • Perbaikan bug: Hapus perintah tidak berfungsi untuk menghapus kondisi material/batas.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pembuatan jaring yang salah untuk tepi dengan panjang tepi elemen yang ditetapkan.


  • Fitur: Menambahkan model material Kekuatan Senyawa. Model ditentukan dengan memilih model kekuatan lain untuk setiap rentang sudut dasar irisan yang ditentukan, menjadikannya ideal untuk mensimulasikan efek anisotropi kekuatan dan massa batuan yang disambung.
  • Fitur: Opsi skema Under-Relaxation kini tersedia saat menentukan analisis.
  • Fitur: Model kekuatan Hoek-Brown, yang sebelumnya diimplementasikan sebagai Fungsi Estimasi Geser/Normal, sekarang menjadi model konstitutif berfitur lengkap. Kekuatan batuan diestimasi dalam bentuk tegangan utama mayor dan minor menggunakan konstanta model klasik atau alternatif.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kontur PWP tidak muncul di Tampilan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat menghapus Fungsi Geser/Normal atau memecahkan contoh meskipun bahan yang digunakan bukan tipe Geser/Normal.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah macet saat menyelesaikan, menghasilkan pesan kesalahan "Pipa telah berakhir".
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis dengan bala bantuan pabrikan tidak menampilkan properti penguatan di Lihat Informasi Objek di Tampilan Hasil.


  • Fitur: Kondisi batas Interaksi Tanah-Iklim sekarang menyediakan kemampuan untuk memungkinkan penguapan selama peristiwa curah hujan.
  • Fitur: Perubahan densitas uap sekarang memperhitungkan perubahan tekanan uap jenuh sehubungan dengan suhu.


  • Fitur: Menambahkan model material SANICLAY, untuk menganalisis perilaku tanah lunak. Model SANICLAY dibangun di atas kerangka model Modified Cam Clay, dengan fitur tambahan yang meningkatkan kemampuannya untuk menangkap perilaku kunci dari tanah yang terkompresi normal dan terkonsolidasi berlebih, terutama untuk lempung terkonsolidasi anisotropik. Perbaikan meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada, kemampuan untuk mensimulasikan pelunakan di bawah kompresi tak terdrainase setelah konsolidasi K0.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan model material Hardening Soil, untuk menganalisis perilaku tanah granular, berbutir halus, dan bahkan lunak. Model dapat diparameterisasi menggunakan uji laboratorium dan lapangan standar atau rumus empiris. Model dapat mensimulasikan pengerasan regangan, variasi dilatasi dengan regangan, dan kekakuan pra-kegagalan nonlinier.
  • Fitur: Material NorSand sekarang dapat diinisialisasi menggunakan parameter status dan modulus geser yang bergantung pada rasio kekosongan.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan kemungkinan untuk Menggambar plot Kontur dengan kekuatan termobilisasi (eta/M) untuk setiap model tanah yang dibangun di atas kerangka mekanika tanah keadaan kritis.
  • Fitur: Add-in model material yang diaktifkan kembali untuk SIGMA/W.
  • Fitur: Permukaan rembesan potensial telah dioptimalkan dengan mengetahui statusnya dalam analisis induk. Perubahan ini dapat menghasilkan pengurangan yang cukup besar dalam waktu penyelesaian dalam analisis sementara yang melibatkan hubungan orangtua-anak, yang sangat umum dalam analisis Konsolidasi SIGMA/W.
  • Perbaikan bug: Simulasi yang melibatkan penggalian (yaitu, wilayah yang dinonaktifkan) menghasilkan hasil yang salah jika elemen di wilayah yang dinonaktifkan hanya memiliki satu node yang menyentuh antarmuka dengan wilayah aktif, atau jika node yang tumpang tindih atau elemen antarmuka digunakan di sepanjang batas tersebut.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menerapkan elemen antarmuka di sepanjang batas antara wilayah yang digali dan wilayah aktif menghasilkan hasil yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Properti material mungkin salah dalam Laporan dan Informasi Tampilan Objek saat menggunakan model Add-In.
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter kekuatan NorSand dapat diatur ke nilai di luar kisaran yang benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Langkah-langkah analisis Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan mungkin tidak ditampilkan jika tanggal awalnya besar (misalnya, lebih dari 10 tahun). Hal ini juga dapat memengaruhi analisis sementara jika peningkatan langkah waktu relatif kecil terhadap tanggal mulainya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter kekuatan NorSand dapat diatur ke nilai di luar kisaran yang benar.


  • Fitur: Perubahan densitas uap sekarang memperhitungkan perubahan tekanan uap jenuh sehubungan dengan suhu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas fluks panas yang diterapkan pada suatu titik tidak berfungsi saat fluks panas didefinisikan sebagai fungsi berbasis waktu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan Konvergensi Panas hilang dari Proyek Tentukan.

    Rilis ini melengkapi terjemahan ke dalam semua bahasa yang didukung, menyederhanakan lisensi melalui Seequent ID, termasuk peningkatan SIGMA/W, serta beberapa perbaikan bug. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

Semua produk

  • Fitur: Terjemahan telah selesai dalam semua bahasa yang didukung: Spanyol, Portugis Brasil, Prancis, Jerman, dan Cina Sederhana.
  • Fitur: Saat menggunakan banyak lisensi melalui Seequent ID, sekarang akan ada lebih sedikit petunjuk terkait lisensi.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan keamanan
  • Perbaikan bug: Geometri yang diimpor dari file gsz lain selalu diimpor sebagai metrik, menghasilkan koordinat yang salah jika file lain sebenarnya adalah metrik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Hasil mungkin salah jika ada node batas yang tumpang tindih.

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Perbaikan bug: Setelah mengimpor model geologis dari Seequent Central dan memilih "(terbaru)" sebagai ID, kali berikutnya model diimpor, "(terbaru)" tidak lagi dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dialog latar belakang mesh "Pilih Proyek Pusat" tidak memilih ulang "terbaru" saat diluncurkan berikutnya. Bug ini juga menyebabkan tombol "Muat Ulang" untuk latar belakang tidak memuat mesh dari revisi sentral terbaru saat "terbaru" dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Lokasi grafik salah setelah perubahan mesh.


  • Fitur: Peningkatan kinerja yang signifikan telah dilakukan, khususnya untuk analisis SRS dan konsolidasi, menghasilkan peningkatan kecepatan 2-3x saat penyelesaian.
  • Fitur: Balok dapat diplot vs. Faktor Reduksi Kekuatan.
  • Fitur: Hitungan Iterasi Stres vs. Grafik Faktor Pengurangan Kekuatan ditambahkan secara default untuk analisis stabilitas pengurangan kekuatan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Koreksi Stres dan Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan (SRS) menganalisis meremehkan vektor pemaksaan sisi kanan yang terkait dengan koreksi stres. Dalam kasus analisis SRS, faktor reduksi kekuatan (yaitu 'faktor keamanan') diremehkan dan solusinya seringkali ambigu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Grafik nilai dari elemen struktural memiliki sumbu x Waktu daripada Faktor Pengurangan Kekuatan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika modulus elastisitas adalah fungsi yang sangat non-linear dari tekanan efektif-y, pemecah dapat berhenti sebelum waktunya dan hasilnya salah.

    Rilis ini memperbaiki bug yang memengaruhi orang yang menggunakan lisensi FlexNet bersama dengan lisensi Seequent ID. Kami merekomendasikan siapa pun untuk memutakhirkan yang terpengaruh oleh bug ini.

Semua produk

  • Perbaikan bug: Terkadang GeoStudio tidak dapat menggunakan lisensi yang valid saat menggunakan kombinasi lisensi FlexNet dan Seequent ID.

Senin, 10 Mei 2021

GeoStudio 2021 R2

GeoStudio 2021 R2 (81,9 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Januari 2021

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 11.1.0 - 15 Jan 2021 - GeoStudio 2021 R2 memperluas cakupan masalah yang dapat dianalisis ke dalam penyimpanan tailing, perkuatan tanah, lubang terbuka dan penggalian bawah tanah, dan pembuatan terowongan, dengan menambahkan model material NorSand dan definisi tekanan lapangan, antara lain perbaikan lainnya.

    • versi 11.1.1 - 20 Jan 2021 - Ini adalah rilis minor untuk GeoStudio 2021 R2. Pembaruan ini memperbaiki masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 11.1.2 - 17 Mar 2021 - Rilis ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah spesifik di SIGMA/W. Kami merekomendasikan pemutakhiran untuk semua pengguna SIGMA/W yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 11.1.3 - 10 Mei 2021 - Rilis ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah khusus di SLOPE/W. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua pengguna SLOPE/W yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini


    GeoStudio 2021 R2 memperluas cakupan masalah yang dapat dianalisisnya menjadi penyimpanan tailing, perkuatan tanah, lubang terbuka dan penggalian bawah tanah, serta pembuatan terowongan, dengan menambahkan model material NorSand dan definisi tegangan lapangan, di antara peningkatan lainnya.

    • Model material NorSand dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis fasilitas penyimpanan tailing, tanah yang diperkuat, dan banyak kelas masalah geoteknik lainnya.

    Tegangan Lapangan dapat ditentukan dalam analisis SIGMA/W In Situ untuk mengatasi penggalian tambang terbuka, penggalian bawah tanah, dan pembuatan terowongan.

    • Perubahan BUILD3D mencakup penskalaan, penerjemahan, dan rotasi file DXF dan DWG yang diimpor dengan mudah, serta melihat atau mengekspor plot isosurface dan hasil lainnya.

    • Pustaka penguatan SLOPE/W telah diperluas.

    • Pemecah SIGMA/W dan SEEP/W membanggakan peningkatan kecepatan untuk banyak kelas masalah.

Semua produk

    Peningkatan Kinerja

  • Fitur: Peningkatan waktu penyelesaian untuk analisis Deformasi Beban dan In Situ hingga 200%.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan waktu penyelesaian dalam keadaan terikat I/O tertentu sebesar 10 hingga 45%.
  • Fitur: Peningkatan waktu penyelesaian analisis stres tertentu hingga 60%.
  • Fitur: Permukaan rembesan potensial dioptimalkan untuk mengurangi jumlah tinjauan yang diperlukan per langkah, sehingga meningkatkan waktu penyelesaian secara signifikan untuk analisis keadaan tunak dan transien yang melibatkan domain besar dan tanah tak jenuh.
  • Lainnya

  • Fitur: Mengimpor kumpulan data dari file CSV tidak mematuhi pengaturan regional sistem operasi. Mengimpor kumpulan data dari file CSV sekarang memungkinkan baris pertama CSV menjadi "sep= " Di mana dapat diganti dengan karakter yang memisahkan item dalam CSV. Misalnya "sep=", tanpa tanda kutip, mengatakan bahwa setiap item dalam file dipisahkan dengan koma. Ini adalah cara untuk menunjukkan pemisah non-standar dan bersifat opsional.
  • Fitur: Lisensi dapat dikirimkan melalui akun Seequent ID.
  • Fitur: Terjemahan Spanyol, Portugis Brasil, Prancis, Jerman, dan Mandarin Sederhana telah selesai.
  • Fitur: Penghalang kedap air ditampilkan di View Object Information.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jarak panah Ponding sangat tidak konsisten ketika garis permukaan tanah memiliki segmen kecil.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio bisa salah merender tambak di sepanjang garis dengan elemen antarmuka.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jendela Hasil Kali kadang-kadang tidak disegarkan selama pemecahan saat dalam Tampilan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tabel dan legenda sedikit berubah ukuran pada tingkat zoom yang berbeda.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jaring yang salah dibuat setelah membuat konfigurasi wilayah tertentu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter khusus dari Add-in tidak muncul di Lihat Informasi Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Add-In gagal mendapatkan nilai parameter khusus yang ditetapkan oleh Add-In lain yang berjalan di bawah fisika yang berbeda.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa jenis grafik tidak menampilkan data saat langkah waktu dalam grafik berbeda dari langkah waktu saat ini.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio memuat jaring tampilan Definisikan dalam tampilan Hasil untuk analisis 3D.
  • Perbaikan bug: Geometri dengan wilayah yang tumpang tindih tidak menghasilkan kesalahan di Verifikasi.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat menyimpan sebagai file GeoStudio 2012.
  • Perbaikan bug: File yang ditingkatkan dari GeoStudio 2007 tidak dapat memilih geometri dari Draw Graph atau tidak dapat memilih semua node yang relevan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Node yang tidak terkonvergensi ditampilkan dengan X merah di Tampilan Hasil tidak cocok dengan grafik node yang tidak terkonvergensi.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menu Redo dinonaktifkan meskipun ada item untuk diulang.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio terkadang mogok saat dipecahkan saat sudah dalam Tampilan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecahan gagal dengan kesalahan "Penghentian tak terduga dari proses server penyelesaian: Panggilan layanan sistem Windows gagal ke ReadFile(): Pipa telah berakhir."
  • Perbaikan bug: Mengimpor kumpulan data dari file CSV tidak mematuhi pengaturan regional sistem operasi.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet saat memverifikasi (sesaat sebelum penyelesaian) jika Add-In tidak ada.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menggunakan node yang tumpang tindih untuk penghalang kedap air menghasilkan jaring yang tidak valid dalam skenario tertentu.

Produk BUILD3D / 3D

  • Fitur: Mengontrol skala, terjemahan, dan rotasi saat mengimpor badan atau jerat latar belakang.
  • Fitur: Mengimpor atau mengekspor jaring permukaan dalam format DXF.
  • Fitur: Mengekspor hasil perhitungan pada node atau dari isosurface, objek geometris, atau permukaan tanah, memungkinkan pembangunan plot isosurface 3D berkualitas tinggi menggunakan produk pihak ketiga.
  • Fitur: Pratinjau saat mengimpor profil atau poin.
  • Fitur: Saat membuat grafik, sorot lokasi data sumber dalam model 3D.
  • Fitur: Menampilkan properti fitur yang sedang diedit jika tidak ada yang dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat membuat bidang dari kurva yang diimpor.
  • Perbaikan bug: Penggunaan cpu tinggi saat tidak melakukan apa-apa.
  • Perbaikan bug: Entitas sketsa tidak dapat dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Badan yang diimpor dan profil yang diimpor tidak diposisikan secara identik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Nama tab perintah tidak cocok dengan perintah.
  • Perbaikan bug: BUILD3D macet saat sketsa dan objek lain keduanya dipilih saat tombol kanan mouse diklik dan perintah Edit Plane dipilih.
  • Perbaikan bug: Warna isosurface sedikit berubah saat isosurface yang berbeda dipilih.


  • Fitur: Produk Huesker yang disertakan sebagai bala bantuan kini mencakup Geogrid MDT Huesker dan Geogrid Tensar RE.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah macet saat menyelesaikan beberapa analisis dengan Add-In.
  • Perbaikan bug: Nilai Base Normal Force dan Base Normal Stress hilang dari View Slice Information.
  • Perbaikan bug: Ponding mungkin tidak terlihat di tampilan hasil.
  • Bug fix: Incorrect verification warning about an undefined cohesion and/or phi value with some materials.
  • Bug fix: A file with many analyses sometimes crashes when solving all analyses at once.
  • Bug fix: PWP contours do not appear in results view.


  • Bug fix: The "Exclude cumulative values from previous analyses" setting in Define Project does not appear for transient analyses.


  • Feature: Added a NorSand material model, to analyze tailings storage facilities, reinforced earth, and many other classes of geotechnical problems.
  • Feature: Added support for field stresses as part of In Situ analyses, facilitating analyses of open pit excavations, underground excavations, and tunnelling.
  • Feature: Allow Modified Cam Clay, Transverse Isotropic Elastic, and User-Defined Add-In models to be used in activated regions (i.e., as fill materials).
  • Feature: Material models which previously could not be used in a stress redistribution analysis will now be automatically treated as Mohr Coulomb.
  • Feature: The formatting of reports has been updated to include recent SIGMA/W changes.
  • Bug fix: Beams sometimes graph incorrect values depending on node location.
  • Bug fix: The View Movie and Draw Isosurfaces commands display Elapsed Time instead of Strength Reduction Factor for SRS analyses.
  • Bug fix: Solver reports "invalid bitset position" for some geometries that include floating regions.
  • Bug fix: Unable to select graph locations on beams belonging to floating regions.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could possibly crash when viewing results with a selected time step that is not yet solved.
  • Bug fix: Normal/tangential stress boundaries are ignored if assigned on a line where a beam has also been assigned.
  • Bug fix: The icons on some view preference toolbar buttons are incorrect.
  • Bug fix: Submerged activation is incorrectly being detected in a load-deformation analysis involving regions that were already activated if the pore-water pressures increased above the ground surface. This bug is only revealed if the final pore-water pressures are different from the initial pore-water pressures.
  • Bug fix: A licensing error occurs when attempting to create a consolidation analysis as the child of another analysis.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menambahkan analisis In Situ ke analisis In Situ (atau mengkloning dan mengubah Induk), lalu mengubahnya menjadi analisis Deformasi Beban, menghasilkan hasil yang tidak terduga karena PWP awal dan akhir tidak disetel dengan benar.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.

    Ini adalah rilis minor untuk GeoStudio 2021 R2. Pembaruan ini memperbaiki masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.


  • Perbaikan bug: Penyelesaian memakan waktu jauh lebih lama saat menggunakan Add-Ins untuk bala bantuan (termasuk bala bantuan pabrikan bawaan).

    Rilis ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah khusus di SIGMA/W. Kami merekomendasikan pemutakhiran untuk semua pengguna SIGMA/W yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.


  • Perbaikan bug: Simulasi yang melibatkan penggalian (yaitu, wilayah yang dinonaktifkan) menghasilkan hasil yang salah jika elemen di wilayah yang dinonaktifkan hanya memiliki satu node yang menyentuh antarmuka dengan wilayah aktif, atau jika node yang tumpang tindih atau elemen antarmuka digunakan di sepanjang batas tersebut.
  • Perbaikan bug: Langkah-langkah analisis Stabilitas Pengurangan Kekuatan mungkin tidak ditampilkan jika tanggal awalnya besar (misalnya, lebih dari 10 tahun). Hal ini juga dapat memengaruhi analisis sementara jika peningkatan langkah waktu relatif kecil terhadap tanggal mulainya.

    Rilis ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah spesifik di SLOPE/W. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua pengguna SLOPE/W yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini


  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah macet saat menyelesaikan, menghasilkan pesan kesalahan "Pipa telah berakhir".
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis dengan penguatan pabrikan tidak menampilkan properti penguatan dalam Lihat Informasi Objek dalam tampilan Hasil.

Kamis, 1 Oktober 2020

GeoStudio 2021

GeoStudio 2021 (80 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Agustus 2020

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 11.0.0 - 14 Agustus 2020 - GeoStudio 2021 memperkenalkan pemecah multi-fisika baru ke dalam SIGMA/W.

    • versi 11.0.1 - 1 Okt 2020 - Ini adalah rilis minor untuk GeoStudio 2021. Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.


    GeoStudio 2021 introduces the new multi-physics solver into SIGMA/W.

    SIGMA/W has been reformulated to enable faster performance and robust convergence for non-linear problems. New classes of problems can be solved due to a breadth of solver improvements, the addition of new constitutive models, and the addition of Strength Reduction Stability (SRS).

    BUILD3D improvements include new functionality in the Plan Section tool, ability to import a background mesh as the basis for clean and quick model creation, and the option to view elevation contours on isosurfaces.

    SLOPE/W reinforcement libraries allow for the selection of products from two additional manufacturers, Huesker and TenCate, to define reinforcement properties.



  • Feature: The new solver provides better convergence for non-linear problems.
  • Feature: New Strength Reduction Stability (SRS) functionality.
  • Feature: Stress correction analysis for any material model with a failure criterion.
  • Feature: New in situ analysis method: K0 Procedure, with the addition of a K0 procedure tab allowing for specification or calculation of the at-rest earth pressure coefficient.
  • Feature: Improved calculation of effective stress in the unsaturated zone.
  • Feature: Improvements to load-deformation formulation allow calculations of pore-water pressure change and analysis of submerged fill placement.
  • Feature: Reformulation of consolidation analysis to handle complex hydro-mechanical coupling in both saturated and unsaturated soils.
  • Feature: Impervious barrier feature added for modeling structures that impede water flow, without having to use interface or null elements adjacent to structures.
  • Feature: New Unbalanced Energy and Relative Displacement/Residual Loads convergence schemes.
  • Feature: Improved material model library includes Hardening/Softening Mohr-Coulomb with tension cut-off, Hardening/Softening Tresca, Hardening/Softening Ubiquitous Joint, and Hoek-Brown models.
  • Feature: Structural element performance improved.
  • Change: Both SEEP/W and SIGMA/W licenses are now required for consolidation analyses.
  • Results

  • Feature: View plastic states on the domain.
  • Feature: Reorganization of parameters in Draw Graph, and addition of state parameters.
  • Feature: New convergence graphs for assessing solve time performance.

BUILD3D / 3D Products

  • Feature: Draw sections in plan view. Use infinite section lines to automatically cut through the entire model domain, or finite lines to create a section through a portion of the domain. Create 1D sections.
  • Feature: Constrain lines to be perpendicular to existing features on the plan view to generate 2D cross-sections; for example, to be used for generating a SLOPE/W model geometry perpendicular to a roadcut or riverbank on your 3D model.
  • Feature: Import STL meshes as background objects which can be snapped to as aids while drawing the 3D geometry.
  • Feature: Sketch 3D curves for sweep paths.
  • Feature: Import 2D and 3D curves from STEP and IGES files for use as profiles or sweep paths.
  • Feature: Import 3D surface and solid geometry from IGES files.
  • Feature: Edges of solids can be used as paths for sweeping.
  • Feature: Isosurfaces can be selected and exported to CSV, and include the ability to display elevation contours.
  • Feature: Rotation cube, and smooth animation when changing viewing positions.
  • Feature: Create and save multiple clipping planes in Results view.
  • Feature: Show assigned mesh constraints in the design tree.
  • Feature: Commands include a Name property.
  • Feature: Sketching improvements include keyboard input for entering coordinates, radius, etc.; and perpendicular, parallel, horizontal, and vertical snapping.
  • Feature: Create curves that precisely match the undulations of a curved surface.
  • Feature: Import of XYZ coordinates from a CSV file has been improved.
  • Feature: Simplified plane definition.
  • Feature: Feature-based operations are now more consistent and robust.
  • Feature: Precedence of boundary conditions from multiple lines (or faces, etc.) at intersection points (or lines, etc.) can be controlled by assigning them in order (e.g., the last line assigned is what will be applied at the point).
  • Feature: Improved assignment of materials and boundary conditions on coincident entities.
  • Feature: Meshing has been improved to include better error messages and handling of disparate mesh sizes in small regions.
  • Feature: The section feature produces better 2D geometry by splitting overlapping regions to avoid floating regions.
  • Feature: The camera position will be retained while changing analyses, and when saving a file.
  • Feature: Updated UI styling.


  • Feature: Properties of manufacturer reinforcements are now displayed in View Object Information and in reports.
  • Feature: Manufacturer reinforcement libraries have been added for Huesker and TenCate products.
  • Bug fix: Ponding color and arrows from a SEEP/W parent analysis are not displayed in a child SLOPE/W analysis.


  • Feature: Impervious barrier feature added for modeling structures that impede water flow, without having to use interface or null elements adjacent to structures.


  • Feature: Impervious barrier feature added for modeling structures that impede heat flow, without having to use interface or null elements adjacent to structures.


  • Feature: Impervious barrier feature added for modeling structures that impede contaminant flow, without having to use interface or null elements adjacent to structures.


  • Feature: Impervious barrier feature added for modeling structures that impede air flow, without having to use interface or null elements adjacent to structures.

All Products

  • Feature: Closed loops in imported DXF/DWG (such as those created by Vulcan) can be converted to regions.
  • Feature: Newly created analyses will now use the material associations from their parent analysis.
  • Feature: Secondary nodes can be enabled in Draw Mesh Properties for lines that are not part of a region.

All Products - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Page Layout displays vectors with very large arrows.
  • Bug fix: After creating a new project, the file version and tool version are incorrect until the file is saved.
  • Bug fix: In Split Regions, the cursor tooltip stops displaying information (coordinate, angle, distance, etc.) after clicking on a point.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes while exporting as a previous version, and/or images that were once embedded in the .gsz file are no longer embedded.
  • Bug fix: PWPs obtained from another analysis are incorrect, and/or ponded water is displayed incorrectly, if the geometry was imported from DWG or DXF.
  • Bug fix: Using the Project Explorer to add or remove analyses does not cause the file to be marked as needing to be saved.
  • Bug fix: Solve Explorer may show an incorrect status if analyses were added or deleted.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash while solving if a spatial function is assigned but is not defined.
  • Bug fix: AddIns that write custom parameters during solve cause GeoStudio to fail to graph most other computed values.
  • Bug fix: New files do not contain default graphs as they used to.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash if a geometry that includes mesh constraints on a line is cloned.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Draw Graph when selecting a geometry subdomain.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may become unresponsive (hang) after starting up.
  • Bug fix: Drawing new geometry using an existing geometry point within a domain, and using CTRL+R to enter an end point relative to the start point would draw incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: Initial conditions are incorrect after using Clone Analysis Branch if they are set to "Parent Analysis". Initial conditions are left pointing to the previous parent analysis (not the new parent in the branch), resulting in the wrong initial conditions being used for the analysis.
  • Bug fix: When deleting an analysis through the tree view while another dialog is displayed, results are deleted first, followed by an error that the operation cannot be performed.

BUILD3D / 3D Products - Bug Fixes

  • Change: Improved correctness and performance of contouring algorithms.
  • Change: Improved BRep representation in mesh and results views.
  • Bug fix: Some contour lines are missing after re-solving.
  • Bug fix: Elevation lines are not continuous.
  • Bug fix: Incorrect or missing terminator lines after solving.
  • Bug fix: Boundary conditions are inconsistent when different analyses share the same geometry.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash if the geometry domain is a perfect cube.
  • Bug fix: Unit secondary (q) boundary conditions assigned to 3D geometry faces may generate incorrect results.

SLOPE/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Sensitivity modifiers on seismic coefficients are not correctly applied.
  • Bug fix: A reinforcement in a set cannot be removed through View Assigned Reinforcements.
  • Bug fix: SLOPE/W does not reliably sample pore water pressures from SEEP3D analyses for elements near the edge of the mesh, when the 3D geometry does not align exactly with the 2D geometry.
  • Bug fix: SIGMA/W Stress and QUAKE/W Stress sensitivity analyses crash in Results view.
  • Bug fix: The Edit - Replace In Analyses tool includes the current analysis in the list, but selecting it actually deletes the objects that should be copied. This is a regression in GeoStudio 10.2.
  • Bug fix: Ponding color and arrows from a SEEP/W parent analysis are not displayed in a child SLOPE/W analysis.

SEEP/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Flow paths may stop before reaching the model boundaries.

SIGMA/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Draw Mohr Circles.

TEMP/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Flow paths may stop before reaching the model boundaries.

TEMP3D - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: The Define Thermal Functions menu is missing.
  • Bug fix: Convective surface boundary conditions on lines in 3D are ignored while solving.

CTRAN/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Flow paths may stop before reaching the model boundaries.

AIR/W - Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: Flow paths may stop before reaching the model boundaries.

    This is a minor release to GeoStudio 2021. This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, and Simplified Chinese translations have been completed.
  • Feature: The unit weight of water can now be specified in a wider variety of analyses.
  • Feature: Custom parameters from Add-Ins now appear in View Result Information.
  • Feature: Impervious barriers are displayed in View Object Information.
  • Bug fix: Some graph types do not display data when the graphed time step is different from the current time step.
  • Bug fix: Geometries with overlapping regions do not generate an error in Verify.
  • Bug fix: Unable to save as a GeoStudio 2012 file.


  • Bug fix: The "Exclude cumulative values from previous analyses" setting in Define Project does not appear for transient analyses.


  • Bug fix: The View Movie and Draw Isosurfaces commands display Elapsed Time instead of Strength Reduction Factor for SRS analyses.
  • Bug fix: Solver reports "invalid bitset position" for some geometries that include floating regions.
  • Bug fix: Unable to select graph locations on beams belonging to floating regions.
  • Perbaikan bug: Batas tegangan Normal/Tangensial diabaikan jika ditetapkan pada garis di mana balok juga telah ditetapkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Aktivasi terendam salah terdeteksi dalam analisis deformasi beban yang melibatkan wilayah yang telah diaktifkan jika tekanan air pori meningkat di atas permukaan tanah. Bug ini hanya terungkap jika tekanan air pori akhir berbeda dengan tekanan air pori awal.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pengaturan "Kecualikan nilai kumulatif dari analisis sebelumnya" di Proyek Definisikan tidak muncul untuk analisis sementara.

Rabu, 3 Juni 2020

GeoStudio 2020

GeoStudio 2020 (80 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga November 2020

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • version 10.2.2 - June 3, 2020 - This is a minor release to GeoStudio 2020. This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release and who is licensed for the affected products.

    • version 10.2.1 - January 20, 2020 - This is a minor release to GeoStudio 2020. This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

    • version 10.2.0 - November 2, 2019 - This is the initial release of GeoStudio 2020.


    GeoStudio 2020 introduces TEMP3D to our 3D product line, built-in reinforcement libraries from Maccaferri S.p.A and Tensar Corporation, and more.

    TEMP3D can be added to TEMP/W to unlock three-dimensional heat transfer analysis.

    Manufacturer Reinforcement Libraries: Reinforcement libraries in SLOPE/W allow for the selection of products from Maccaferri S.p.A or Tensar Corporation to define reinforcement properties.

    Context Menus have been added to the Project Explorer.

    GeoTIFF: Cross sections exported from Leapfrog and imported into GeoStudio can analysed, and the results, saved as a GeoTIFF, can be imported back into Leapfrog with proper geospatial orientation.

    BUILD3D is more responsive when changing analyses, among other improvements.

    3D Mesh Constraints can be added to points.

    Reinforcement Tables can be added to a drawing.

All Products

  • Feature: In-place Analysis or Geometry renaming in tree view of Project Explorer or Define Project
  • Feature: Function Data Points can include a point at an abscissa of zero, which is omitted when plotted on a semi-log graph
  • Feature: Improved Leapfrog cross section DWG integration by maintaining 3D geospatial references when exporting to a GeoTiff image
  • Feature: Change the Length visible units to control the units for DXF/DWG import and export
  • Feature: Context Menu is added to the tree view in the Project Explorer and Define Project
  • Feature: "Verify Analysis Branch" command added to give overview of any errors before solving
  • Feature: 1D geometry will only work with lines and points. Regions are unnecessary and will be removed
  • Bug fix: Add-In functions used for painting might be stale
  • Bug fix: Draw graph incorrectly displayed the wrong number of points when selecting two or more graphs
  • Bug fix: Page Layout properties might unexpectedly change while selecting a geometry to view
  • Bug fix: Solving a read-only file will now prompt you to save the file
  • Bug fix: Importing geometry from DXF/DWG files with large numbers may fail
  • Bug fix: Embedding various types of images into one file may not paint them correctly
  • Bug fix: "Current Analysis Only" option in Results view may not refresh correctly when changing analyses
  • Bug fix: No longer crashes when creating a 1D or 2D geometry and pressing undo


  • Feature: Improved performance changing between views
  • Feature: Mesh constraints can be applied to points
  • Feature: Document Precision to define the tolerance or significant digits used by Boolean operations and coordinates
  • Feature: Improvements for pan and zoom
  • Feature: Separated material and boundary condition view preferences
  • Feature: Generate planes using defined x,y,z positions and/or directions
  • Bug fix: Changing material or boundary condition properties (like color) are immediately reflected in view
  • Bug fix: Elevation tool generated wrong contours for some models
  • Bug fix: Views toolbar may hide after closing GeoStudio in Results
  • Bug fix: Rename does not work for 2D geometry sections
  • Bug fix: Cut may generate unexpected objects if wire or sheet are fully overlapped by sheet or solid
  • Bug fix: Cut Intersection may generate unexpected objects for non-intersecting bodies
  • Bug fix: Group disappears or is reparented in the Explorer tree after Suppress/Unsuppress commands
  • Bug fix: Unexpected behaviour deleting locations
  • Bug fix: BUILD3D may be unresponsive for in-progress command
  • Bug fix: Crash editting Fit to Surface
  • Bug fix: Locale-specific CSV not correctly importing for points
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio becomes unresponsive (hangs) if solve is restarted immediately after stopping it
  • Bug fix: Seep3D may check out other network product licences
  • Bug fix: Viewing results of chained transient analyses may display incorrect material and boundary condition properties
  • Bug fix: Improve workflow experience with less lock ups


  • Feature: Sketch Reinforcement Table has been added to view assigned reinforcements in the analysis
  • Feature: Manufacturer Reinforcement libraries have been added for Maccaferri S.p.A or Tensar Corporation products
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when deleting a fully-specified slip surface in a probabilistic or sensitivity analysis
  • Bug fix: When multiple reinforcement sets are in one analysis, there may be painting issues in results view


  • Feature: Estimate Volumetric Water Content Function adds a data point at a suction of zero
  • Feature: Estimate Hydraulic Conductivity Function adds a data point at a suction of zero


  • Bug fix: Boundary Condition symbols may be incorrect while changing properties in Define Boundary Conditions
  • Bug fix: The OC Ratio edit box does not appear for a material if that same material is using the SHANSEP model in a SLOPE/W analysis in the same file


  • Feature: Temp3D is now available to solve heat transfer problems in three dimensions. TEMP3D can be coupled with Seep3D
  • Feature: The dialogue boxes for thermal constitutive functions have been updated for greater clarity
  • Feature: Estimate Unfrozen Water Content Function adds a data point at the freezing point of pure water
  • Feature: Estimate Thermal Conductivity Function adds a data point at the freezing point of pure water
  • Feature: Latent Heat of Water can be set to zero


  • Feature: Estimate Air Conductivity Function adds a data point at a degree of saturation of zero

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: Corrected translation errors in all five supported languages (French, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, German, and Simplified Chinese).
  • Bug fix: After creating a new project, the file version and tool version are incorrect until the file is saved.
  • Bug fix: In Split Regions, the cursor tooltip stops displaying information (coordinate, angle, distance, etc.) after clicking on a point.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes while exporting as a previous version, and/or images that were once embedded in the .gsz file are no longer embedded.
  • Bug fix: PWPs obtained from another analysis are incorrect, and/or ponded water is displayed incorrectly, if the geometry was imported from DWG or DXF.
  • Bug fix: Using the Project Explorer to add or remove analyses does not cause the file to be marked as needing to be saved.
  • Bug fix: Solve Explorer may show an incorrect status if analyses were added or deleted.


  • Bug fix: Some regions have no materials assigned after importing an analysis into BUILD3D.
  • Bug fix: BUILD3D crashes on deleting a feature in the Design History.
  • Bug fix: Unexpected black lines on the model after solving.
  • Bug fix: Unable to create a plane if an inclined face is selected.


  • Feature: Properties of manufacturer reinforcements are now displayed in View Object Information and in reports.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Draw Mohr Circles.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.


  • Bug fix: The Define Thermal Functions menu is missing.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in View Result Information when viewing element node data if time step 0 (initial conditions) is selected in a transient analysis.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release and who is licensed for the affected products.

All Products

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash if a geometry that includes mesh constraints on a line is cloned.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Draw Graph when selecting a geometry subdomain.


  • Bug fix: Plane creation is impossible if the base flat plane is inclined.
  • Bug fix: Not all materials are assigned properly when importing geometry from a 2D analysis.
  • Bug fix: The "Mesh out of date" message appears even after re-meshing.
  • Bug fix: The model is not rendered properly when zooming out.
  • Bug fix: BUILD3D may crash when deleting some features in the Design History.
  • Bug fix: BUILD3D may crash when opening some files.
  • Bug fix: After cloning a 2D geometry that is a child of a 3D geometry, the clone loses its orientation with respect to the 3D data.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash or results may vary slightly each time the analysis is solved if the geometry domain is a perfect cube.


  • Bug fix: SLOPE/W does not reliably sample pore water pressures from SEEP3D analyses for elements near the edge of the mesh, when the 3D geometry does not align exactly with the 2D geometry.
  • Bug fix: SIGMA/W Stress and QUAKE/W Stress sensitivity analyses crash in Results view.
  • Bug fix: The Edit - Replace In Analyses tool includes the current analysis in the list, but selecting it actually deletes the objects that should be copied. This is a regression in GeoStudio 10.2.


  • Bug fix: Applying a boundary condition to a face that shares a portion of an edge of an adjacent face will sometimes cause the boundary condition to extend past the boundary condition face and onto the edges of the shared face.
  • Bug fix: Extraneous black lines appear when contouring results.
  • Bug fix: SLOPE/W does not reliably sample pore water pressures from SEEP3D analyses for elements near the edge of the mesh, when the 3D geometry does not align exactly with the 2D geometry.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet atau hasilnya mungkin sedikit berbeda setiap kali analisis diselesaikan jika domain geometri adalah kubus sempurna.


  • Perbaikan bug: Menerapkan kondisi batas ke wajah yang berbagi sebagian tepi wajah yang berdekatan terkadang akan menyebabkan kondisi batas melampaui wajah kondisi batas dan ke tepi wajah bersama.
  • Perbaikan bug: Garis hitam asing muncul saat mengkontur hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas permukaan konvektif pada garis dalam 3D diabaikan saat penyelesaian.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet atau hasilnya mungkin sedikit berbeda setiap kali analisis diselesaikan jika domain geometri adalah kubus sempurna.

Selasa, 3 September 2019

GeoStudio 2019 R2

GeoStudio 2019 R2 (80,6 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Juli 2019

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • version 10.1.0 - July 9, 2019 - This is the initial release of GeoStudio 2019 R2.

    • version 10.1.1 - September 04, 2019 - This is a minor release to GeoStudio 2019 R2, primarily focused on improvements to BUILD3D but including some features and bug fixes for all GeoStudio products. It's recommended everyone upgrade whose maintenance covers this release.


    GeoStudio 2019 R2 introduces two new products, SEEP3D and BUILD3D, along with continued improvements to working with multiple geometries within a single project file.

    SEEP3D can be added to SEEP/W to perform three-dimensional groundwater flow analysis. SLOPE/W can perform stability analysis of cross-sections using pore water pressure computed from the SEEP3D analysis.

    BUILD3D is a feature-based 3D geometry creation tool for use with SEEP3D.

    Improvements to multiple geometries: continuing on GeoStudio 2019's ability to combine multiple geometries in a single project file, GeoStudio 2019 R2 displays geometries in the analysis tree view, and simplifies managing geometries with the Define Project command (previously called Define Analyses). Additionally, geometries can be edited and materials assigned independent of any analysis.

All Products

  • Feature: Geometries are now displayed in the analysis tree view.
  • Feature: It's now possible to create and edit a geometry without first creating an analysis.
  • Change: Dimension (1D, 2D, 2D Axisymmetric, 2D Plan, and 3D) is now a property of the geometry rather than the analysis.
  • Feature: Geometry dimension can be selected directly from the Start Page when creating a new file.
  • Feature: Materials can be created when working within a geometry, and assigned a color and a name.
  • Feature: Material assignment can be done when working directly in a geometry. Analyses subsequently created under that geometry will initially have the same material assignments.
  • Feature: DXF and DWG files can be imported directly into a geometry.
  • Feature: A new "File - Delete Results" command has been added, to make file sizes smaller by deleting all computed results.
  • Feature: Vector lengths are specified in model units instead of screen units.
  • Change: Some keyboard shortcuts were changed to avoid duplicate shortcuts in menus.
  • Bug fix: When importing regions from DWG or DXF, if a new region completely covers an existing region, the existing region becomes invalid.
  • Bug fix: Scrollbars become disabled but don't disappear after being in Page Layout.
  • Bug fix: When importing a DWG or DXF and using the "Translate horizontal to 0" and/or "Translate vertical to 0" options, non-geometry items in the source file were not being ignored, so the geometry was not moved the correct distance.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Draw Graph when clicking in the graph window.
  • Bug fix: The mesh is not regenerated after deleting a line with interface elements, thus leaving a gap in the mesh. This bug is a regression introduced in GeoStudio 2018.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, a boundary condition is applied to a different line than the one that is clicked on.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when displaying some large meshes.
  • Bug fix: Ground surface lines disappear after using Undo until the file is re-opened.


  • Feature: Define Grid and Radius and Define Left and Right Block now highlight the portions of the grid that are being edited as you tab through the dialog box.
  • Bug fix: The "Tolerable difference in F of S" and "No. of complete passes per point insertion" fields have been removed from the optimization settings, as they were no longer being used.
  • Bug fix: "Couldn't match clipboard data to list columns" error when pasting into Define Point Loads.

    This is a minor release to GeoStudio 2019 R2, primarily focused on improvements to BUILD3D but including some features and bug fixes for all GeoStudio products. It's recommended everyone upgrade whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: Materials can be created and applied to regions in the context of a geometry as well as an analysis.
  • GeoStudio becomes unresponsive (hangs) if a solve is restarted immediately after stopping it.
  • GeoStudio crashes in print preview if an analysis was deleted after the current analysis was solved.
  • Windows no longer resize or display properly after an Undo or Redo action changes the current analysis.
  • Data values are not displayed for functions that use Data Sets.
  • 1D transient analyses can solve without defining any initial conditions.
  • GeoStudio crashes in Sketch Text - Insert Field when changing which material to display.
  • GeoStudio becomes unresponsive (hangs) when leaving Pan mode while Draw Materials is open.
  • GeoStudio crashes when switching to Results view while Draw Mesh is active.


  • Feature: The camera position will be retained while changing analyses, and when saving a file.
  • Feature: Isosurfaces on 3D geometries are controlled from GeoStudio in the same way isolines are for 2D geometries.
  • Feature: Labels and keyboard shortcuts were added to dialogs.
  • Feature: The tree in Mesh view and Results view includes materials and boundary conditions.
  • Feature: Some commands can now be launched without having to select a body first.
  • Feature: Errors and warnings in background tasks (such as meshing) will now trigger an error icon in the status bar.
  • Feature: The "Materials and Boundary Conditions" view preference has been split into separate "Materials" and "Boundary Conditions" options.
  • Feature: Circular regions in a 2D geometry can be imported into a 3D geometry.
  • Change: Updated toolbar icons.
  • Some solids are missed during STEP file import.
  • The same point can be added to a Location multiple times.
  • Unable to export to JPEG.
  • GeoStudio crashes when changing time steps.
  • GeoStudio appears to hang (or just takes a very long time) in Fit to Surface when importing too many points.
  • GeoStudio crashes when trying to edit a profile with an invalid plane.
  • GeoStudio crashes when changing the focus in the Plane tool.
  • GeoStudio may become unresponsive (hang) when closing a file.
  • GeoStudio becomes unresponsive (hangs) when exiting while in a 3D analysis.


  • Perbaikan bug: Verifikasi salah menampilkan kesalahan, bahwa "Garis Penguatan ... berisi Panjang Ikatan yang lebih panjang dari Panjang Total."
  • Perbaikan bug: Pengubah sensitivitas pada koefisien seismik tidak diterapkan dengan benar.

Selasa, 25 Juni 2019

GeoStudio 2019

GeoStudio 2019 (80,5 MB)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Des 2018

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 10.0.0 - 10 Desember 2018 - Ini adalah rilis awal GeoStudio 2019.

    • versi 10.0.1 - 12 Februari 2019 - Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 10.0.2 - 3 April 2019 - Pembaruan ini melengkapi terjemahan bahasa Spanyol dan Jerman, dan memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 10.0.3 - 25 Juni 2019 - Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.


    GeoStudio 2019 memberi Anda kemampuan untuk menganalisis beberapa bagian yang berbeda dalam satu file; itu menyederhanakan bekerja dengan bala bantuan; dan lebih mudah diintegrasikan dengan produk CAD 3D melalui peningkatan impor DWG/DXF.

    Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini. Perlu diingat bahwa meskipun format file telah berubah antara rilis ini dan sebelumnya, GeoStudio 2019 masih dapat membuka file lama dan memeriksa hasil yang dihitung. GeoStudio 2019 akan dipasang berdampingan dengan versi GeoStudio lain yang sudah Anda pasang.

    Fitur baru utama meliputi:

       •  Peningkatan definisi beban tulangan: Tentukan properti tulangan secara terpisah dari garis yang dianggap berasal. Garis tulangan dapat dipasang ke permukaan tanah, sehingga bergerak dengan permukaan tanah.

       •  Set penguatan: Gambar, arahkan, dan berikan jarak beberapa garis penguatan secara bersamaan, dan hubungkan seluruh rangkaian dengan penguatan tertentu.

       •  Beberapa geometri: Setiap cabang analisis dapat beroperasi pada "geometri" yang berbeda, memberikan kemampuan untuk memvariasikan sudut kemiringan, geologi, dan atribut mesh jika melakukan analisis elemen hingga.

       •  Peningkatan alur kerja dengan file CAD 3D: Impor file DWG penampang yang dibuat oleh aplikasi CAD 3D seperti Civil 3D dan Leapfrog Works: material dan wilayah dapat dibuat, geometri disederhanakan dan diterjemahkan ke asalnya. Impor file MicroStation DGN sebagai gambar sketsa.

       •  Sketsa yang disempurnakan: Sematkan gambar langsung di file .gsz agar tidak kosong setelah mengirimkan file melalui email; berikan warna latar belakang dan batas ke teks dan tabel, dan kontrol perataannya.

       •  64-bit: Menangani analisis yang lebih besar pada sistem operasi 64-bit. Seluruh aplikasi GeoStudio sekarang 64-bit. (Penginstal 32-bit tersedia untuk sistem operasi 32-bit yang lebih lama.)

Semua produk

  • Fitur: Beberapa geometri: semua analisis pada akar pohon analisis dapat diberi "geometri" yang berbeda, atau wilayah yang berbeda. Bereksperimen dengan memvariasikan sudut kemiringan, memvariasikan geologi, memvariasikan kerapatan mesh, atau proyek terkait grup dalam satu file .gsz. Semua geometri dalam .gsz dapat menggunakan bahan dan kondisi batas yang sama, tetapi akan memiliki wilayah, grafik, dan objek sketsa yang terpisah. Gunakan tab "Geometri" baru di Tentukan Analisis, dan perintah "Klon Geometri", untuk bekerja dengan banyak geometri.
  • Fitur: Perintah Impor File memungkinkan mengimpor bahan dari nama lapisan DWG/DXF. Setiap lapisan yang dipilih untuk impor dapat digunakan sebagai nama bahan, dan semua wilayah yang diimpor dari poligon tertutup pada lapisan tersebut akan diasosiasikan dengan bahan tersebut. Warna layer akan digunakan sebagai warna material.
  • Fitur: Perintah Impor File dapat menyederhanakan wilayah yang diimpor dengan menghapus titik yang tidak perlu di sepanjang garis lurus. Pilih tingkat penyederhanaan dari 1-10. Ini menyederhanakan mesh untuk analisis elemen hingga, dan diskritisasi irisan dalam analisis SLOPE/W, dan dengan demikian dapat membuat GeoStudio lebih responsif saat bekerja dengan domain yang besar dan kompleks, serta menyelesaikan lebih cepat.
  • Feature: The File Import command can translate the imported regions along the x axis so the leftmost point is at y=0, and/or along the y axis so the bottommost point is at x=0, in order to have more readable coordinates.
  • Feature: The Sketch Pictures command can import MicroStation DGN files as background pictures.
  • Feature: With the Sketch Pictures command, you can choose to link to pictures (which is what previous versions of GeoStudio do) or to insert (embed) them in the .gsz. Inserted pictures will cause the .gsz file to be larger, but means anyone who opens the .gsz will see the pictures.
  • Feature: The Sketch Pictures command allows sizing and positioning pictures by typing in coordinates instead of only using the mouse.
  • Feature: The Sketch Text dialog box has been split into two tabs, one for the text itself and a second for text properties.
  • Feature: The Sketch Text command allows choosing the anchor point, to better align text that varies in width or height.
  • Feature: The Sketch Text command allows defining a colored border around text.
  • Feature: The Sketch Table command allows choosing the anchor point, to better align tables that vary in width or height.
  • Feature: The Sketch Table command allows separately setting the font colors and background colors for cells and headers.
  • Feature: GeoStudio is a completely 64-bit application, allowing it to access more memory and thus handle larger or more complex analyses. A 32-bit installer is available for older 32-bit operating systems.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can crash in Results view if analyses have been deleted.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, subdomain cross section graph locations do not include secondary nodes.
  • Bug fix: AutoCAD files with minor variance in the geometry 3D planes cannot be imported since they aren't considered coplanar. GeoStudio displays an error indicating that multiple planes exist in the file. The coplanar tolerance has been relaxed to allow for minor variance in the plane normal vectors, allowing slightly non-coplanar geometry to be imported.
  • Bug fix: Modify Objects does not work with Sketch Material Tables or Sketch Boundary Condition Tables.
  • Bug fix: Template files do not work properly if they include a mesh or a dataset (files created using such a template would not include the dataset or the mesh).
  • Bug fix: When a .gsz file is exported or downgraded, datasets and the mesh could be lost in the process.
  • Bug fix: When exporting to DXF or DWG, color-filled entities show a mesh of triangles over the color fill.


  • Feature: Reinforcement properties are defined and named using the new Define Reinforcements command. The layout and labelling of the dialog box has been improved as well.
  • Feature: Reinforcement lines are added to the drawing using Define Reinforcement Lines or Draw Reinforcement Lines. The reinforcement line is the starting coordinate (typically at the ground surface) and the angle and length of the reinforcement. Multiple reinforcement lines can be associated with a single named reinforcement.
  • Feature: Reinforcement lines can be snapped to the ground surface, such that they move in response to changes to the surface geometry.
  • Feature: Draw or Define Reinforcement Sets to evenly distribute a large number of reinforcement lines along a slope.
  • Bug fix: View Object Information shows incorrect values for geosynthetic reinforcements for the Required Length, Pullout Force, Pullout Force Per Length, and Governing Component fields. The values in Draw Graph are correct.
  • Bug fix: In Sketch Material Table, not all available fields are shown in the list of fields.


  • Bug fix: In Sketch Material Table, not all available fields are shown in the list of fields.


  • Bug fix: In Draw Contours, when the visible units for temperature differs from the units of computation, the increment value is incorrect.


  • Bug fix: In Sketch Material Table, not all available fields are shown in the list of fields.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: The Page Layout's Viewport resets to the maximum available size when changing analyses.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, after creating a new geometry but before saving the file, material and boundary condition assignments can unexpectedly change.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, Geostudio crashes while meshing, and/or solving fails with the error "Can not find mesh.ply file."
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash in Draw Graph when setting a graph location that is not inside the extents of the domain.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash in Draw Graph when selecting an analysis that uses a different geometry.
  • Bug fix: Error messages displayed on graphs or functions disappear when the window is resized.
  • Bug fix: Points are not displayed on the graph in Define Functions if using non-default units.
  • Bug fix: When modifying geometry in definition view, contours do not update properly. This regression was introduced in GeoStudio 2018 R2.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could become unresponsive (hang) while importing regions from a DWG or DXF file when region simplification is applied.
  • Bug fix: Points pasted into Define Points do not appear in the drawing.
  • Bug fix: Add-Ins can crash when calling GetParam in some specific scenarios.
  • Bug fix: Add-Ins from the web site only install for GeoStudio 2018.
  • Bug fix: Shell extensions do not get installed along with GeoStudio.


  • Feature: GeoCmd.exe can now generate reports that include results using the new /report /results command line options.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio displays an error message when opening files containing SLOPE/W analyses that were created with GeoStudio 2016 and earlier. The error message includes "Failed to assign EntryExit .... Application internal error in meta::MetaAccessNoSet::ThrowOnSet_". (This error is a nuisance only and can be safely ignored as the file is upgraded successfully.)


  • Bug fix: Flux Sections created in GeoStudio 2016 or older do not get updated correctly to water rate graphs. This error is displayed when opening the file: "Failed to assign SubdomainSources[1] to Cutline-2: Invalid syntax parsing".
  • Bug fix: The solver crashes when solving an analysis with an LCI boundary condition and air transfer on the same domain.


  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, graphs of beams do not display if no beams exist in the current time step, even if beams did exist in previous time steps.


  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, graphs of beams do not display if no beams exist in the current time step, even if beams did exist in previous time steps.
  • Bug fix: History Point or Spectral graphs created by previous GeoStudio versions could end up referencing the wrong coordinate and showing incorrect results.
  • Bug fix: After deleting a History Point, remaining History Points may change positions.


  • Bug fix: Flux Sections created in GeoStudio 2016 or older do not get updated correctly to water rate graphs. This error is displayed when opening the file: "Failed to assign SubdomainSources[1] to Cutline-2: Invalid syntax parsing".


  • Bug fix: Flux Sections created in GeoStudio 2016 or older do not get updated correctly to water rate graphs. This error is displayed when opening the file: "Failed to assign SubdomainSources[1] to Cutline-2: Invalid syntax parsing".


  • Bug fix: Flux Sections created in GeoStudio 2016 or older do not get updated correctly to water rate graphs. This error is displayed when opening the file: "Failed to assign SubdomainSources[1] to Cutline-2: Invalid syntax parsing".
  • Bug fix: The solver crashes when solving an analysis with an LCI boundary condition and air transfer on the same domain.


    This update completes the Spanish and German translation, and fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: The Spanish translation is complete. Many thanks to Juan Pablo for his efforts!
  • Feature: The German translation is complete. Many thanks to Sascha and Christian for their efforts!
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio consistently hangs immediately after starting. This release implements a workaround for the only customer we are aware of with this problem. Please contact if you believe you are having this issue as well, and we will be happy to provide instructions.
  • Bug fix: Lists of analyses may be displayed in a different order than the tree of analyses in files containing more than one geometry. This results in analyses printing in a different order than expected, for example.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes exporting to a DXF or DWG, when the drawing includes dimensions.


  • Bug fix: Probabilistic or sensitivity analyses using piezometric lines or point loads may yield incorrect results.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when deleting a piezometric line not applied to any material.
  • Bug fix: There are unexpected gaps in ponded water in Results view, in a SLOPE/W analysis that references an analysis with beams, bars, or 1D elements.
  • Bug fix: The current slip surface changes when selecting a new analysis, even with the "Auto select critical" checkbox cleared.


  • Bug fix: Material colors are not displayed in a 1D analysis if the mesh view preference is selected.
  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.

    This update completes the Spanish and German translation, and fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: The Spanish translation is complete. Many thanks to Juan Pablo for his efforts!
  • Feature: The German translation is complete. Many thanks to Sascha and Christian for their efforts!
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio consistently hangs immediately after starting. This release implements a workaround for the only customer we are aware of with this problem. Please contact if you believe you are having this issue as well, and we will be happy to provide instructions.
  • Bug fix: Lists of analyses may be displayed in a different order than the tree of analyses in files containing more than one geometry. This results in analyses printing in a different order than expected, for example.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes exporting to a DXF or DWG, when the drawing includes dimensions.


  • Bug fix: Probabilistic or sensitivity analyses using piezometric lines or point loads may yield incorrect results.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when deleting a piezometric line not applied to any material.
  • Bug fix: There are unexpected gaps in ponded water in Results view, in a SLOPE/W analysis that references an analysis with beams, bars, or 1D elements.
  • Bug fix: The current slip surface changes when selecting a new analysis, even with the "Auto select critical" checkbox cleared.


  • Bug fix: Material colors are not displayed in a 1D analysis if the mesh view preference is selected.
  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.


  • Bug fix: A mesh is generated for a region even after the region is deleted, and/or no mesh is generated for new regions.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Mesh Properties dialog does not update correctly when selecting a new analysis that uses a different geometry than the current one.
  • Bug fix: Under certain specific scenarios, particle tracking does not work.
  • Bug fix: The solver displays an error about particles that have been deleted.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when opening a file with linked sketch images that are missing.
  • Bug fix: The material shading view preference turns itself off if you are also displaying contours when changing analyses or when printing multiple analyses.


  • Perbaikan bug: PGeoStudio menjadi tidak responsif saat membuka Tata Letak Halaman di Tampilan Hasil untuk analisis SLOPE/W.

Kamis, 20 Desember 2018

GeoStudio 2018 R2

GeoStudio 2018 R2 (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Mei 2018

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 9.1.0 - 24 Mei 2018 - Ini adalah rilis awal GeoStudio 2018 R2.

    • versi 9.1.1 - 17 Agustus 2018 - Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

    • versi 9.1.2 - 20 Desember 2018 - Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.


    GeoStudio 2018 R2 dibangun di atas GeoStudio 2018, memperluas fitur yang ditambahkan ke rilis sebelumnya.

    We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

    The major new features include:

       • Combine full and basic analyses in one file: Unlock the power of integration by combining analyses created with a basic license and a full license in the same file. For example, combining a full SLOPE/W analysis with a basic SEEP/W analysis allows the stability analysis to use pore-water pressure conditions computed from a steady-state finite element seepage analysis.

       • User-defined reinforcements: Model a wide range of reinforcements by defining them as a function of force vs. distance.

       • Analysis tree: Clone or delete an entire branch of analyses.

       • Dimensions: Sketch aligned, linear, and angular dimensions.

       • SLOPE/W graphs: Additional graphs for probabilistic analyses and for optimized slip surfaces.

       • Tables: Easily add material and boundary condition tables to your drawing.

       • Sketching: Streamlined workflow when working with sketch objects.

       • Performance: Improved performance and memory consumption when working with large projects.

       • AutoCAD 2018 files: Import files created in AutoCAD 2018 or 2019.

All Products

  • Feature: A GeoStudio project can now contain analyses with full licenses as well as other analyses using basic licenses. For example, a full-featured SLOPE/W analysis can obtain pore-water pressures from a basic SEEP/W analysis in a single project.
  • Feature: The new "Clone Branch" command will clone an analysis and all analyses beneath it.
  • Feature: The new "Delete Branch" command will delete an analysis and all analyses beneath it.
  • Feature: Sketch aligned dimensions (parallel to the object being dimensioned), linear dimensions (showing the horizontal or vertical dimensions of a slope), or angular dimensions.
  • Feature: Dimensions connected to points will resize as points are moved.
  • Feature: Orthogonal snapping: Holding the Shift key while drawing restricts cursor movement to the X or Y axes. Without the Shift key, lines that are nearly horizontal or vertical will snap to horizontal or vertical.
  • Feature: The new Sketch Materials Table and Sketch Boundary Conditions Table commands quickly add a table of materials or boundary conditions to the drawing.
  • Feature: Sketch commands allow changing properties or typing exact coordinates while sketching.
  • Feature: Sketch Arc now allows editing of the arc's center coordinates, radius, start angle and end angle.
  • Feature: Move text while sketching it (no need to use Modify Objects).
  • Feature: Sketch Text and Modify Sketch Text have been combined. To edit existing text, use the Sketch Text command and click an existing text block.
  • Feature: The Modify Sketch Objects command has been removed. Sketch objects can be edited in their respective Sketch commands. To edit the properties of a line, for example, use the Sketch Lines command and click an existing line.
  • Feature: Improved memory consumption when contour results.
  • Feature: Improved memory consumption viewing results.
  • Feature: Improved performance of displaying vectors.
  • Feature: Import files created in AutoCAD 2018 or 2019.
  • Feature: Font sizes can be set independently for dimensions, axis numbers, and axis labels.
  • Feature: Errors during the calculation of a spatial function will now be displayed in the Define Spatial Function dialog.
  • Feature: A notification is now displayed on the start page if a license's maintenance will be expiring soon.
  • Feature: Add-Ins can use functions defined in the project file.
  • Change: It is no longer possible to change "units of computation" under the Project Properties. Instead, pick a template that uses the correct units when creating a new file. You can also use the View Units command to change which units are displayed.
  • Change: In Define Functions, when changing the function type (such as from spline to step), properties in common between the two function types (such as the Cycle checkbox) will be carried over to the new function.
  • Change: The Sketch Arrows and Sketch Double Arrows commands have been merged into the Sketch Lines command.
  • Change: Moved the Define - Replace in Analyses command in the menu to group it with Define - Analyses.
  • Change: Improvements were made to translations.
  • Perbaikan bug: Fungsi yang diimpor dari file .gsz yang menggunakan unit komputasi yang berbeda dari file tujuan berakhir dengan nilai yang salah karena unit tidak dapat dikonversi.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio tidak akan menerima koordinat xy yang ditempelkan ke Titik Definisi.
  • Perbaikan bug: Lisensi tidak dapat diaktifkan jika nama pengguna menyertakan karakter non-Latin tertentu. Kesalahan ini ditampilkan: "Tidak ada tanggapan dari server. Periksa apakah Anda memiliki koneksi jaringan. (Kesalahan 514009)"
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa pesan kesalahan dalam Fungsi Tentukan menampilkan nilai yang salah karena ditampilkan menggunakan unit yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menggunakan Skala Pencocokan pada Gambar Sketsa menggunakan mouse atau mengetikkan nilai dengan unit menghasilkan kesalahan atau nilai yang tidak valid.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet saat beralih ke analisis menggunakan Bilah Alat Analisis saat tidak ada lisensi yang tersedia.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat berinteraksi dengan menu atau bilah alat saat beberapa dialog sistem (seperti Buka File) ditampilkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: File dengan banyak analisis berantai mungkin macet di Tampilan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio macet saat membuka file di workstation dengan CPU Intel Xeon baru yang mendukung instruksi AVX-512
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio akan macet jika Nilai Skala Referensi atau Perlebihan Vertikal dihapus.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pintasan keyboard yang salah di menu File untuk daftar file yang Paling Baru Digunakan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat membuka file yang dibuat oleh GeoStudio 2016 atau sebelumnya, jalur aliran dihapus, dan pesan pemutakhiran menunjukkan "Tidak ada [fitur] yang setara di versi yang lebih baru", yang salah.
  • Perbaikan bug: Setelah memilih Cetak File, jendela berlabuh tampak kosong.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa fungsi tidak diturunkan dengan benar saat mengekspor sebagai file GeoStudio 2016.
  • Perbaikan bug: Windows tidak lagi mengubah ukuran dengan benar setelah tindakan Redo mengubah analisis saat ini.


  • Fitur: Jenis tulangan baru yang ditentukan pengguna menyediakan opsi fleksibel untuk memodelkan berbagai struktur dengan ketahanan geser variabel spasial. Suatu fungsi digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara gaya (kapasitas) dan jarak dari muka lereng ke perpotongan dengan bidang gelincir.
  • Fitur: Draw Graph sekarang dapat memplot Faktor Keamanan vs. nomor iterasi pengoptimalan untuk permukaan selip yang dioptimalkan.
  • Fitur: Draw Graph sekarang dapat memplot Faktor Keamanan minimum, rata-rata, dan biasa vs. angka run probabilistik, serta deviasi standar Faktor Keamanan dan probabilitas kegagalan vs. angka run probabilistik.
  • Fitur: Informasi irisan permukaan selip tambahan ditambahkan ke laporan, termasuk kekuatan hisap dan nama bahan di dasar irisan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Di Draw Slip Surface Grid, saat membuat satu baris, kotak edit yang salah dinonaktifkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Untuk analisis bertahap, data grafik tahanan geser untuk permukaan slip yang tidak kritis salah. FOS yang bertahan tidak digunakan oleh kalkulator sesuai permintaan. Bug ini tidak memengaruhi FOS yang dihitung.
  • Perbaikan bug: Opsi retak tegangan di SLOPE/W dapat secara tidak sengaja tetap aktif jika tipe analisis diubah menjadi SIGMA/W atau QUAKE/W Stress.


  • Perubahan: Hisap minimum yang digunakan dalam rutinitas estimasi properti hidrolik ditetapkan sama dengan minimum tertentu untuk memastikan estimasi model yang konsisten. Metode "Fredlund-Xing" berhak diganti namanya menjadi "Fredlund-Xing-Huang".
  • Ubah: Istilah umum "Beta" diubah namanya menjadi "Kompresibilitas" sehingga artinya lebih jelas.
  • Perbaikan bug: Untuk retak tegangan, properti "Diisi dengan air" dan "Satuan berat air" tidak dapat diedit. Bug ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan di versi 9.0.4.
  • Perbaikan bug: Peclet number untuk analisis transportasi 1D salah jika domain tidak horizontal.
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W/TEMP/W, AIR/W dan CTRAN/W sementara digabungkan dengan fisika menggunakan hasil dari analisis lain dapat menghitung hasil yang salah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Vektor fluks air tidak ditampilkan dalam analisis Coupled Stress/PWP.


  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W/TEMP/W, AIR/W dan CTRAN/W sementara digabungkan dengan fisika menggunakan hasil dari analisis lain dapat menghitung hasil yang salah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W/TEMP/W, AIR/W dan CTRAN/W sementara digabungkan dengan fisika menggunakan hasil dari analisis lain dapat menghitung hasil yang salah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W/TEMP/W, AIR/W dan CTRAN/W sementara digabungkan dengan fisika menggunakan hasil dari analisis lain dapat menghitung hasil yang salah.

    Pembaruan ini memperbaiki beberapa masalah khusus. Kami merekomendasikan peningkatan untuk semua orang yang pemeliharaannya mencakup rilis ini.

Semua produk

  • Feature: An optional .NET attribute (Gsi.Label) can be declared before an Add-In's class or public variables to give them more readable names when displayed in GeoStudio.
  • Change: Improvements were made to German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Chinese translations.
  • Change: GeoStudio now defaults to using the best available license on a new installation.
  • Bug fix: Under some conditions, checking out a license (such as when opening or creating a file) can take a long time.
  • Bug fix: The y-intercept of certain functions is shown incorrectly for Reports and View Object Information.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Sketch Text when deleting the text and clicking Apply.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when importing regions from another .gsz file created using GeoStudio 2018 R2.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when opening some projects created by GeoStudio 2016 or earlier. This bug was a regression introduced in GeoStudio 2018 R2.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash after clearing the "Parent" of an analysis.
  • Bug fix: Isolines may not update when using the toolbar to change the current time.
  • Bug fix: Some customized units do not work properly in some edit controls, including in Define Spatial Functions, Define Hydraulic Functions Estimation, Define Water Table, and others.
  • Bug fix: In the Time tab in Define Analyses, some dates displayed in the Elapsed column are incorrect. Results are not affected.


  • Bug fix: Interslice graphs using Specified Function parameters may not have computed in certain slip surfaces.
  • Bug fix: Results view does not correctly display contours or PWP ponding.
  • Bug fix: Some point loads on vertical portions of the ground surface may be ignored by the solver.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes while changing the "Tolerance difference in F of S".
  • Bug fix: Friction angle may be missing in an analysis that was cloned from another analysis and then modified.


  • Bug fix: The solver crashes if an LCI boundary condition is used in a steady-state analysis.
  • Bug fix: Water Mass Balance components may be wrong when Land Climate Interaction boundary conditions are applied to a mesh with triangular elements.


  • Bug fix: The Load Deformation analysis type is not accessible with a Basic license.


  • Bug fix: Depending on locale settings, sometimes earthquake records cannot be pasted into Define Horizontal/Vertical Earthquake Records, producing an error like "The pasted Quake record is missing the X or Y field", or "Unexpected value '0.01'. Expecting a floating point number."
  • Bug fix: The Equivalent Linear Dynamic analysis type is not accessible with a Basic license.


  • Bug fix: The solver crashes if an LCI boundary condition is used in a steady-state analysis.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can crash in Results view if analyses have been deleted.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can crash when opening a file while in Viewer mode.
  • Bug fix: AutoCAD files with minor variance in the geometry 3D planes cannot be imported since they aren't considered coplanar. GeoStudio displays an error indicating that multiple planes exist in the file. The coplanar tolerance has been relaxed to allow for minor variance in the plane normal vectors, allowing slightly non-coplanar geometry to be imported.
  • Bug fix: When exporting to DXF or DWG, color-filled entities show a mesh of triangles over the color fill.
  • Bug fix: Modify Objects does not work with Sketch Material Tables or Sketch Boundary Condition Tables.
  • Bug fix: In Sketch Material Table, not all available fields are shown in the list of fields.
  • Bug fix: The y-intercept of certain functions is shown incorrectly for Reports and View Object Information.


  • Perbaikan bug: Peta keamanan mungkin ditampilkan di lokasi yang salah saat menggunakan perbesaran vertikal.

Senin, 28 Mei 2018

GeoStudio 2018

GeoStudio 2018 (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Agustus 2017

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 9.0.0 - 26 September 2017 - Ini adalah rilis awal GeoStudio 2018.

    • versi 9.0.1 - 19 Oktober 2017 - Pembaruan kecil untuk GeoStudio 2018 ini mencakup peningkatan untuk membuka file yang dibuat di versi sebelumnya, representasi Derajat Kejenuhan, dan berbagai perbaikan bug.

    • version 9.0.2 - November 9, 2017 - This update to GeoStudio 2018 addresses a critical issue where GeoStudio would become unresponsive when performing licensing operations. We strongly recommend upgrading to this version if your maintenance covers this release.

    • version 9.0.3 - December 15, 2017 - This update to GeoStudio 2018 fixes a number of bugs.

    • version 9.0.4 - January 24, 2018 - This update to GeoStudio 2018 adds n-factor boundary conditions, simplifies subdomain graphs, and fixes a number of bugs.

    • version 9.0.5 - May 30, 2018 - This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.


    GeoStudio 2018 is a major new release of GeoStudio, introducing power and flexibility by combining multiple physical processes in a single analysis, among other improvements.

    We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release, but because of the number of major changes between GeoStudio 2018 and GeoStudio 2016, we suggest you schedule some time to upgrade your older files. GeoStudio 2018 will install side-by-side with any other GeoStudio versions you already have installed.

    The major new features include:

    Improved multi-physics capabilities

       • A new rigorous finite element solver used by SEEP/W, TEMP/W, AIR/W and CTRAN/W features new multi-physics capabilities and faster solve times.

       • In a single analysis, ability to simultaneously compute and/or couple water transfer, air transfer, solute transfer, gas transfer, and heat transfer processes. Use the new Physics tab in the Define Analyses window to choose which physical processes to enable in the same analysis.

       • Simulation of a broader range of engineering problems including climate effects on the ground surface, groundwater flow in freezing and thawing soils, and movement of solutes and gases in the subsurface.

    New climate-interaction boundary conditions to simulate atmospheric coupling

       • In SEEP/W, the Land-Climate Interaction boundary condition simulates water transfers at the surface given climate and vegetation data.

       • In TEMP/W, the Surface Energy Balance boundary condition simulates energy exchange over the ground surface.

       • Boundary conditions can be used together to simulate coupled hydraulic and thermal responses of the ground profile to atmospheric conditions.

       • Boundary condition data can be imported using the new Data Set feature. This allows for easy selection of data files containing field measurements (e.g., from weather stations), including column selection and unit conversion.

    True 1D finite element analyses

       • SEEP/W, TEMP/W, AIR/W and CTRAN/W now include true 1D modeling, which significantly speeds up 1D analyses that use many time steps.

       • One-dimensional and two-dimensional analyses can share the same mesh and be run in the same project.

    New Plan View definition

       • Plan view now supports a variable aquifer thickness using spatial functions, allowing for new types of plan view problems to be analyzed.

    Comprehensive unit conversion and support

       • GeoStudio now offers considerable flexibility for selecting units for input and display.

       • Default display units can be selected for individual or groups of parameters.

       • When a value with units is entered for a parameter into any edit control, the number is converted to the selected units for the parameter.

    Enhanced graphing capability

       • Graphs can be set up and computed during solve time, allowing for rapid graph display.

       • Results can be plotted within any subdomain, allowing for element-based parameters to be adjusted at nodes for plotting purposes. Subdomain plots can provide insight on flow through an internal node over time; consequently, flux sections are no longer required.

       • Cumulative parameters are now accumulated during solve time, significantly speeding up graphing of these parameters.

       • Data parameters have been reorganized in the dialog to make it easier to find the parameter to plot.

    New 64-bit solvers

       • Each solver in GeoStudio 2018 has new 64-bit processing support, enabling GeoStudio to now solve projects with many more analyses and denser meshes. The 64-bit solvers also offer improved performance when solving individual analyses or calling Add-In functions.

       • Improved multi-threading support offers performance gains when solving many analyses simultaneously on modern CPUs.

       • Solvers can now be stopped mid-computation and restarted without having to restart the analysis from the beginning.

    Improved transient analyses

       • Multiple options are now available for defining time increments in transient analyses; the time increment length or the number of time steps over the given period may be specified.

       • Time-based mass, volume, and energy boundary conditions such as water rate, heat flux, and mass flux are now integrated across a time-step, ensuring perfect mass and energy conservation at the boundary and improving overall accuracy of the solution.

    GeoStudio Basic now bundled with all products

       • Purchasing a Full Feature license for any product will now provide access to a Basic license for all other GeoStudio products, allowing for greater product integration.

       • For example, the owner of a full SLOPE/W license will now be able to complete a steady-state water transfer analysis using SEEP/W to define the spatial variability in pore water pressures.

    New German language support

       • The GeoStudio user interface can now be run in German.

       • Previous language translations have been improved, including Spanish, French, Chinese, and Portuguese.

    New engineering examples and books

       • Additional examples are available representing a wider range of geotechnical and earth science problems.

       • The engineering books have been updated to reflect the new features and functionality of GeoStudio 2018. The finite element flow products feature a new book called "Mass and Heat Transfer Modeling with GeoStudio".

    Improved Add-In support

       • Add-In functions can now be stateless, allowing for significant performance improvements during the solve process.

       • Add-Ins can now be written using the latest versions of Microsoft Visual Studio (e.g., 2017).

       • Add-Ins can be written as 32-bit or 64-bit. They now require .NET 4.0.

       • The Add-In SDK document and examples have been updated to reflect the new features.

All Products

  • Feature: Tabbed windows have been introduced into dialog boxes for boundary condition and material property definition to accommodate the new multiphysics architecture.
  • Feature: The solver now stores 15 significant digits in result data files, resulting in increased accuracy when restarting analyses or comparing results.
  • Feature: Finite element mesh quality and meshing performance has been improved. Meshes are now saved in binary files, allowing for faster reading and writing.
  • Feature: Project files can now have a start date, allowing for data specified at specific elapsed times to be converted to actual dates. This is particularly important in climate modeling.
  • Feature: Exporting GeoStudio drawings to AutoCAD files results in higher quality DWG and DXF files. For example, text is exported as AutoCAD MTEXT entities to better support multi-line text.
  • Feature: The context menu for edit boxes includes a Set Units command to change the units displayed for that parameter.
  • Change: The KeyIn menu has been renamed to Define; the Define view has been renamed to the Definition view.
  • Change: Some data parameter names have been changed to be more consistent with scientific literature. Data files created by previous GeoStudio versions may contain older data parameter names; these names will be converted when opening the file in GeoStudio 2018.
  • Change: GeoStudio product icons and logos have been updated.
  • Change: Windows 7 SP1 or higher is now required to run GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: Many performance improvements and bug fixes have been made since GeoStudio 2016.


  • Feature: Enhanced SHANSEP material model in SLOPE/W now includes the ability to specify a function for shear strength vs. vertical effective stress or to use the closed-form SHANSEP equation.
  • Feature: For Eurocode or other partial factor analyses, the Factor of Safety is now displayed as the Over Design Factor. In addition, it is possible to display the Degree of Utilization with each slip surface.


  • Change: The thermosyphon and convective surface boundary conditions are now more rigorous and numerically stable.


  • Feature: CTRAN/W can now be run as a stand-alone product with the new diffusion-only analysis type.
  • Feature: Gas transfer physics are now available, enabling analysis of both dissolved solutes and free gases and their associated reaction processes. This capability enables new simulation capabilities, such as gas movement through an unsaturated mine cover or gas and solute transport through fractured rock.


  • Feature: AIR/W has been completely re-formulated and can now be run as a stand-alone product for single phase air transfer using the new single phase material model.
  • Feature: A new barometric pressure AIR/W boundary condition determines air pressure at the applied nodes based on the temperature and pressure at a reference elevation.
  • Feature: Particle tracking is now available to evaluate the typical pathways for air movement in porous media.


  • Feature: The previous VADOSE/W product functionality is significantly enhanced and is available as a new GeoStudio Vadose bundle comprised of SEEP/W, TEMP/W and CTRAN/W.
  • Change: The new multi-physics analysis functionality eliminates the need for VADOSE/W as a stand-alone product. Existing VADOSE/W can be upgraded to the GeoStudio Vadose bundle.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: Opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio that contains Climate Data will not only convert the climate data to a Data Set, but will also create the necessary Climate Functions and maintain references to the boundary conditions.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, time series may not be correctly upgraded when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: Manually entered elapsed times in days are not being upgraded correctly when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, isoline contours are not upgraded properly when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: Some Sketch Text created using Insert Field is not upgraded properly when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: The Max Number of Iterations value may change when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: The File Export as Previous Version command does not include the mesh in the file it creates.
  • Bug fix: Corrected various other problems related to opening files created by a previous version of GeoStudio, or using the File Export As Previous Version.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally some items on the printed output may not be positioned correctly.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can become unresponsive when attempting to acquire a license.
  • Bug fix: Deleting a material function that was still in use could cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph could crash when selecting a custom range with a Default time option.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash while drawing graphs with many time steps in projects with many nested analyses.
  • Bug fix: Adding an AutoCAD file as a sketch picture in model view would import the image twice.
  • Bug fix: Pasting into some list controls may create invalid duplicate entries.
  • Bug fix: Public variables in Add-Ins used by finite element solvers are not being set with the values assigned in Define Functions.
  • Bug fix: There is no menu item for the Mesh Thickness Spatial Function after switching to Plan View.
  • Bug fix: Corrected translations in all supported languages.
  • Bug fix: The Import Regions command's Apply button was inadvertently removed.
  • Change: Standard template files were updated to include common graphs, vectors, and contours.


  • Bug fix: Cohesion, Phi and Anisotropic Strength Modifier values may be unavailable in Results view when there is a vertical segment in the slip surface.


  • Feature: Degree of Saturation can now be graphed, contoured, and/or represented as an isoline if a water transfer analysis is completed or referenced.
  • Bug fix: Draw Boundary Conditions incorrectly allows assignment of Land Climate Interaction BCs to non-ground surface points in a 1D analysis.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: Occasionally some items on the printed output may not be positioned correctly.
  • Bug fix: Moving a small object that is part of a much larger domain could cause the viewport to move.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can become unresponsive when attempting to acquire a license.
  • Bug fix: Some sketch text fields do not upgrade and appear as errors in GeoStudio 2018, when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Change: Exponential time steps are now rounded to seconds, minutes, hours, or days, depending on the size of the first step.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, time step sequences are changed when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: Some functions can not be accessed from the Define menu, only from the boundary condition or material in which they are used.
  • Bug fix: The solver becomes unresponsive if an analysis name begins with a hyphen.
  • Bug fix: Graph data copied to the clipboard always uses a . as the decimal character, ignoring the locale settings.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph's undo or redo commands do not always work when changing data parameters.
  • Bug fix: The wrong title is used when copying the Critical Slip Surface graph to the clipboard.
  • Bug fix: Contours displayed in Define view are not updated when different materials are assigned, or when editting points or regions through dialogs (rather than with the mouse).
  • Bug fix: The ground surface line does not regenerate properly when changing a material's model to or from "(none)".
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash if the first line of sketch text is empty.
  • Bug fix: Using "Save As" with the "excluding solution" option and saving with the same filename removes results but does not decrease the file size.
  • Bug fix: On certain hardware, GeoStudio could crash while opening a file.
  • Bug fix: Water tables may be included in reports even for analyses that do not involve a water table, such as a steady-state analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash in Results View in complex geometry where a piezometric or pressure line runs almost parallel to but intersects the base of a slice.
  • Bug fix: Clearing information in the Slip Surface Entry and Exit dialog without the Radius option set causes GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: Partial factors defined in a Limited Equilibrium analysis may be inadvertently used in a Finite Element Stress analysis.


  • Change: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio, if the file contains analyses that are children of a coupled analysis (CTRAN/W Density-Dependent, or any AIR/W analysis).
  • Bug fix: For boundary conditions that include a "surface perimeter" field, the "Specify Surface Perimeter" checkbox can only be cleared if the perimeter value is deleted first.


  • Bug fix: When creating a SIGMA/W Coupled Stress/PWP analysis, GeoStudio displays the error "FLEXnet heartbeat failure", then crashes.


  • Change: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio, if the file contains analyses that are children of a coupled analysis (CTRAN/W Density-Dependent, or any AIR/W analysis).
  • Bug fix: For boundary conditions that include a "surface perimeter" field, the "Specify Surface Perimeter" checkbox can only be cleared if the perimeter value is deleted first.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio, if the file contains analyses that are children of a coupled analysis (CTRAN/W Density-Dependent, or any AIR/W analysis).
  • Bug fix: For boundary conditions that include a "surface perimeter" field, the "Specify Surface Perimeter" checkbox can only be cleared if the perimeter value is deleted first.


  • Change: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when opening a file created by a previous version of GeoStudio, if the file contains analyses that are children of a coupled analysis (CTRAN/W Density-Dependent, or any AIR/W analysis).
  • Bug fix: For boundary conditions that include a "surface perimeter" field, the "Specify Surface Perimeter" checkbox can only be cleared if the perimeter value is deleted first.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Feature: Added an indicator to the start page when working in limited feature license modes such as Basic, Student, or Viewer.
  • Change: Translations have been improved based on feedback.
  • Bug fix: The Del key deletes data points in functions even when the function uses a data set.
  • Bug fix: A function's parameters can be changed even if a boundary condition is using it and thus expecting the previous parameters.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in Define Functions when using a logarithmic scale.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash while processing a spatial function with many points.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio will crash if a Plan View Mesh Thickness spatial function is deleted while it's being used by an analysis.
  • Bug fix: Moving region points with Draw Points may invalidate the region, causing the region to be lost upon saving and reloading the file.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Modify Objects when a circular region is resized to have zero area.
  • Bug fix: Changes to the Project Start Date are not undone with Undo/Redo.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio will crash in Sketch Text when selecting a specific region's material.
  • Bug fix: An incomplete feature was accidentally included in Define Analyses, which would cause GeoStudio to crash if it was used. This was a regression introduced in version 9.0.2.
  • Bug fix: Velocity and acceleration vectors are not displayed even when selected in the Draw Vectors dialog. Only displacement vectors are displayed in the analysis.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph incorrectly shows water physics parameters for analyses that have no water physics as results.
  • Bug fix: When assigning data points to a spline function, GeoStudio may become unresponsive after displaying the error "Unable to compute spline coefficients".
  • Bug fix: View Result Information does not allow selection of Elements and Element Nodes in flow products.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, rounding artifacts appear in the graph points list. For example, a value may be displayed as 4 in one place but as 3.99999 in another. This is most common when the display units are not the same as the units of computation.
  • Bug fix: Contour legends do not export properly to DXF/DWG files: parts of the legend appear in the wrong location. The legend export has been temporarily removed until a proper resolution to the problem can be determined.
  • Bug fix: A message on the start page incorrectly indicates a trial license has expired if the license mode is anything other than Full license.
  • Bug fix: Analysis icons on the start page appear to be disabled in Basic mode even if a full license is available.
  • Bug fix: In basic license mode, if only a full license is available, analyses cannot be created unless they are covered by that full license. The intended behavior is that if any full license is available, all analyses can be created while in basic license mode.
  • Bug fix: The GeoStudio installer creates the add-in and template folders in the wrong directory.


  • Bug fix: After typing in coordinates for a Slip Axis and then deleting the coordinates, the analysis can no longer be solved because of a verification error: "Not all points have been defined for the Slip Surface Axis. Finish defining the points or change the Slip Surface option."
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when viewing Factor of Safety Contours (for Grid and Radius) if the number of X and Y increments in the grid are different.
  • Bug fix: In Define - Replace in Analyses, the Pore Water Pressure checkbox is disabled even when a water table is defined.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may display verification errors about the Staged Pseudo-static analysis option even when using an analysis type that does not include that property.
  • Bug fix: View Slice Information may fail to display data consistent with results calculated by the solver.
  • Bug fix: Right-to-left analyses produced different results than left-to-right analyses for problems using Lowe-Karafiath or Corps of Engineers methods.
  • Bug fix: No intersection lines in Lambda Convergence graphs.


  • Feature: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Change: Potential Evapotranspiration, Solar Radiation, Thiesen, and some Air Pressure functions may not compute properly.
  • Change: When upgrading a climate boundary condition (in a file created with a previous version of GeoStudio) to a Land Climate Interaction boundary condition, the potential evapotranspiration method will be set to Penman Wilson if no potential evapotranspiration data was defined in its Climate Data Set.
  • Change: The general term “Beta” was renamed to “Compressibility” so that its meaning is more clear.
  • Bug fix: Land Climate Interaction boundary conditions' snow density, snow daily melt depth, and snow conductivity have different default values depending on if the unit system is SI or U.S. Customary.


  • Bug fix: When defining boundary conditions, switch between a SEEP/W LCI boundary condition and a SIGMA/W Force/Displacement boundary condition, the Y-Type contols of the Force/Displacement would be unresponsive to mouse actions.
  • Bug fix: Some results may be displayed as "NaN" when a region without materials assigned is used in a Load/Deformation analysis without any initial conditions.


  • Feature: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Change: Potential Evapotranspiration, Solar Radiation, Thiesen, and some Air Pressure functions may not compute properly.
  • Change: When upgrading a climate boundary condition (in a file created with a previous version of GeoStudio) to a Land Climate Interaction boundary condition, the potential evapotranspiration method will be set to Penman Wilson if no potential evapotranspiration data was defined in its Climate Data Set.
  • Bug fix: Land Climate Interaction boundary conditions' snow density, snow daily melt depth, and snow conductivity have different default values depending on if the unit system is SI or U.S. Customary.
  • Bug fix: When the thermal under-relaxation rate was set to its default value in a file created by an older version of GeoStudio, it would be missing when opened by the latest release.


  • Feature: More data is preserved in the Land Climate Interaction boundary condition when opening a file containing VADOSE/W Climate boundary conditions created with a previous version of GeoStudio, including calculated snow depth, estimated solar radiation, potential evapotranspiration, and latitude.
  • Change: Potential Evapotranspiration, Solar Radiation, Thiesen, and some Air Pressure functions may not compute properly.
  • Change: When upgrading a climate boundary condition (in a file created with a previous version of GeoStudio) to a Land Climate Interaction boundary condition, the potential evapotranspiration method will be set to Penman Wilson if no potential evapotranspiration data was defined in its Climate Data Set.
  • Bug fix: Land Climate Interaction boundary conditions' snow density, snow daily melt depth, and snow conductivity have different default values depending on if the unit system is SI or U.S. Customary.


  • Bug fix: Potential Evapotranspiration, Solar Radiation, Thiesen, and some Air Pressure functions may not compute properly.

    This update to GeoStudio 2018 adds n-factor boundary conditions, simplifies subdomain graphs, and fixes a number of bugs.

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  • Feature: Errors during the calculation of a spatial function will now be displayed in the Define Spatial Function dialog.
  • Change: It is no longer possible to change "units of computation" under the Project Properties. Instead, pick a template that uses the correct units when creating a new file. You can also use the View Units command to change which units are displayed.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, when selecting an object in a list (such as in Define Materials), a property of the previous selection could unintentionally be assigned to the new one.
  • Bug fix: Materials (and possibly other objects) can no longer be copied or pasted. This bug is a regression introduced in GeoStudio 2018 version 9.0.3.
  • Bug fix: Certain printer drivers split an analysis across two pages even when Page Layout shows that it should fit on a single page.
  • Bug fix: Contour legends do not export properly to DXF/DWG files: parts of the legend appear in the wrong location. The legend export has been temporarily removed until a proper resolution to the problem can be implemented.
  • Bug fix: Analysis icons on the start page appear to be disabled in Basic mode even if a full license is available.
  • Bug fix: A message on the start page incorrectly indicates a trial license has expired if the license mode is anything other than Full license.
  • Bug fix: The parameter controls in Draw Contours and Draw Graph, and the Parent Analysis selection in Define Analyses, do not work properly: other properties should change but don't when a new value is selected. This bug is a regression introduced in GeoStudio 2018 version 9.0.3.
  • Bug fix: In some cases the time ranges of nested analyses are incorrect.
  • Change: Changes were made to various translations based on customer feedback.


  • Bug fix: The factor of safety legend is not visible when a file is re-opened.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash while solving an analysis with the "Optimize critical slip surface location" option selected.
  • Bug fix: View Preferences always uses the term "ODF" even when Degree of Utilization is selected as the Partial Factor Display option.


  • Feature: "Subdomain graphs" were introduced in GeoStudio 2018 as a replacement for "Flux Sections" in previous releases. A "Subdomain cross section" tool has now been added to the Set Locations mode in the Draw Graph command. A “subdomain cross section” is created by drawing a polyline on the domain. Elements intersected by the polyline form the subdomain. Nodes are automatically selected along the left side of the subdomain. The “subdomain cross section” tool makes it possible to quickly create “subdomain graphs” of the amount of heat or mass flowing past a section within the domain.
  • Feature: When opening a file created by GeoStudio 2016 or earlier, Flux Sections will be converted to subdomain graphs.
  • Change: Using View Result Information, the properties of a flow path have been changed: Average Speed has been replaced with Average Flux, and Travel Time has been removed for steady-state analyses.
  • Bug fix: Flow Path lines cannot be drawn if no storage function has been defined.
  • Bug fix: In a Land-Climate Interaction boundary conditions, Calculated Snow Depth functions are not calculated properly if the air or precipitation functions use the "Cycle" option.


  • Feature: The ground surface temperature can now be modeled directly using an n-factor boundary condition. The n-factor boundary condition uses a ratio of the ground surface and air freeze/thaw indexes to calculate the simulated ground surface temperature.
  • Change: Using View Result Information, the properties of a flow path have been changed: Average Speed has been replaced with Average Flux, and Travel Time has been removed for steady-state analyses.
  • Bug fix: Flow Path lines cannot be drawn if no storage function has been defined.


  • Change: Using View Result Information, the properties of a flow path have been changed: Average Speed has been replaced with Average Flux, and Travel Time has been removed for steady-state analyses.
  • Bug fix: Flow Path lines cannot be drawn if no storage function has been defined.

    This update fixes a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

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  • Change: Improvements were made to various translations based on customer feedback.
  • Change: Online help content has been updated.
  • Bug fix: Licenses cannot be activated if the username includes certain non-Latin characters. This error is displayed: "No response from the server. Check that you have a network connection. (Error 514009)"
  • Bug fix: When typing units while changing values in Page Layout fields, the value may change.
  • Bug fix: In some cases Draw Regions and Import Regions will produce incorrect regions when multiple overlapping regions are drawn or imported.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when opening files on workstations with new Intel Xeon CPU supporting AVX-512 instructions
  • Bug fix: A "syntax error" message is displayed when changing the source of the initial conditions of an analysis with a basic license.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by GeoStudio 2016 or older, flux sections correctly get converted to graphs, but the upgrade log does not mention them.
  • Bug fix: The duration of a steady-state analysis changes from 0 to 1 when opening a file created by GeoStudio 2016 or earlier.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, when selecting a subdomain, in some cases no nodes are selected.
  • Bug fix: Windows no longer resize properly after a Redo action changes the current analysis.


  • Bug fix: For staged analyses, the shear resistance graph data for non-critical slip surface is incorrect. This bug does not affect the computed FOS.
  • Bug fix: In Define Analyses, on the Slip Surface tab, the "tension crack angle", "filled with water", and "unit weight of water" fields are blank. This bug was a regression introduced in version 9.0.4.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Define Analyses when creating a new SLOPE/W Analysis - SIGMA/W Stress or QUAKE/W Stress or QUAKE/W Newmark Deformation, if the current analysis is a SLOPE/W analysis.
  • Bug fix: Slip surface contours now indicate the contour units for overdesign factor analyses.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Graph dialog does not show the correct dependent variable for a factor of safety (FOS) or Overdesign Factor (ODF) analysis.
  • Bug fix: View Slice Information shows Overdesign Factor when the analysis preferences are set to Degree of Utilization.
  • Bug fix: When changing view preferences between displaying factor of safety and overdesign factors, duplicate menu and toolbar items appear for contour labelling and slip surface display.
  • Bug fix: When using partial factors and having the display format set to degree of utilization, slip surfaces with errors incorrectly show as 0.001 instead of E999 (for example).
  • Bug fix: Data in the Draw Probability graphs may be incorrect when changing result times.


  • Bug fix: The solver crashes and reports the error "Failed Windows system service call to WriteFile(): The pipe is being closed" in the solve manager window in certain cases when a boundary condition has been assigned to a portion of the mesh that has only null elements (no material properties).
  • Bug fix: A transient SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W or AIR/W analysis that acquires initial pore-water pressure conditions from a QUAKE/W or SIGMA/W analysis fails with an error message that the solver is unable to find the elemnode.csv file.
  • Bug fix: Unable to graph custom parameters from Add-Ins.


  • Bug fix: A transient SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W or AIR/W analysis that acquires initial pore-water pressure conditions from a QUAKE/W or SIGMA/W analysis fails with an error message that the solver is unable to find the elemnode.csv file.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Define Analyses when creating a new SLOPE/W Analysis - SIGMA/W Stress or QUAKE/W Stress or QUAKE/W Newmark Deformation, if the current analysis is a SLOPE/W analysis.
  • Bug fix: When creating a SIGMA/W Coupled Stress/PWP analysis, GeoStudio displays the error "FLEXnet heartbeat failure", then crashes.


  • Bug fix: A transient SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W or AIR/W analysis that acquires initial pore-water pressure conditions from a QUAKE/W or SIGMA/W analysis fails with an error message that the solver is unable to find the elemnode.csv file.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes in Define Analyses when creating a new SLOPE/W Analysis - SIGMA/W Stress or QUAKE/W Stress or QUAKE/W Newmark Deformation, if the current analysis is a SLOPE/W analysis.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah macet dan melaporkan kesalahan "Panggilan layanan sistem Windows gagal ke WriteFile(): Pipa sedang ditutup" di jendela manajer penyelesaian dalam kasus tertentu ketika kondisi batas telah ditetapkan ke bagian mesh yang memiliki hanya elemen nol (tidak ada sifat material).
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W, atau AIR/W sementara yang memperoleh kondisi tekanan air pori awal dari analisis GEMPA/W atau SIGMA/W gagal dengan pesan kesalahan yang tidak dapat dipecahkan oleh pemecah temukan file elemnode.csv.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat membuat grafik parameter khusus dari Add-In.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah macet dan melaporkan kesalahan "Panggilan layanan sistem Windows gagal ke WriteFile(): Pipa sedang ditutup" di jendela manajer penyelesaian dalam kasus tertentu ketika kondisi batas telah ditetapkan ke bagian mesh yang memiliki hanya elemen nol (tidak ada sifat material).
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W, atau AIR/W sementara yang memperoleh kondisi tekanan air pori awal dari analisis GEMPA/W atau SIGMA/W gagal dengan pesan kesalahan yang tidak dapat dipecahkan oleh pemecah temukan file elemnode.csv.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat membuat grafik parameter khusus dari Add-In.


  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis SEEP/W, TEMP/W, CTRAN/W, atau AIR/W sementara yang memperoleh kondisi tekanan air pori awal dari analisis GEMPA/W atau SIGMA/W gagal dengan pesan kesalahan yang tidak dapat dipecahkan oleh pemecah temukan file elemnode.csv.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas laju udara terhubung ke fungsi Laju Massa Udara vs. Waktu. Mereka malah harus menautkan ke fungsi Kecepatan Udara vs. Waktu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tidak dapat membuat grafik parameter khusus dari Add-In.

Kamis, 8 September 2016

GeoStudio 2016

GeoStudio 2016 (0 B)
Requires maintenance through August 2016

Below are the changes made since the previous release.


    • version 8.16.0 - September 8, 2016 - This is the initial release of GeoStudio 2016.

    • version 8.16.1 - October 21, 2016 - This minor update to GeoStudio 2016 improves Print Preview, Page Layout, and includes a number of bug fixes.

    • version 8.16.2 - March 2, 2017 - This update to GeoStudio 2016 improves Sketch Text, DXF/DWG export, and includes a number of bug fixes.

    • version 8.16.3 - June 6, 2017 - This minor update to GeoStudio 2016 improves licensing with USB dongles among other bug fixes. Please note that this release requires the latest network license server (geoslope-lmadmin version 9.0.0 or later), and that it drops support for Windows XP and Windows Vista. Details are below.

    • version 8.16.4 - July 25, 2017 - This minor update to GeoStudio 2016 restores licensing functionality when using legacy USB dongles and includes a bug fix to the SLOPE/W solver.

    • version 8.16.5 - November 13, 2017 - This update to GeoStudio 2016 addresses a critical issue where GeoStudio would become unresponsive when performing licensing operations. We strongly recommend upgrading to this version if your maintenance covers this release.


    GeoStudio 2016 is an easy upgrade from GeoStudio 2012. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release. (Maintenance is required through August 2016.)

    The major new features include:

    Page Layout:

    • Sketch objects (lines, text, pictures, etc.) in paper space that only appear when printing.

    • Page Layout sketch items are displayed over the model, in either Define or Results views.

    • Create or import Page Layout templates.

    Enhanced Model View:

    • Page size and extents no longer need to be defined until printing or going to Page Layout view.

    • Infinite model space.

    • Improved grid lines rather than grid points.

    • Red and green reference lines at x=0 and y=0.

    • "Go to coordinate" command to quickly jump to a coordinate.

    • "Pan" command to pan the model (or use the middle mouse button).

    • Previously there were separate horizontal and vertical scales. Now there is a "reference scale" (used for font sizes and symbol sizes) and a "vertical exaggeration".


    • Print directly from the new Page Layout mode.

    • Select multiple analyses to print simultaneously.

    • Select page size and orientation.

    • Fit to page or tile across multiple pages.

    • Print preview.

    Assign Properties Across a Set of Analyses:

    Check the "Apply to multiple analyses" checkbox in Draw Materials and other modes to assign or remove properties in multiple analyses simultaneously:

    • Materials

    • Boundary conditions

    • Beams

    • Bars

    A status column shows what changes were made.

    Replace Properties in SLOPE/W Analyses:

    Properties or objects from one SLOPE/W analysis can be copied to other analyses using the new KeyIn - Replace in Analyses command. For example:

    • Slip surface definition,

    • Pore water pressure,

    • Point loads,

    • Anchors,

    • and more.

    A status column shows what changes were made.

    Material Property Table:

    The material property table in Sketch Text now displays as a proper table, including:

    • Headers

    • Column alignment

    • Material color

    • Material name

    • Other properties

    Modify Sketch Properties:

    • A new Modify Sketch Properties command allows modifying properties of text, lines, dimensions, circles, arcs, pictures, and axes after drawing them.

    • Objects may be displayed in only specific analyses.

    • Type exact coordinates.

    Portuguese: GeoStudio is now available in Brazilian Portuguese in addition to English, French, Spanish, and Chinese.

    Free 30-day Trial: Request a free 30-day trial license to try the new features if your maintenance expired before August 2016.

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    Page Layout

  • Feature: New Page Layout mode, accessible from a button in the toolbar or the Window menu.
  • Feature: Select page size and orientation.
  • Feature: Specify the position and size of viewport in paper space using the Page Layout docking window, or through Modify Objects.
  • Feature: Specify the position and scale of the model in the viewport, in model space.
  • Feature: Import a layout from another .gsz file.
  • Feature: Disable most commands while in Page Layout (can't draw regions, for example), but enable Sketch commands. The Page Layout mode is primarily about marking up a drawing for presentation.
  • Feature: Sketch items stored separately for Page Layout than for Model view.
  • Feature: Change Zoom Objects to include the page.
  • Feature: Grey background behind the page.
  • Feature: Create sample title blocks and publish as templates.
  • Enhanced Model View

  • Feature: Remove Set Page command. It is replaced by the Page Layout mode.
  • Feature: Remove extents and page size from Set Units and Scale.
  • Feature: Rename horizontal scale to "reference scale", and add a vertical exaggeration instead of vertical scale.
  • Feature: Do not display page borders.
  • Feature: Remove scroll bars because there's no limit to how far one can scroll.
  • Feature: Add a Pan mode and button in the status bar as an alternative to panning with the middle mouse button.
  • Feature: Add red and green lines at x=0 and y=0 as a reference point to help in positioning and orientation.
  • Feature: Add a Go to Coordinate command in the status bar to jump to a new position.
  • Feature: Remove Zoom to Page as there's no longer a page.
  • Feature: Enable Zoom to Objects even if there are no objects, and simply bring 0,0 back into the view and set zoom to 100%.
  • Feature: Display the current scale in the status bar as well as the zoom percentage.
  • Feature: Change the Set Zoom dialog to work with scale as well as zoom.
  • Grid

  • Feature: Display dashed lines instead of dots for the grid, as they are easier to see on high-dpi displays.
  • Feature: Display the grid behind other objects rather than in front.
  • Feature: When the grid gets too dense, skip some lines rather than simply not showing it at all.
  • Feature: In the Set Grid dialog, remove the display units, and add engineering units in the edit boxes.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, clicking the "up" button by the grid edit box in the status bar would actually cause the grid spacing to become smaller instead of larger.
  • Printing

  • Feature: Switch to Page Layout mode to print, as any sketch items in Page Layout will be printed.
  • Feature: Allow selecting paper size and orientation directly from the Print dialog.
  • Feature: Allow selecting multiple analyses to print.
  • Feature: Don't allow selecting the print area. That is done using the viewport in Page Layout instead.
  • Feature: Add "Fit to Page"
  • Feature: Add a Print Preview.
  • Assign Properties Across a Set of Analyses

  • Feature: Draw Materials: change "Apply to all Analyses" checkbox to be "Apply to multiple analyses", which now expands the dialog box to show a list of analyses.
  • Feature: Add a "Apply to multiple analyses" checkbox to Draw Boundary Conditions, Draw Beams, and Draw Bars as well.
  • Feature: Right-click in the list of analyses to quickly select all analyses, parent analyses, child analyses, etc.
  • Feature: When the material (or BC, etc.) is assigned to an object, it will be assigned to that object in all selected analyses.
  • Feature: A status column shows if the assignment was successful, and if it failed, also shows the reason for the failure.
  • Replace Properties in SLOPE/W Analyses

  • Feature: New command in the KeyIn menu: Replace in Analyses.
  • Feature: Select the objects to replace (tension crack lines, slip surface definition (including extents, axis of rotation, entry/exit ranges, etc.), pore water pressure (including piezometric line, Ru, Bbar, etc.), point loads, surcharge loads, reinforcement loads, and seismic loads).
  • Feature: Select the analyses in which to replace the objects.
  • Feature: Hit Apply or OK to replace the objects. All objects of that type in the target analyses will be deleted, then replaced with copies of all objects from the current analysis.
  • Feature: A status column shows if the replacement was successful, and if it failed, also shows the reason for the failure.
  • Material Property Table

    Material property tables can be added to a drawing using Sketch Text - Insert field - Materials - Show as a table. Previously the "table" was quite simple, and columns frequently did not line up properly.

  • Feature: Column alignment has been fixed.
  • Feature: Rows and columns are outlined and given a background color.
  • Feature: Word wrapping keeps columns from getting too wide.
  • Feature: Material color is displayed in its own column.
  • Modify Sketch Properties

  • Feature: The Modify Sketch Text command has been expanded to all sketch objects, renamed to Modify Sketch Properties, and moved to the Modify menu.
  • Feature: Click any sketch object (line, text, axes, pictures, circles, arcs, arrows, or dimensions) to edit its properties.
  • Feature: Depending on the object, you can change its color, line thickness, arrowheads, position, etc.
  • Feature: Change the "Show in" option to display the object in all analyses or only in the current analysis.
  • Start Page

  • Feature: Redesigned the Start Page.
  • Feature: Select a template from a dropdown list on the Start Page, then click a product name, to create a new file from that template.
  • Feature: Simplified the File New dialog.
  • Import and export

  • Feature: When exporting an analysis to DXF or DWG, the font specified in View Preferences will be used for all exported text.
  • Bug fix: Importing a DXF or DWG as a background sketch image will scale improperly in some cases. This typically occurs when the imported file included text.
  • Bug fix: The presence of 3D polylines in a DXF or DWG file could potentially result in the imported image being positioned incorrectly (when using Sketch Pictures).
  • Bug fix: Imported DWG/DXF images are incorrectly scaled when the viewport(s) are not maximized.
  • Bug fix: In some cases exporting to WMF does not work properly.
  • Other changes:

  • Feature: Translated to Brazilian Portuguese.
  • Feature: Display the number of days remaining for a trial license.
  • Feature: In the Solve Manager, right-click in the list of analyses to quickly select all analyses, parent analyses, child analyses, etc.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when switching from Define to Results while typing something into the Grid edit box in the status bar.
  • Bug fix: In some cases if a file is saved while a dialog box is displayed (such as KeyIn Materials), GeoStudio could crash.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio will fail to add sections for spatial functions or partial factor records to a report.
  • Bug fix: The unit system on the start page when a file is open always displays S.I. even when Imperial units were actually selected in Set Units and Scale.


  • Feature: The verification error message when lines overlap has been made more descriptive (includes the point numbers) to make it easier to identify which lines are overlapping.
  • Change: In KeyIn Materials, for the S=f(overburden) material model, the "Minimum Strength" field was moved from the Advanced tab to the Basic tab.
  • Bug fix: In some cases the solver displays the error “Slip surface calculation error … Cohesive Strength has a value of None” when solving analyses using the S=f(overburden) material model, because the minimum strength associated with the material was ignored. This bug was introduced in the May 2012 Release (version 8.0.4).
  • Bug fix: The solver can compute incorrect results when slip surfaces intersect bedrock layers at the ground surface. Intersecting bedrock can truncate the slip surface, but the interslice function was using the original slip surface extents in its calculations. This could result in incorrect results when using the Morgenstern-Price half sine, clipped sine, trapezoidal, or fully specified side functions.
  • Bug fix: In rare cases View Slice Information can display “Phi Angle”, “C (Strength)” and “Anisotropic Strength Mod.” values from a slice other than the one selected. This problem only occurs for the critical slip surfaces (e.g., the optimized slip surface).


  • Bug fix: In the Johansen (1975) estimation method for thermal conductivity as a function of volumetric water content, the thermal conductivity was being over-estimated at all water contents to prevent the calculation of negative values at low water contents.


  • Bug fix: In the Johansen (1975) estimation method for thermal conductivity as a function of volumetric water content, the thermal conductivity was being over-estimated at all water contents to prevent the calculation of negative values at low water contents.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Change: The Print Preview image has been improved.
  • Change: If objects are drawn outside the borders of the page in Page Layout, Zoom Objects will now include them.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash if the mouse was over the status bar when a file was closed.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when switching to Page Layout view.
  • Bug fix: In Page Layout view, incorrect time units were shown behind analysis names in the analysis tree accessible from the toolbar.
  • Bug fix: While in Page Layout, exporting to DXF or DWG can take a very long time, as long as several minutes, during which time GeoStudio is unresponsive.
  • Bug fix: When exporting to DXF or DWG, legend text may have a height of zero, making it appear to be missing. This bug was introduced in version 8.16.0.
  • Bug fix: The message on the status bar that is supposed to give instructions about the current mode does not always get updated correctly.
  • Bug fix: Immediately after opening a new file, the Go To command in the status bar is disabled.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally no page is displayed the first time an analysis is displayed in Page Layout.
  • Bug fix: In some cases when a dialog box is displayed, the Undo command can cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally when using Split Region, new regions may not have a material association.
  • Bug fix: Values in the Set Grid dialog box are incorrect in Page Layout.
  • Bug fix: Limits were added to zoom and scale values to avoid the potential of crashing GeoStudio from extreme values.
  • Bug fix: Materials on interface lines were displayed too wide at small zoom factors.
  • Bug fix: Some toolbars or docking windows are available in Define when they shouldn't be.


  • Bug fix: Materials using the Undrained model were displayed (in View Object Information, reports, or material tables) with an effective cohesion (Cohesion') instead of total cohesion.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally the Slip Surfaces window is not displayed correctly when it is resized.
  • Bug fix: The safety map does not get repositioned when the reference scale changes.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

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  • Change: The material table displayed through Sketch Text - Insert Field is now sorted alphabetically by the material name.
  • Bug fix: When exporting to a DXF or DWG, some elements may not be exported, and in some cases the resulting file may not be valid unless the Sketch Pictures view preference is turned off. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.16.0.
  • Bug fix: After exporting a file as a previous version (using the File - Export to Previous Version command), some warnings still appear when opening the exported file with an older GeoStudio version. The warnings can be safely ignored--and will go away after the file has been saved again--but should not have appeared in the first place. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: When solving a large number of analyses that are deeply nested in the tree view, GeoStudio could appear to hang for a long time and eventually could crash.
  • Bug fix: Ponded water and safety maps may be displayed incorrectly after changing the reference scale.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, certain lines (such as reinforcement lines) or other symbols may be printed with a very thick line.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally sketch text word-wraps differently when printed than it does on screen.
  • Bug fix: The ampersand character is not displayed correctly in sketch text.
  • Bug fix: Boundary function types that were only intended to be in the Preview have been removed: Pressure Head vs. Time, Air Head vs. Time, Air Flux vs. Time, and Air Unit Flux vs. Time.


  • Bug fix: The KeyIn Replace in Analyses command does not copy all Entry and Exit properties. Radius increments and projection angles are missed.
  • Bug fix: Cohesion, Phi and Anisotropic Strength Modifier may be unavailable in Slope Results for certain geometries with a large number of slices.

    These additional changes were made in version . We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

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  • Change: USB dongles will now work with the latest drivers installed by Windows Update. If you are using GeoStudio network licenses, this change requires that you also update your network license server (geoslope-lmadmin) to the latest version available on the GEO-SLOPE web site.
  • Change: Some system requirements have changed with this release: Windows XP and Windows Vista are no longer supported.
  • Feature: Added a "Show Origin Axis" option in the Set Grid dialog.
  • Bug fix: The Edit - Copy command does not work properly except in Page Layout.
  • Bug fix: File Export and View Movie generate blank images.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio does not open a SLOPE/W version 5 file if the soil lines were not defined properly. This was a regression introduced in version 8.13.
  • Bug fix: The solver becomes unresponsive if an analysis name begins with a hyphen.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio could crash when saving a file for the first time after upgrading the file from version 5.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally zooming will not work reliably when an extraneous object has been placed far away from the rest of the geometry. This was a regression introduced in 8.16.0.


  • Bug fix: The Staged Rapid Drawdown and Staged Pseudo-static analyses continued to later stages even after failing to converge in a previous stage. Only errors from the final stage were reported.
  • Bug fix: Probability and sensitivity parameters do not properly upgrade to v8.

    We strongly urge all users to stop running the previous release, version, as its performance can degrade over time until eventually it becomes unresponsive while opening a file. Please upgrade to or newer.

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  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can become unresponsive when attempting to acquire a license.

    These additional changes were made in version 8.16.4. We recommend upgrading if you experience any of the bugs listed.

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  • Bug fix: Some older USB dongles were no longer detected after the 8.16.3 update.


  • Bug fix: The SLOPE/W solver reports the error message "Error: Unexpected termination of solve server process" when running analyses using staged rapid drawdown when the slip surface intersects materials with a Volumetric Water Content function defined for suction strength.

    We strongly urge all users to stop running the previous release, version, as its performance can degrade over time until eventually it becomes unresponsive while opening a file. Please upgrade to or newer.

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  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can become unresponsive when attempting to acquire a license.

    These additional changes were made in version 8.16.5. We recommend upgrading if you experience any of the bugs listed.

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  • Bug fix: GeoStudio can become unresponsive when attempting to acquire a license.
  • Bug fix: Opening an AutoCAD file could cause GeoStudio to crash if the AutoCAD file version is not supported by GeoStudio.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash in Results View in complex geometry where a piezometric or pressure line runs almost parallel to but intersects the base of a slice.
  • Change: Graph point locations on the edge of the geometry can produce results now.


  • Bug fix: Cohesion, Phi and Anisotropic Strength Modifier values may be unavailable in Results view when there is a vertical segment in the slip surface.
  • Perbaikan bug: Faktor parsial yang didefinisikan dalam analisis Kesetimbangan Terbatas mungkin secara tidak sengaja digunakan dalam analisis Stres Elemen Hingga.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa parameter di View Slice Information untuk permukaan slip yang disimpan mungkin hilang.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok di Tampilan Hasil saat menampilkan teks sketsa FOS dalam analisis tanpa permukaan selip yang valid.

Kamis, 28 Januari 2016

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Agustus 2015

GeoStudio 2012, Agustus 2015 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Agustus 2015

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 8.15.0 - 24 Agustus 2015

    • versi 8.15.1 - 28 Agustus 2015 - pembaruan kecil untuk memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu (tercantum di bagian bawah)

    • version 8.15.2 - September 18, 2015 - minor update to fix a few specific issues (listed at the bottom)

    • version 8.15.3 - September 23, 2015 - minor update to fix a few specific issues (listed at the bottom)

    • version 8.15.4 - November 2, 2015 - minor update to fix a few specific issues (listed at the bottom)

    • version 8.15.5 - January 27, 2016 - Important update to fix a few specific issues. We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release. (Details listed at the bottom.)

    • version 8.15.6 - October 21, 2016 - minor update to fix a few specific issues (listed at the bottom)


    The main areas of focus for this release include:

    Improvements to SLOPE/W:

        • Full support for Partial Factor analysis, including limit state design approaches such as Eurocode 7 and British Standard 8006.

        • Improvements to slip surface inspection and visualization using color maps.

    New region definition options:

        • Split regions into smaller regions and merge adjacent regions together.

        • Draw regions that overlap with existing regions, and they will be automatically merged.

        • Draw new floating polygon regions that can be moved over domain regions.

        • Import regions from AutoCAD DWG files or GeoStudio files.

    Improvements working with materials:

        • Apply materials across all analyses at once.

        • Add a material legend that displays material colors.

    Other changes:

        • Use the keyboard while drawing objects to enter exact coordinates, lengths, or angles. Drawing with the mouse now displays angles and lengths while you draw.

        • Add dimension lines to a drawing using Sketch Dimensions.

        • Remote Desktop is supported for all license types.

        • GeoStudio is officially supported on Windows 10.

GeoStudio Preview

    The GeoStudio Preview is a preview of the next major release of GeoStudio. It is installed along with GeoStudio 2012 to allow you to try it out with your models and provide us with early feedback if you wish.

    The fourth release of the Preview includes a new Gas Transfer formulation in CTRAN/W and Vapor Transfer in SEEP/W, along with additional multi-physics capabiliites. Support has also been added for SLOPE/W, SIGMA/W, and QUAKE/W analyses.

    Read more about the GeoStudio Preview here.

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  • Feature: GeoStudio 2012 now supports Remote Desktop use.
  • Feature: Regions and pictures can now be imported from AutoCAD DWG files, not just DXF.
  • Feature: GeoStudio can now import region geometry from other GeoStudio files (.gsz or .xml), or from third-party applications that export to GeoStudio's file format.
  • Feature: Adjacent regions can now be merged using the Draw Merge Regions command.
  • Feature: Regions can now be split into smaller regions using the Draw Split Regions command.
  • Feature: Draw Regions will now merge a new region with any overlapping regions, rather than displaying an error. Draw Regions will now only snap along an existing region boundary while the Ctrl key is pressed.
  • Feature: Contours and multiple slip surface lines have the option to extend colors beyond the defined range.
  • Feature: Materials can be applied to all analyses at once with the new "Apply to All Analyses" option in Draw Materials and Draw Surface Materials.
  • Fitur: Bahan dan fungsi dapat disalin ke papan klip dari Bahan KeyIn dan berbagai Fungsi KeyIn, lalu ditempelkan ke dokumen lain. Saat materi disalin, semua fungsi yang digunakannya juga akan disalin.
  • Fitur: Material dapat diterapkan ke semua analisis sekaligus dengan opsi baru "Terapkan ke Semua Analisis" di Draw Material dan Draw Surface Material.
  • Fitur: Key In Regions sekarang memiliki kolom tambahan di daftar region yang menunjukkan jenis region tertentu. Key In Points sekarang menunjukkan perbedaan antara titik domain yang tidak disematkan dan titik yang terkait dengan wilayah terapung.
  • Fitur: Zoom lebih responsif, terutama dalam proyek yang lebih besar.
  • Fitur: GeoStudio akan lebih responsif saat menelusuri item tanpa melakukan perubahan.
  • Fitur: Dalam Draw Graph, tooltip dapat ditampilkan atau disembunyikan menggunakan menu konteks.
  • Fitur: Dialog View Object Information sekarang akan tetap terbuka saat mengalihkan analisis.
  • Fitur: Dialog Lihat Informasi Hasil sekarang akan tetap terbuka saat beralih analisis.
  • Fitur: Dialog View Slice Information dan View Slide Mass sekarang akan tetap terbuka saat mengalihkan analisis.
  • Fitur: GeoStudio secara resmi didukung di Windows 10
  • Ubah: Saat mengimpor wilayah dari file DXF atau DWG, pesan kesalahan akan ditampilkan jika file sumber berisi wilayah di beberapa bidang.
  • Perubahan: Bagian "Melihat Hasil" baru telah ditambahkan ke Bantuan Online.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam Analisis KeyIn, saat mencoba mengubah hanya huruf besar-kecil dalam nama analisis, kesalahan akan ditampilkan tentang nama analisis rangkap.
  • Perbaikan bug: Ketika file tanpa wilayah diekspor sebagai file GeoStudio 2007, GeoStudio 2007 akan menampilkan kesalahan tentang beberapa tag yang tidak diharapkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika Draw Material dimulai dalam analisis elemen hingga dan opsi "Garis" dipilih, lalu analisis Kemiringan diaktifkan, dialog Draw Material harus beralih kembali ke opsi "Wilayah".
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio dapat mogok dalam tampilan Hasil jika tidak ada hasil yang tersedia.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam Lihat Informasi Hasil, memilih node dengan menyeret persegi panjang terkadang bisa sangat lambat.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, membuka file yang dibuat oleh GeoStudio 2004 (versi 6) akan menghasilkan beberapa kondisi batas dan kontur dengan nama yang identik.
  • Perbaikan bug: Menekan "Esc" dalam mode "Set Locations" dari KeyIn Spatial Functions akan keluar dari mode KeyIn Spatial Functions sepenuhnya daripada hanya keluar dari mode Set Locations dan kembali ke dialog utama.
  • Perbaikan bug: Teks pada tombol bilah alat tidak selalu ditampilkan dalam bahasa yang benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet saat menentukan fungsi temperatur Convective Surface Fluid. (Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan pada 8.13.0.)
  • Perbaikan bug: Gambar WMF yang diimpor tidak ditampilkan dengan benar. (Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan pada 8.14.0.)
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, jendela Solve Manager salah melaporkan bahwa analisis memiliki "Hasil kedaluwarsa" bahkan segera setelah menyelesaikannya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Laporan downgrade yang dibuat oleh GeoCmd kosong.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dengan Preferensi Tampilan "Jala" diaktifkan, menggambar materi di wilayah yang sebelumnya tidak memiliki materi, jala tidak akan ditampilkan di wilayah itu. Masalahnya dapat diselesaikan menggunakan View - Redraw, membuat ulang mesh secara manual menggunakan Draw - Mesh Properties, menyimpan file, atau menyelesaikan. (Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan pada 8.14.0.)
  • Perbaikan bug: Parameter waktu AddIn (seperti eElaspedTime) bisa salah jika banyak analisis dengan jenis analisis yang berbeda (SEEP/W, SLOPE/W, dll) diselesaikan secara bersamaan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Analisis anak dari analisis Convective atau Density Dependent gagal diselesaikan dengan kesalahan, "Tidak dapat membaca file hasil yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan analisis ini. File tidak ditemukan: ..."
  • Perbaikan bug: Perubahan pada preferensi tampilan tidak memengaruhi mode mouse "Lihat Info Objek".
  • Perbaikan bug: Tombol Esc tidak keluar dari mode menggambar saat ini. (Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan pada 8.14.0.)
  • Perbaikan bug: Kerusakan dapat terjadi saat menggambar wilayah dengan lapisan permukaan diaktifkan.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mungkin macet saat membuka file yang berisi karakter non-latin di komputer dengan pengaturan lokal yang berbeda. (Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan pada 8.14.0.)
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, file .GszXmlBackup tidak dibuat. Ini adalah file cadangan sementara yang dibuat saat .gsz sedang dimodifikasi, jika .gsz rusak.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, GeoStudio tidak mengizinkan modifikasi wilayah permukaan menggunakan Modifikasi Objek atau Gambar Lapisan Permukaan. Kesalahan "Tidak dapat menghasilkan wilayah permukaan dan wilayah di atasnya" ditampilkan. Ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan di versi 8.14. Dalam beberapa kasus, GeoStudio akan mogok saat mencoba menyatukan wilayah permukaan.


  • Fitur: SLOPE/W sekarang menyertakan dukungan penuh untuk analisis Partial Factor, termasuk pendekatan desain keadaan batas seperti Eurocode 7 dan British Standard 8006. Baca manual teknik "Pemodelan Stabilitas dengan SLOPE/W" untuk detailnya.
  • Fitur: SLOPE/W kini menyertakan opsi visualisasi dan inspeksi permukaan selip yang baru. Gunakan perintah Draw Slip Surface Color Map baru untuk menampilkan permukaan slip, kontur, dan peta keselamatan menggunakan rentang warna yang sama.
  • Feature: Display all potential slip surfaces at once, color-coded according to their factor of safety.
  • Feature: The Slip Surfaces docking window now allows you to filter the list of slip surfaces to a specific range.
  • Feature: Select a slip surface in Results view by clicking points of the slip surface definition (such as a center point, or an entry or exit point). The most critical slip surface associated with that definition will be selected.
  • Feature: Get fisual feedback about slip surfaces while graphically selecting them, including a tooltip showing factor of safety and a graphical representation showing the slip surface center and radius lines.
  • Feature: More control over view preferences in Results view: choose whether to display the current slip surface (includes the slip surface line itself, shading, slices, and factor of safety label); choose whether to display the critical slip surface above all others; and choose whether to display the slip surface definition objects.
  • Feature: Reinforcement in the passive zone is now applied if the resulting reinforcement load is acting in a direction causing the slope to give a higher factor of safety.
  • Feature: Reinforcement properties can now be included in probabilistic and sensitivity analyses.
  • Feature: Newmark analyses now display KMax - the maximum average acceleration from the side of the acceleration record with the largest area above (or below) the yield acceleration. Such analyses may return improved velocity and displacement values in some rare cases.
  • Feature: The Slip Surfaces docking window allows you to choose what to do with the "current" slip surface when you change analyses: either keep the same slip surface number selected, or switch to the critical slip surface of the new analysis.
  • Feature: The Slip Surfaces docking window allows you to type a slip surface number to select it.
  • Feature: The Slip Surfaces docking window is now more responsive when displaying a large number of slip surfaces.
  • Change: Water surcharge now is excluded in the pore-water pressure calculations using B-bar/Ru coefficients
  • Change: Speed improvements were made to Results View for analyses with a large number of slip surfaces.
  • Change: Many SLOPE/W example files have been updated.
  • Bug fix: Under some rare circumstances, the SLOPE/W solver could stop responding (hang).
  • Bug fix: Graphs displayed using Draw Sensitivity or Draw Probability did not update when the current slip surface changed.
  • Bug fix: Graphs displayed using Draw Graph did not update when the current slip surface changed.
  • Bug fix: The default unit weight of water assigned to a tension crack was incorrect when using imperial units.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to add new Lambda Values when the list of Lambda Values for the Linear Search method was empty.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when viewing results from a GeoStudio 2007 file. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: Creating a single grid point does not create an undo/redo item.
  • Bug fix: In some cases for a Monte-Carlo analysis, when Cohesion and Phi are both specified in Set Probabilistic Parameters and a C-Phi correlation coefficient is specified, results may be incorrect.
  • Bug fix: In rare scenarios GeoStudio is unable to read results generated by a sensitivity analysis.
  • Bug fix: Some shallow slip surfaces may not be generated.
  • Bug fix: When editing some of the SLOPE/W lines using the KeyIn commands, the points on the line were not always displayed in sorted order. This bug specifically affected piezometric lines, fully specified slip surfaces, surcharge lines and tension crack lines.
  • Bug fix: View Object Information did not display any information about the axis of rotation.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph in a sensitivity analysis, the Run combo box was not displaying properly when multiple modifiers were being used.


  • Change: The Plan View analysis in SEEP/W ensured that the saturated conductivity of a K-function was used even if the pore-water pressure was negative. Although the restriction is theoretically correct, it prevented an add-in material model from receiving the actual solved pore-water pressure when it was negative. The restriction was removed because the Saturated Only model can be used in place of the Saturated-Unsaturated material model to ensure the saturated conductivity is used in the Plan View analysis.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could potentially crash after a flux section was selected.


  • Bug fix: In some cases for axisymmetric analyses with a central angle of 360 degrees, the verification error "Neither force nor displacement has been applied in this analysis" would be reported incorrectly.


  • Bug fix: Climate data import did not work. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could potentially crash after a flux section was selected.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could potentially crash after a flux section was selected.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could potentially crash after a flux section was selected.


  • Bug fix: Climate data import did not work. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could potentially crash after a flux section was selected.

    These additional changes were made in version

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  • Bug fix: Unable to run license maintenance check while upgrading to 8.15.
  • Bug fix: Upgrading from 8.14 to 8.15 loses all non-English languages.

    These additional changes were made in version

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  • Feature: When typing coordinates in the status bar while in a draw mode, you can now specify a relative point with an angle and an X or Y offset. For example: @x10<30 will move 10 units to the right and up 30 degrees.
  • Change: Minor performance and stability improvements.
  • Change: Improved meshing reliability.
  • Bug fix: Floating regions could not always be selected using Modify Objects. In some cases the domain region below it would be selected instead.
  • Bug fix: Merge Regions may not merge two adjacent regions properly.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Mesh Properties, the mesh is not updated after clicking “Remove Constraints”. You can force the mesh to update by applying other constraints or modifying the geometry. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.14.
  • Bug fix: In some cases a solver may fail while attempting to reference initial conditions from a steady state analysis, and display an “Invalid time step” error.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio may crash while editing initial conditions in KeyIn Analyses.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when clicking "Copy" in View Result Information. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: In View Result Information, dragging a rectangle could select the wrong gauss points.
  • Bug fix: View Result Information is now faster when selecting a large number of nodes.
  • Bug fix: Some parts of the software always appeared in English, even if the rest was displayed in a different language. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: A few issues were fixed related to translations in various languages.
  • Bug fix: A DWG or DXF imported as a Sketch Image would hide any other images behind it. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: File Export incorrectly listed AutoCAD DWG files as an option for exporting. Currently the only AutoCAD file type supported for exporting is DXF.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, especially with very small regions, importing regions from DXF may cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: When using licenses tied to multiple USB dongles with 64-bit Windows, GeoStudio was only able to detect one of the USB dongles. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0. With this new release, all USB dongles will be detected by default, but in order to run GeoStudio from a remote desktop you must go to Help - License Management - Local Settings, and check the "Use 64-bit Licensing" checkbox. Due to a constraint in the underlying licensing software, 64 bit licensing will only detect a single USB dongle at a time.


  • Bug fix: Not all probabilistic graphs could be viewed. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: Contours were not always updated when changing the time step while in Results View.
  • Bug fix: When exiting the Draw Entry and Exit mode by right-clicking, the mouse cursor would not be reset.
  • Bug fix: In View Slice Information, using the keyboard's arrow keys after a mouse click was not changing the selected slice. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash if a SLOPE/W analysis is solved while in the Select Slip Surface mode.
  • Bug fix: In some cases the Slip Surfaces window may not display properly the first time GeoStudio is run, or after using Window - Reset Window Layout. Closing and re-running GeoStudio will normally solve the problem.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when viewing results of a sensitivity analysis. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.


  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, when getting initial conditions from a parent and that parent is a SIGMA/W Coupled Consolidation analysis, it was not possible to select "(all)" as the time steps.

    These additional changes were made in version

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  • Bug fix: GeoStudio is unable to use Activated licenses on 64-bit Windows. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.2.

    These additional changes were made in version

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    Improved application stability working with the geometry in GeoStudio. Problems fixed with this change include:

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may incorrectly display the error message "Unable to use results from file. The mesh is incompatible with this file" when attempting to load results from another analysis, even though the other analysis was solved using the same mesh.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when modifying region geometry.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when saving a file.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, especially with very small regions, importing regions from DXF may cause GeoStudio to crash.

    These bugs were also fixed:

  • Bug fix: The Student and Basic Editions may incorrectly indicate there are too many regions, and prevent the file from being saved.
  • Bug fix: Combo boxes in a toolbar (such as the Contour combo box) may not accurately indicate what is currently selected.
  • Bug fix: When an analysis was exported to DXF format, legends in the exported drawing appeared as solid white rectangles.
  • Bug fix: Some changes made in Set Units and Scale that affect the mesh (such as changing the Central Angle for an axisymmetric analysis) would not be applied to the mesh until the next time the mesh was regenerated (such as by making a change to the geometry). This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: In File - Import as Regions, in some cases when importing from DWG/DXF an incorrect scale factor was suggested.
  • Bug fix: Material assignments on a line were not preserved when the line was split.
  • Bug fix: There was a problem with the DWG/DXF importing where in some cases an incorrect scale factor was suggested. This has now been fixed so the suggested scale more accurately represents the contents of the DWG/DXF file.
  • Bug fix: Material assignments on a line were not preserved when the line was split.


  • Bug fix: The Slip Surfaces window may display incorrect left and right angles for the optimized slip surface.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when switching to Define view while in Select Slip Surface mode.
  • Bug fix: Contour labels on the grid of centers (when contouring factor of safety) were not displayed with the user-defined number of significant digits.


  • Bug fix: The starting time and duration may be incorrect for analyses whose type is "SIGMA/W Stress", "QUAKE/W Stress", or "QUAKE/W Newmark Deformation". This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when in Results view for a SIGMA/W analysis that has not been solved. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.14.


  • Bug fix: The starting time and duration may be incorrect for analyses whose type is "SIGMA/W Stress", "QUAKE/W Stress", or "QUAKE/W Newmark Deformation". This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.15.0.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

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  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio would not release unused space at the end of a .Gsz file. This caused .Gsz files to be larger than necessary.
  • Bug fix: After applying a Windows 10 update, activated licenses may no longer function.
  • Bug fix: The Solve Manager may report 'Results out of date' when in fact nothing has changed.
  • Bug fix: When printing, the Fit to Page button did not properly scale the image to a single page.
  • Bug fix: Importing a DXF or DWG as a background sketch image would scale improperly in some occasions and wouldn't overlap the region geometry. This typically occurred when text was present in the DXF or DWG.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio could become unresponsive (hang) while importing regions using File - Import Regions.
  • Bug fix: Drawing a region on top of another region can sometimes cause errors in Verify.
  • Bug fix: Split Regions could fail in some valid cases.
  • Bug fix: In some cases where the Structured Grid mesh patterns are used GeoStudio could crash if the mesh is over constrained.
  • Bug fix: Trying to split a region with a mesh type of 'Rectangular grid of Quads' or 'Triangular grid of Quads / triangles' could fail.
  • Bug fix: When an analysis gets initial conditions from a specific time step of its parent, and the parent is changed so it has only a single time step, the child analysis would have an invalid time step selected but the Time combo box would disappear so there was no obvious way to correct the mistake.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, the 'Select Time Steps' field might switch to 'Custom' unexpectedly.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, results did not load correctly when opening files solved by GeoStudio 2007 or earlier.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may incorrectly display the error message 'Unable to use results from file. The mesh is incompatible with this file' when attempting to load results from another analysis, even though the other analysis was solved using the same mesh.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when saving a file.

    These additional changes were made in version We recommend upgrading for everyone whose maintenance covers this release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: Importing a DXF or DWG as a background sketch image would scale improperly in some cases. This typically occurred when the imported file included text.
  • Bug fix: The presence of 3D polylines in a DXF or DWG file could potentially result in the imported image being positioned incorrectly (when using Sketch Pictures).
  • Bug fix: Imported DWG/DXF images were incorrectly scaled when the viewport(s) were not maximized.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when switching from Define to Results while typing something into the Grid edit box in the status bar.


  • Feature: The verification error message when lines overlap has been made more descriptive (includes the point numbers) to make it easier to identify which lines are overlapping.
  • Bug fix: In some cases the solver displays the error “Slip surface calculation error … Cohesive Strength has a value of None” when solving analyses using the S=f(overburden) material model, because the minimum strength associated with the material was ignored. This bug was introduced in the May 2012 Release (version 8.0.4).
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah dapat menghitung hasil yang salah saat permukaan selip berpotongan dengan lapisan batuan dasar di permukaan tanah. Batuan dasar yang berpotongan dapat memotong permukaan gelincir, tetapi fungsi interslice menggunakan luasan permukaan gelincir asli dalam perhitungannya. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan hasil yang salah saat menggunakan Morgenstern-Price setengah sinus, sinus terpotong, trapesium, atau fungsi samping yang ditentukan sepenuhnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi, View Slice Information dapat menampilkan “Phi Angle”, “C (Strength)” dan “Anisotropic Strength Mod.” nilai dari irisan selain yang dipilih. Masalah ini hanya terjadi pada permukaan slip yang kritis (misalnya, permukaan slip yang dioptimalkan).
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, GeoStudio akan gagal menambahkan bagian untuk fungsi spasial atau sebagian catatan faktor ke laporan.

Senin, 8 Desember 2014

GeoStudio 2012, December 2014 Release

GeoStudio 2012, December 2014 Release (0 B)
Requires maintenance through December 2014

Below are the changes made since the previous release.


    • version 8.14.0 - December 8, 2014

    • version 8.14.1 - December 17, 2014 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs (listed at the bottom)

    • version 8.14.2 - September 21, 2015 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs (listed at the bottom)

    • version 8.14.3 - October 21, 2016 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs (listed at the bottom)


    The main areas of focus for this release include:

    SLOPE/W improvements - Improved convergence using a new nonlinear search algorithm; pseudo-static seismic loading; improved slip surface filtering to remove inadmissible slip surfaces.

    Workflow improvements - It is easier to switch between analyses or time steps without losing your train of thought, as many dialogs (such as Draw Graph) will now stay active as you make changes outside of them.

    DXF improvements - Import DXFs containing cross-sections defined in 3D, and other DXF improvements.

    Performance improvements - Faster, smoother rendering; faster performance when working with larger files; and other performance improvements.

    New languages - GeoStudio is now available in French; the Spanish translation has been improved; and Simplified Chinese is available as well. Select your language when installing GeoStudio or change it later using Edit Options.

GeoStudio Preview

    The GeoStudio Preview is a preview of the next major release of GeoStudio. It is installed along with GeoStudio 2012 to allow you to try it out with your models and provide us with early feedback if you wish.

    The third release of the Preview expands the functionality of GeoStudio, improves the robustness of the engineering solvers, and includes a number of user-interface enhancements to improve workflow. The highlights include:

    • Redeveloped AIR/W and CTRAN/W finite element products

    • A single phase air transfer analysis in AIR/W

    • A diffusion-only analysis in CTRAN/W

    • A new SEEP/W formulation for modeling density-driven groundwater flow due to spatial variations in temperature

    • A more rigorous formulation in SEEP/W for modeling density-driven groundwater flow due to spatial variations in concentration

    • A more rigorous formulation in TEMP/W for modeling forced heat convection with flowing air and water

    • Particle tracking in any analysis with water flow or air flow

    • Flexibility to enter values in different units

    Read more about the GeoStudio Preview here.

All Products

    Workflow Improvements

  • Feature: Previously any dialog or drawing mode had to be closed before switching to a different analysis. Now many of them can remain open. For example, you can now leave the Draw Graph window open as you change analyses, to compare results across analyses. Similarly you can remain in Draw Material mode as you change analyses, to make changes to materials across many analyses.
  • Feature: Add "Current" time selection to Draw Graph, to graph using the time step selected globally.
  • Feature: The list of time steps in Draw Graph are updated while solving.
  • Feature: An "Apply" button has been added to the Set Units and Scale dialog box to make it easier to test changes to the problem's scale and extents.
  • DXF Improvements

  • Feature: DXF import--via File Import Regions and via Sketch Pictures--is now capable of importing 3D DXF files. When a file's entities are determined to fall on a 3D X-Z plane, they are re-oriented to align with the 2D X-Y GeoStudio plane. The orientation of the 3D DXF plane is determined by calculating the normal vector of the 3D elements. This is currently limited to a single plane in 3D-space.
  • Feature: When importing regions from a DXF file, GeoStudio was limited to importing only polylines whose "closed" property was set to "yes". This functionality has been extended to include polylines whose start and end points meet. In addition, GeoStudio now supports importing closed HATCH elements as regions.
  • Feature: When using Sketch Pictures to import a DXF, GeoStudio now has improved MTEXT handling, including MTEXT with varying formatting, or rotated MTEXT.
  • Feature: TrueType fonts in TEXT and MTEXT styles are retained when importing DXF files using Sketch Pictures.
  • Feature: An "Apply" button when importing DXF files as regions or as sketch pictures allows adjustments to be made while importing.
  • Bug fix: When using Sketch Image to import a DXF file, entities were painted black instead of using the layer color.
  • Performance Improvements

  • Feature: GeoStudio is much more responsive when working with large files that contain many analyses, many time steps, or a large domain mesh. For example, the files will open much faster, the Solver will start running more quickly, GeoStudio is more responsive while solving, and Results view is much more responsive when you switch between analyses.
  • Feature: Improved shell extensions allow Windows Explorer to better handle large .gsz files without becoming unresponsive or crashing.
  • Feature: Overall rendering speed has been increased by 200-400%. GeoStudio should now be more responsive when contouring large meshes.
  • New Languages

  • Feature: GeoStudio has been translated into French. (The online help and the engineering methodology books are still in English; let us know if you would like these translated.)
  • Feature: The Spanish edition has been updated with new translations, including the ability to display reports and object information in Spanish.
  • Other Changes

  • Feature: For users who opt in, GeoStudio will send anonymous feature and usage information to GEO-SLOPE to help improve the software.
  • Change: GeoStudio no longer automatically regenerates its mesh if it was created by a previous version. This change allows GeoStudio to open files created by previous versions faster and makes it easier to compare results with those generated by previous versions.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when editing the Y-Intercept field in KeyIn Functions for a function that does not cross the y-axis.
  • Bug fix: When using multiple Custom Locations in Draw Graph, a node selected twice would produce two graph locations.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph may crash when plotting vs. time, for analyses with time units defined in seconds and large time values (larger than 2e+9 seconds or 75 years).
  • Bug fix: Text near the page boundaries would sometimes be cut off when printing or copying the entire page.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in Draw Mesh Properties when changing a region's corner points.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash during mesh regeneration.
  • Bug fix: After deleting the Template Folder path and exiting, GeoStudio would crash the next time it was run.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash while accessing files on a network drive that had been disconnected.
  • Bug fix: On a computer with IE11 installed, the list of analyses on the "file information" view overlapped the filename.
  • Bug fix: In some rare cases, results may fail to be written to file without any error messages.


  • Feature: SLOPE/W can now use a new “Root Finder” search method to improve the rate of convergence for some types of limit equilibrium stability problems. This method forecasts the required percentage of the inter-slice force function (lambda) based on previous estimates using a non-linear function. The non-linear prediction can sometimes reduce the number of iterations required to find the converged lambda in comparison to the “Linear” search method.
  • Feature: In Draw Graph, the graph of Lambda vs. F of S includes a point indicating the factor of safety returned by the search method.
  • Feature: When using the Linear search method in SLOPE/W, you can now control the Lambda value at which a solution must be obtained. Previously, this value was always 0.2.
  • Feature: Added the option of doing staged undrained strength seismic analysis using a procedure proposed by Duncan, Wright and Wong (1990).
  • Feature: Improved the 3-stage rapid drawdown implementation so that the undrained strengths more closely match published results.
  • Feature: Improved the responsiveness of the Slip Surfaces window.
  • Feature: Free drainage materials can now be modeled in a SLOPE/W staged analysis by setting the R Envelope parameters to equal the material's Cohesion and Phi values.
  • Feature: SLOPE/W now displays more detailed error messages when a slip surface cannot converge to a solution.
  • Change: "Probability Functions" are now more appropriately titled "Probabilistic Offset Functions". This more clearly declares that each 'Probabilistic Offset Function" is not automatically fit to the range of the parameter. Instead, the range of each function should be applicable to the range of the parameter(s) to which it is applied.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when performing a probabilistic analysis with spatial variation when no slip slices were generated.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in View Slice Information while viewing the results of a SLOPE/W analysis that had a geometrically invalid slip surface.
  • Bug fix: A 992 error FOS could be generated when the X and Y coordinates were large (in the millions).
  • Bug fix: Some FOS error messages were incorrect in the Sensitivity dialog.
  • Bug fix: Some analysis methods, such as Janbu and Bishop, were not showing the correct Applied Lambda in View Slice Information.
  • Bug fix: In some cases (when the number of starting points is low) the "optimized" factor of safety may be larger than the critical slip surface.
  • Bug fix: The Resistance Reduction Factor was not applied in a geosynthetic reinforcement when the Pullout Resistance was calculated from Interface Adhesion and Interface Shear Angle.


  • Bug fix: When using a unit gradient boundary condition and an anisotropic material, any anisotropy with different Ky/Kx ratios would result in the wrong applied flux at the unit gradient boundary.


  • Feature: The units displayed in the column header for an X-Velocity displacement boundary function were incorrect.


  • Change: The analysis type "Equivalent Linear with PWP Only" has been removed. Please use "Equivalent Linear Dynamic" instead.
  • Bug fix: The units displayed in the column header for an X-Velocity displacement boundary function were incorrect.


  • Bug fix: In a particle tracking analysis, the user-defined Starting Time was ignored, and always assumed to be zero. This could result in an overestimated travel distance if the actual Starting Time was non-zero.
  • Bug fix: The Particle Shading view preference was not working properly.
  • Bug fix: "View Particle Information" could show incorrect values when a different current time is selected.
  • Bug fix: Choosing View Mass Accumulation from the menu would instead go to View Particle Information. This was a regression introduced in version 8.13.0.


  • Bug fix: When using a unit gradient boundary condition and an anisotropic material, any anisotropy with different Ky/Kx ratios would result in the wrong applied flux at the unit gradient boundary.

    These additional changes were made in version

All Products

  • Feature: An "Apply" button has been added to the Set Units and Scale dialog box to make it easier to test changes to the problem's scale and extents.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio fails to correctly delete old files in its temporary file cache. This can generate unexpected behavior while re-solving existing analyses, such as strange contours or a crash when viewing results after re-solving. To work around this problem, close and re-open GeoStudio after solving.
  • Bug fix: File Save As would fail if GeoStudio was unable to write to the original file (such as if the current user did not have permissions or the disk was full).


  • Feature: Draw Graph performance was improved for analyses with a large number of slip surfaces.
  • Feature: Further improved the responsiveness of the Slip Surfaces window.
  • Bug fix: An unnecessary error message would be displayed when selecting a slip surface for which no results were available. This was a regression introduced in version 8.14.0.
  • Bug fix: Some unnecessary warnings were logged while saving a file as an older version.

    These additional changes were made in version

All Products

  • Bug fix: In View Result Information, selecting nodes by dragging a rectangle could sometimes be extremely slow.
  • Bug fix: Imported WMF pictures were not displayed properly. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: With the "Mesh" View Preference turned on, drawing a material on a region which previously did not have a material, the mesh would not be displayed in that region. The problem could be worked around using View - Redraw, manually regenerating the mesh using Draw - Mesh Properties, saving the file, or solving. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when opening a file containing non-latin characters on a computer with a different locale setting. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)


  • Bug fix: In some cases for a Monte-Carlo analysis, when Cohesion and Phi are both specified in Set Probabilistic Parameters and a C-Phi correlation coefficient is specified, results may be incorrect.
  • Bug fix: Under some rare circumstances, the SLOPE/W solver could stop responding (hang).
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when viewing results from a GeoStudio 2007 file. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)
  • Bug fix: In some cases for a Monte-Carlo analysis, when Cohesion and Phi are both specified in Set Probabilistic Parameters and a C-Phi correlation coefficient is specified, results may be incorrect.


  • Change: The Plan View analysis in SEEP/W ensured that the saturated conductivity of a K-function was used even if the pore-water pressure was negative. Although the restriction is theoretically correct, it prevented an add-in material model from receiving the actual solved pore-water pressure when it was negative. The restriction was removed because the Saturated Only model can be used in place of the Saturated-Unsaturated material model to ensure the saturated conductivity is used in the Plan View analysis.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when defining a Convective Surface Fluid temperature function. (This was a regression introduced in 8.13.0.)
  • Bug fix: Climate data import did not work. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when defining a Convective Surface Fluid temperature function. (This was a regression introduced in 8.13.0.)
  • Bug fix: Climate data import did not work. (This was a regression introduced in 8.14.0.)

    These additional changes were made in version

All Products

  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio would not release unused space at the end of a .Gsz file. This caused .Gsz files to be larger than necessary. This was a regression introduced in version 8.14.0.
  • Bug fix: The Solve Manager may report "Results out of date" when in fact nothing has changed.
  • Bug fix: When printing, the Fit to Page button did not properly scale the image to a single page.


  • Bug fix: In some cases the solver displays the error “Slip surface calculation error … Cohesive Strength has a value of None” when solving analyses using the S=f(overburden) material model, because the minimum strength associated with the material was ignored. This bug was introduced in the May 2012 Release (version 8.0.4).
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah dapat menghitung hasil yang salah saat permukaan selip berpotongan dengan lapisan batuan dasar di permukaan tanah. Batuan dasar yang berpotongan dapat memotong permukaan gelincir, tetapi fungsi interslice menggunakan luasan permukaan gelincir asli dalam perhitungannya. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan hasil yang salah saat menggunakan Morgenstern-Price setengah sinus, sinus terpotong, trapesium, atau fungsi samping yang ditentukan sepenuhnya.


  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio mogok saat dalam tampilan Hasil untuk analisis SIGMA/W yang belum dipecahkan. Bug ini adalah regresi yang diperkenalkan di versi 8.14.0.

Jumat, 30 Mei 2014

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Mei 2014

GeoStudio 2012, Mei 2014 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Mei 2014

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • version 8.13.0 - May 7, 2014

    • version 8.13.1 - May 17, 2014 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs

    • version 8.13.3 - September 21, 2015 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs

    • version 8.13.4 - October 21, 2016 - minor update to fix a few specific bugs


    Here are some of the main areas of focus for this release:

    Stability improvements and bug fixes - This release includes many changes that increase stability, improve performance, and fix reported issues in all GeoStudio products.

    GeoStudio 2014 Preview Update - The updated GeoStudio 2014 Preview includes support for multi-physics analyses and a new saturated-unsaturated SEEP/W formulation.

    Windows 8.1 - This release is officially supported on Windows 8.1.

    Licensing - More effort has been put toward making licensing work more quickly and smoothly.

GeoStudio 2014 Preview

    The GeoStudio 2014 Preview is included when you install the GeoStudio 2012 May 2014 Release. The primary focus for this development cycle has been on improving support for multi-physics analysis. This release brings forward the saturated-unsaturated SEEP/W formulation into the Preview and the ability to conduct heat advection analysis with flowing water.

    Read more about the GeoStudio 2014 Preview here.

All Products

    Stability and Performance

  • Feature: The solver now runs as a lower priority process, allowing GeoStudio and other applications running on the same computer to be more responsive while solving.
  • Feature: The GeoStudio finite element Parallel Direct Equation Solver is now up to 10% faster.
  • Feature: Improvements were made to the responsiveness of the application, especially while opening files, solving, and saving.
  • Change: To see a full update of each analysis' status in the Solve Manager window, you must now hit the Refresh button. Basic status information such as the last solved time and any verification errors will continue to be updated any time a file is opened or saved; however, testing whether the solution is "out-of-date" can take a long time, so this now only occurs when you click the Refresh button.
  • Bug fix: A number of crashes have been fixed that were reported by users choosing to send error information to Microsoft after a crash.
  • Licensing

  • Feature: GeoStudio now supports activated licenses that can be used over Remote Desktop.
  • Feature: Improved the stability and responsiveness of license management.
  • Change: Basic and Student license restrictions are enforced at the time the file is saved, to prevent accidentally saving a file that can no longer be opened without a full license.
  • Bug fix: While upgrading, setup could incorrectly indicate that some licenses would not work with the new release because their maintenance had expired.
  • Bug fix: In some cases it was not possible to return a license because the server thought the license had already been returned.
  • Bug fix: In some cases a standalone license could end up being installed on a license server, or a server license on a client.
  • Feature: An activated license could be broken when major changes have been made to the computer on which it was activated. GeoStudio will now repair it the next time it is run.
  • DXF

  • Feature: When importing a DXF as a picture using Sketch Pictures, the page origin, scale and extents can be adjusted automatically to fit the DXF entities, in a manner similar to File Import Regions.
  • Change: Importing a DXF (as an image in Sketch Pictures or as regions in File Import Regions) now uses the User Coordinate System (UCS) of the DXF file if one is defined.
  • Bug fix: The Import Regions command for creating regions from DXF files presented incorrect extents values in the Import Regions from DXF Entities dialog box.
  • Full Unicode Support

  • Feature: GeoStudio now fully supports Unicode throughout the product. This means you can use file names in any language. When changing GeoStudio's display language, you therefore are no longer required to change non-Unicode settings on your system. Simply choose a language from the Edit Options dialog and restart GeoStudio.
  • Feature: The default language in GeoStudio is now the selected Windows display language (for example, Chinese). If a Windows display language is unsupported by GeoStudio then the language in GeoStudio will default to English.
  • Images

  • Feature: File Export now allows exporting as GIF, PNG, JPEG, and other image formats.
  • More Changes

  • Feature: GeoStudio can now load Add-Ins that were downloaded through a web browser without first having to "Unblock" the Add-In dll.
  • Feature: A new Window Reset Layout command has been added, which restores the docking window layout to the original default settings.
  • Feature: KeyIn Regions now supports Copy and Paste in the list view.
  • Feature: A warning is displayed when changing global units in Set Units and Scale, as this setting does not actually convert any values.
  • Feature: Quickly create new projects from a template, directly from the Start Page.
  • Feature: The Start Page now includes a link to a "Getting Started" section in the online help.
  • Change: When solving some subset of analyses in a file, the progress bar in the system's taskbar now takes into account the number of analyses being solved.
  • Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix: GeoStudio no longer allows an analysis to be deleted while it is being solved, as that can lead to data corruption.
  • Bug fix: Contour lines, contour shading, isolines, deformation, and vectors could not always be displayed correctly when choosing specific time steps.
  • Bug fix: In the Result Times window, in some cases clicking on an earlier time step would cause all subsequent time steps to disappear from the list.
  • Bug fix: Not all results (such as Safety Maps and Contours) were available in Sketch Text.
  • Bug fix: When creating a new file, GeoStudio's Start Page was displayed instead of the File Properties view.
  • Bug fix: After saving an analysis with exponential time steps, KeyIn Analyses and View Report both show a missing value in Initial Increment Size, unless the default Initial Increment Size value is overridden by a user specified value.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when trying to generate an invalid mesh.
  • Bug fix: Starting the solver from the last saved step would overwrite some previously computed results on the domain, such as the number of unconverged nodes and cumulative values.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, line breaks in the Description edit box were lost while saving the file.
  • Bug fix: Changing the Element Thickness or Central Angle in Set Units and Scale failed to re-generate the mesh with the new values. This bug is a regression introduced in the June 2013 Release.
  • Bug fix: A Javascript error may be displayed in KeyIn Analyses after upgrading to Internet Explorer 11.
  • Bug fix: Time increments were not being generated correctly when exponentially decreasing the increment size.
  • Bug fix: Several bugs were fixed related to the Undo command.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when using File Save As and saving to a write-protected drive.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when changing a function's type from Add-In Function to any other type of function and back again.
  • Bug fix: When choosing KeyIn Analyses or exiting GeoStudio, other windows may "flicker".
  • Bug fix: In rare cases, cloning an analysis, saving the file, and then re-opening it could display an error about an invalid "CourantNumber"
  • Bug fix: When a file containing legends was exported as an older GeoStudio version and then opened in a previous version of GeoStudio, a warning would be displayed.
  • Bug fix: The Ground Surface Line could be incorrectly generated when there are null regions internal to the domain.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash generating a mesh when a meshed line cuts at an angle through a surface region.
  • Bug fix: In some cases while resizing a window, other controls in the window will not be displayed properly.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when opening a file created by the original GeoStudio 2012 release in cases where the project contains a large number of regions.
  • Bug fix: AddIn functions with fields containing the character sequence "NAN" or "IND" would not be read correctly from file. This could result in failure or wrong answers in analyses using these AddIn functions.


  • Feature: Added the ability to adjust the height of a piezometric line during a probability or sensitivity analysis. This feature behaves in a similar manner to GeoStudio 2007.
  • Feature: The reinforcement length and angle are now displayed in the KeyIn Reinforcements dialog box.
  • Bug fix: Slip surfaces obtained from a parent analysis could not be optimized.
  • Bug fix: When using the Strength = f(depth) or Strength = f(datum) functions with a large rate of increase, GeoStudio could display an error message before checking for the min and max values.
  • Bug fix: When using a parent analysis in SLOPE/W to compute a slip surface for the child analysis, there were some cases where an error would be generated in the solver when using the slip surface in the child analysis.
  • Bug fix: In a Monte-Carlo analysis, a regression was introduced in version 8.12 with the use of the C-Phi correlation coefficient. If the "Set Probabilistic Parameters..." dialog was displayed, the correlation data was corrupted and the correlation coefficient was ignored.
  • Bug fix: In a Monte-Carlo analysis, the generalized spline distribution would always fail, causing a verify error.
  • Bug fix: Contours did not update when switching between analyses.
  • Bug fix: For a probabilistic analysis, the units displayed for P(failure) were incorrect in Sketch Text and in the graph of P(failure) vs. Time.
  • Bug fix: Computations of localized FOS in a Newmark Analysis were using dynamic rather than static stresses. This bug affected the local stability factor, but did not affect the overall solution.
  • Bug fix: The "Ignore seismic load in base shear strength computation" option in KeyIn Seismic Load was not working properly. When the option was used, the shear strength at the base of the slice was incorrect and the force polygon was not closed.
  • Bug fix: Slip surfaces may be incorrectly reported as invalid ("air gap") when a steep region line intersects the slip surface.
  • Bug fix: Safety map colors were incorrect: the range of colors did not extend all the way to the End Color.
  • Bug fix: Some results were unavailable for the optimized slip surface.
  • Bug fix: The pore water pressure at the base of a slice may be too large when the material is specified with a BBar and there is a surcharge load or ponded water.
  • Bug fix: In some rare cases the solver could crash because a problem generating slip surface slices.
  • Bug fix: The solver may never complete when a slip surface passes through only air and bedrock materials.
  • Bug fix: The solver could crash when dealing with a large number of slip slices.


  • Feature: The Draw Graph command now allows filtering the convergence plot (X-Conductivity vs. Matric Suction) by each material.
  • Change: The maximum value for Initial Rate in the hydraulic under relaxation criteria is now enforced as 1.0.
  • Change: The K convergence graph is now based on the actual computed total head of an iteration. In the past, the under-relaxed total head was used. This change better highlights the actual K difference when a solution is not converged.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when a flux section contained a node that didn't belong to an element.


  • Change: The maximum value for Initial Rate in the hydraulic under relaxation criteria is now enforced as 1.0.
  • Bug fix: When using a function of Y Stress, the Ei and C values were only being updated based on the stresses in the parent analysis; now they are updated at the beginning of each time step.
  • Bug fix: The solver could crash in an Insitu analysis when a boundary function is applied.
  • Bug fix: When an E vs. Y stress function is used, or when a Total C vs. Total Y Stress function is used, the Y stresses are now based on Insitu stresses rather than on the stresses at the current iteration.


  • Change: "Insitu Y Total Stress" and "Insitu PWP" are now saved to the .gsz file in the same way as they are by SIGMA/W, so that the insitu stresses computed by QUAKE/W can be used in SIGMA/W for Ei computation when needed.
  • Bug fix: The solver was not computing the Liquefaction flag for Initial Static analyses.
  • Bug fix: The Cohesion Prime and Phi Prime fields in KeyIn Materials were not displayed and could not be changed.
  • Bug fix: Applied boundary forces were computed incorrectly when using stress boundary functions and hydrostatic pressure boundary functions in an equivalent linear dynamic analysis.
  • Bug fix: The G Reduction and Damping Ratio functions did not properly handle estimation parameters in U.S. Customary Units.
  • Bug fix: The solver may crash when an analysis contains higher order elements with structural beams.
  • Bug fix: Axial forces were over-estimated in Equivalent Linear Dynamic analyses.
  • Bug fix: The constant stress option, which resulted in an averaging of stresses within an element, has been removed from the insitu analysis. This option had already been removed from all analysis types within SIGMA/W at the original release of Version 8.


  • Change: The maximum value for Initial Rate in the hydraulic under relaxation criteria is now enforced as 1.0.


  • Feature: The Draw Graph command now allows filtering the convergence plot (X-Conductivity vs. Matric Suction) by each material.
  • Change: The maximum value for Initial Rate in the hydraulic under relaxation criteria is now enforced as 1.0.
  • Bug fix: When splitting a surface line of a surface region which has properties such as materials, boundary conditions etc., these properties were not being correctly applied on the newly generated regions after the split.

    These changes were made in version

All Products

  • Bug fix: When displaying a graph with a value of "distance/area", the units may be displayed incorrectly. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.13.0.
  • Bug fix: Exporting to DXF produced a file that could not be opened by AutoCAD because it contained invalid group codes. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.13.0.
  • Bug fix: Sketch Pictures showed a dialog to adjust page position and scale after selecting a file. This dialog only applies to importing DXF files and should not be shown for other file types. This bug was a regression introduced in version 8.13.0.
  • Bug fix: On Windows 8.1 systems FLEXIDs would appear mulitple times in the License Management dialog.


  • Bug fix: VADOSE/W was unable to solve an analysis with activated regions.

    These additional changes were made in version


    This is a minor update to the previous May 2014 Release to fix a few specific problems.

All Products

  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam Lihat Informasi Hasil, memilih node dengan menyeret persegi panjang terkadang bisa sangat lambat.


  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam keadaan yang jarang terjadi, pemecah SLOPE/W dapat berhenti merespons (macet).
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus untuk analisis Monte-Carlo, ketika Kohesi dan Phi keduanya ditentukan dalam Set Probabilistic Parameters dan koefisien korelasi C-Phi ditentukan, hasilnya mungkin salah.

    Perubahan ini dilakukan pada versi


    Ini adalah pembaruan kecil untuk Rilis Mei 2014 sebelumnya untuk memperbaiki beberapa masalah tertentu.

Semua produk

  • Perbaikan bug: Saat mencetak, tombol Paskan ke Halaman tidak menskalakan gambar dengan benar ke satu halaman.
  • Perbaikan bug: Solve Manager dapat melaporkan 'Hasil kedaluwarsa' padahal sebenarnya tidak ada yang berubah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah dapat menghitung hasil yang salah saat permukaan selip berpotongan dengan lapisan batuan dasar di permukaan tanah. Batuan dasar yang berpotongan dapat memotong permukaan gelincir, tetapi fungsi interslice menggunakan luasan permukaan gelincir asli dalam perhitungannya. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan hasil yang salah saat menggunakan Morgenstern-Price setengah sinus, sinus terpotong, trapesium, atau fungsi samping yang ditentukan sepenuhnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus, pemecah menampilkan kesalahan "Kesalahan perhitungan permukaan selip ... Kekuatan Kohesif memiliki nilai Tidak ada" saat menyelesaikan analisis menggunakan model material S=f(overburden), karena kekuatan minimum yang terkait dengan material diabaikan. Bug ini diperkenalkan pada Rilis Mei 2012 (versi 8.0.4).

Senin, 16 September 2013

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis September 2013

GeoStudio 2012, September 2013 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga September 2013

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


    • versi 8.12 - 16 Sep 2013

    • versi 8.12.3 - 29 Okt 2013 - Ini adalah pembaruan kecil untuk Rilis September 2013 sebelumnya untuk memperbaiki dua bug tertentu.

    • versi 8.12.4 - 30 September 2015 - pembaruan kecil untuk memperbaiki beberapa bug tertentu


    Berikut adalah beberapa area fokus utama untuk rilis ini:

    SLOPE/W - A SLOPE/W analysis can now specify another SLOPE/W analysis as its "parent". This "child" analysis can then obtain its slip surfaces from its parent's saved slip surfaces (the top ten most critical, for example). This feature can be helpful when doing sensitivity or probabilistic analyses in which the analyses can be done only on the saved critical slip surfaces rather than on every slip surface.

    We've continued to improve the speed of the SLOPE/W solver on computers with multiple cores.

    SLOPE/W's factor of safety graphs have been moved into Draw Graph, and we've expanded the number of slice parameters that can be graphed. GeoStudio will automatically add common graphs when you open or create a file.

    The "High Strength" material can now control unit weight in the unsaturated zone.

    Legends - Add legends to your drawing for contours, factor of safety contours, and safety maps.

    Licensing - We put a lot of effort into making licensing work more smoothly with this release. A new wizard steps you through installing any kind of license. When a license is not available, the error message should be helpful, clear, and offer troubleshooting steps.

    To avoid installing a newer version of GeoStudio that is not covered by your license’s maintenance period, Setup will do its best to detect your licenses and warn you about potential license problems before you upgrade. We’ve also updated our web site to more consistently mention what maintenance is required for a specific GeoStudio version.

    Functions - Time-based functions that can be "cycled" were sometimes difficult to use. Now they include a "period" parameter to control how long the cycled period is, and they no longer project "backward" in time.

    Pictures - We've added support for additional common file types, including JPEG, GIF, PNG, and more. Pictures (and other objects) can be resized while maintaining their original proportions by dragging one of the corner handles in Modify Objects.

    Sharing Files Between Versions - Sharing .gsz files with people running earlier versions of GeoStudio? The File Export as Previous Version command now supports saving files in earlier GeoStudio 2012 formats (from before November 2012).

    Sorting - Lists of objects (such as the list of materials in KeyIn Materials) are now sorted by the object's name. You can change sorting by clicking on a column header.

All Products

    Changes related to legends:

  • Feature: Add legends to your drawing for contours, factor of safety contours, and safety map. The tutorial files for each product have also been updated to demonstrate this new feature.
  • Changes related to licensing:

  • Feature: Common licensing-related error messages have been reworded to be more helpful in identifying the problem.
  • Feature: The Test button in the License Manager Network Settings tab is now available in both administrator and non-administrator modes, to test the availability of a license server.
  • Feature: Improved error messages for some common license activation failures. New License Installation wizard to help install licenses.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, GeoStudio could acquire a network license from a server even after the server name was removed from the list of license servers.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio would crash in KeyIn Analyses if you attempted to create an analysis without an appropriate license.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash on shutdown if a connection to a licensing server is lost while solving.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash if it was installed on the same computer as lmadmin, and lmadmin was subsequently uninstalled.
  • Bug fix: While upgrading GeoStudio, setup will warn you if any of your licenses' maintenance period does not support the new version of GeoStudio.
  • Changes related to graphs:

  • Feature: In Draw Graph, the tooltip is always displayed if the mouse is in the plot area, making it easier to see coordinates of specific points.
  • Feature: GeoStudio now adds pre-defined graphs in Draw Graph for common scenarios.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when using the Draw Graph command to plot data from the initial conditions of a parent analysis.
  • Bug fix: Exiting "Set Locations" in Draw Graph by right clicking would put the dialog into a state where "Set Locations" could not be used for a second time without first closing and re-opening the Draw Graph dialog.
  • Changes related to functions:

  • Feature: Functions that can be "cycled" (where the x value is time) now include a "period" parameter to control how long the cycled period is. This removes the need to re-enter the first data point at the end of the list to ensure a smooth function.
  • Change: Functions vs. time are no longer projected "backward". They are only defined beginning at the first user-specified x value.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in KeyIn Functions in some cases if a function had a single point and was cycled.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when trying to display invalid log values in KeyIn Functions.
  • Changes related to pictures:

  • Feature: Sketch Pictures now supports additional file types, including JPEG, GIF, PNG, and more.
  • Change: The Sketch Pictures dialog box has been reorganized to be easier to use.
  • Bug fix: Sketch Pictures that were "reflected" by scaling them using Modify Objects could no longer be selected.
  • Change: Adding images using Sketch Images no longer resizes the page, since it is difficult to predict the size of an image upon insertion.
  • Feature: In Modify Objects, dragging one of the corner handles will now scale the selected objects proportionally.
  • Changes related to sharing files:

  • Feature: The File Export as Previous Version command now supports saving files in earlier GeoStudio 2012 formats (from before November 2012). This can be useful for sharing files with people running earlier versions of GeoStudio 2012.
  • Changes related to sorting:

  • Feature: Lists of objects (such as the list of materials in KeyIn Materials) can be sorted by clicking on a column header.
  • Other changes:

  • Bug fix: In rare cases, GeoStudio may fail to print because of incompatible printer drivers.
  • Bug fix: An analysis could lose all its material assignments if prompted to save an existing file from the Solve Manager.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could become unresponsive when changing to Results View for a transient analysis.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in KeyIn Analyses when you reference results from an external file and select "(all)" as the time selection.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when adding a point to an existing line.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash while generating a mesh.
  • Bug fix: Results could be invalid when solving an axisymmetric analysis with a central angle of 360 degrees.
  • Bug fix: Objects that should not be modified in Results View, such as regions and points, can no longer be selected in Modify Objects.
  • Bug fix: Windows Explorer could crash if a folder contains a corrupted .gsz file.
  • Bug fix: When two analysis names differed only by case, their results could be invalid and GeoStudio would always indicate their results were out of date. GeoStudio now takes case into account when enforcing the rule that two analyses cannot have the same name.
  • Bug fix: Some Sketch commands could not be undone properly using Undo/Redo.


  • Feature: A SLOPE/W analysis can now specify another SLOPE/W analysis as its "parent". This "child" analysis can then obtain its slip surfaces from its parent's saved slip surfaces (the top ten most critical, for example). This feature can be helpful when doing sensitivity or probabilistic analyses in which the analyses can be done only on the saved critical slip surfaces rather than on every slip surface.
  • Change: Access to the slip surface graphs has been moved from the Slip Surfaces docking window to Draw Graph.
  • Feature: Four new slice parameters can be graphed in Draw Graph: Reinforcement Load Used, Reinforcement Shear Load Used, Point Load, and Surface Pressure Load.
  • Feature: Slope probabilistic analyses now solve more quickly on computers with multiple cores. The most noticeable gains will be seen when running analyses with a large number of Monte Carlo trials and few slip surfaces.
  • Feature: Slope analyses with optimization now solve more quickly on computers with multiple cores.
  • Feature: The unit weight of material above the water table can now be computed based on the material's Volumetric Water Content function.
  • Feature: The maximum number of iterations for a limit equilibrium analysis can now be changed under KeyIn Analyses.
  • Feature: The "High Strength" material can now control unit weight in the unsaturated zone under its advanced tab.
  • Change: GeoStudio performs a more accurate slice unit weight computation when solving an analysis with a water table.
  • Change: The Draw Safety Map and Draw Sensitivity dialogs nows display numbers using the significant figures view preference for Factor of Safety.
  • Bug fix: With very small grid spacing, Draw Slip Surface Entry/Exit is not able to drag the entry/exit range.
  • Bug fix: User-specified slip surface axis points were being ignored by the solver when using Grid and Radius or Entry and Exit.
  • Bug fix: When using spatial variation on a probabilistic Slope analysis, the random sampling was not always correct. Results for Slope analyses using spatial variation may change slightly.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by GeoStudio 2007, if seismic vertical load is missing, then slice weight and seismic force would be computed incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: When Probabilistic/Sensitivity Point Load modifiers were added to more than one analysis, only the first modifier was applied correctly. In such cases you may see incorrect or no probabilistic distribution in the results.
  • Bug fix: When cloning an analysis with probabilistic/sensitivity modifiers, modifier tags under "Analysis" were missing.
  • Bug fix: Solving a probabilistic analysis with a small number of runs would occasionally cause a crash.
  • Bug fix: Sensitivity graphs could include error codes (9xx values) in the graphs.
  • Bug fix: Thin slices at the ends of a slip surface could be assigned the wrong material.
  • Bug fix: Slice unit weight computations are now more accurate in cases where a different unit weight is used in the unsaturated zone.
  • Bug fix: Factor of Safety Contour Labels are now displayed above the slip grid points in Results View.
  • Bug fix: View Slice Info and Draw Graph will now work with an Add-In's Custom Parameter Results for slice data.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Slip Surface Axes, hitting F1 for online help went to the wrong topic.


  • Bug fix: A material's K0 is no longer restricted to being greater than a calculated K0.
  • Bug fix: When a Student or Basic license is used, the "Saturated Zone Only" checkbox in KeyIn Analyses is not set correctly when opening a file.


  • Change: Improved the thermal functions of the provided sample materials, so that the estimated "Unfrozen Water Content Functions" and the estimated "Thermal Conductivity Functions" are smooth in both arithmetic and logarithmic views.


  • Change: The "Initial Particle Conditions from" option has been removed from KeyIn Analyses.
  • Bug fix: In Results View, data about the resultant particle is displayed for the wrong time step (current step + 1 iteration).
  • Bug fix: The solver was storing an incorrect value for the nodal Total Head in a particle tracking analysis when transient seepage results were used.

GeoStudio 2014 Preview

  • Bug fix: In some cases the TEMP/W solver could generate invalid results, which could subsequently cause GeoStudio to crash in View Result Information.
  • Bug fix: The unfrozen volumetric water content displayed in Results View via Draw - Graph of View - Result Information was being set equal to the in situ volumetric water content if the Simplified Thermal Model was used. The unfrozen VWC is now correctly displayed as 0 if the temperature is below the phase change temperature.

    These changes were made in version


  • Bug fix: Unit weight was not affected by volumetric water content function in the unsaturated zone.


  • Feature: Structural elements were not being allowed with a Basic license.

    These changes were made in version

All Products

  • Bug fix: In View Result Information, selecting nodes by dragging a rectangle could sometimes be extremely slow.


  • Bug fix: Under some rare circumstances, the SLOPE/W solver could stop responding (hang).
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam beberapa kasus untuk analisis Monte-Carlo, ketika Kohesi dan Phi keduanya ditentukan dalam Set Probabilistic Parameters dan koefisien korelasi C-Phi ditentukan, hasilnya mungkin salah.

Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juni 2013

GeoStudio 2012, Juni 2013 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Juni 2013

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Pratinjau GeoStudio 2014

    Pratinjau GeoStudio 2014 kini tersedia! Pratinjau ini menawarkan peningkatan yang signifikan pada TEMP/W, termasuk kondisi batas Interaksi Tanah-Iklim yang baru, termosyphon yang lebih baik dan kondisi batas permukaan konvektif, serta dukungan untuk analisis 1D.

    The GeoStudio 2014 Preview is included when you install the GeoStudio 2012 June 2013 Release. Read more about the GeoStudio 2014 Preview.

All Products - New Features

    The biggest changes introduced in this release that affect all GeoStudio products include faster solve times, a richer experience with .gsz files in the Windows shell, a smoother installation experience, and a Spanish language option. The full list of changes includes:

  • Feature: Solve times have been improved in all products, especially on computers with multiple cores.
  • Feature: Solve time has been improved when using the finite element Parallel Direct Equation Solver.
  • Feature: When opening a file created with an older version of GeoStudio (such as GeoStudio 2007) and then saving it, GeoStudio no longer strips out the old results.
  • Feature: Solve times have been improved when solving files with many analyses.
  • Feature: GeoStudio's installer has been improved, giving more help around licensing during upgrades and uninstalls.
  • Feature: GeoStudio files (.gsz) are now more integrated with Windows Explorer, allowing you to search for words in the file, view thumbnails and previews, and get detailed information about file properties.
  • Feature: GeoStudio 2012 now supports the Spanish language. Use the Edit Options command to change your language settings.
  • Feature: The Draw Axes command has been removed, and the Sketch Axes command improved. It now includes support for top and right axis labels, and for text in any script.
  • Feature: The list of graphs in Draw Graph now shows the x and y parameters.
  • Feature: GeoStudio licenses can be activated even if no Internet connection is available.

SLOPE/W - New Features

  • Feature: Reinforcement loads can be modeled with or without reinforcement anchorage.
  • Feature: An algorithm was developed in the GLE solution scheme to filter out some converged but physically invalid slip surfaces.
  • Feature: Improved the speed of solving a stability analysis using a piezometric line.
  • Feature: The Draw Contours command is now available in Results view, allowing you to contour PWP and material properties.
  • Feature: In Draw Graph, graphs can now be generated over multiple time steps, to see how data changes over time.

All Products - Additional Changes

    These additional changes and bug fixes are also included:

  • Change: GeoStudio no longer allows you to Save As or Close a file while it is being solved.
  • Bug fix: Finite Element analyses of different types were not being solved in parallel.
  • Bug fix: In the Solve Manager docking window, checking or unchecking many analyses at once could make GeoStudio slow to respond.
  • Bug fix: The grid spacing controls in the status bar would not work for locales where the decimal character was anything other than ".".
  • Bug fix: Results view may not update automatically when new results are available.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, attempting to delete an analysis from a read-only file would fail but would not display an error message.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash after changing an analysis name, switching to a different analysis, then hitting Undo.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when saving a file while in Define if the file contains sketch text that references fields from the Results view.
  • Bug fix: Several crashes and hangs in various scenarios have been fixed.
  • Bug fix: In View Result Information, selected nodes were not highlighted in the drawing.
  • Bug fix: Hitting Ctrl-Z in some dialog boxes would not appear to undo the last change.
  • Bug fix: Some sketch objects did not undo or redo properly.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, some parameters could not be graphed if time step 0 was selected.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Mesh Properties, if invalid data is entered and an error message is displayed, the data now reverts back to the last valid value.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio was unable to import DXF files from some sources.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Functions and Draw Graph, the axis labels could in some cases be displayed on the wrong tick marks.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Functions, the Add Points and Move Points buttons may be disabled until you click on View Function and then back to Edit Data Points.
  • Bug fix: Images (added through Sketch Pictures) would disappear after hitting Undo multiple times.
  • Bug fix: Opening some version 5 files could cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file with an Add-In function that included parameters with a file path, the path separator "\" was removed.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, several bugs made it difficult to select a different analysis as source of initial conditions.
  • Bug fix: Analysis names containing certain % or " characters would cause the solver to fail.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash in KeyIn Functions if you create a function with a single point and check the "Cycle" option.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when saving a file after deleting an analysis.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally GeoLicense.exe may crash or may continue running in the background unnecessarily.
  • Bug fix: For some types of analysis, results were not saved to the file if the solver was interrupted by pressing the Stop button. The results were available to be examined in Results View, but if GeoStudio was closed and then opened again, the results were no longer available.
  • Bug fix: The Result Times list would update itself repeatedly while the analysis was being solved, making it difficult or impossible to select a new time step.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could be unresponsive for long periods of time when disconnected from a license server.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio may consume too many licenses.
  • Bug fix: A more helpful error message is displayed when opening a file without appropriate licenses.
  • Bug fix: While solving, the progress bar may disappear unexpectedly.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when opening a file created by GeoStudio 2007, if GeoStudio 2007 would have displayed an error while opening it.
  • Bug fix: When saving a file using the Save As XML option and saving overtop of an existing xml file, all files and subfolders in the same folder may have been deleted.
  • Bug fix: In some cases GeoStudio was unable to print.
  • Bug fix: If GeoStudio 2007 was uninstalled after GeoStudio 2012 was installed, and if the GeoStudio 2012 installer was no longer available, shortcuts to GeoStudio 2012 would ask for the location of the .msi file.


  • Change: GeoStudio now allows a material's Total Phi to be set to zero in a staged rapid drawdown analysis.
  • Bug fix: The solver may crash while solving a SLOPE/W Finite Element analysis with "Optimize critical slip surface location" enabled.
  • Bug fix: The solver may crash when dealing with many slip slices.
  • Bug fix: In a staged rapid drawdown analysis where materials above the water table had different unit weights, slice weights could be computed incorrectly (using the wrong water table).
  • Bug fix: For the S=f(Overburden) soil strength model, a negative pore water pressure is now ignored in the computation of the effective overburden stress.
  • Bug fix: The option to include Ru and BBar values with a piezometric line was not enabled.
  • Bug fix: The min and max values were not updating when the standard deviation of a probability distribution function was changed.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by GeoStudio 2007, probabilistic columns may be displayed in the Slip Surfaces docking window even if it was not a probabilistic analysis.
  • Bug fix: When opening a GeoStudio 2007 file with an optimized slip surface, the optimized slip surface would not be displayed in GeoStudio 2012.
  • Bug fix: Saving a file in the GeoStudio 2007 format would lose the Unit Weight, Cohesion Prime, and Phi Prime material properties.
  • Bug fix: If a SIGMA/W and a SLOPE/W analysis shared a common material, and if in SLOPE/W the material's weight, cohesion, or sigma were changed to a linear function, the edit box for that particular property would no longer be visible under KeyIn Materials in the SIGMA/W analysis.
  • Bug fix: Stopping a solve would display an error unnecessarily.
  • Bug fix: Reinforcement loads could be computed incorrectly if the load only intersects the passive side of the slip surface.
  • Bug fix: In View Slice Information, the Base Shear Mobilized Force and Base Shear Mobilized Stress were not displayed correctly.
  • Bug fix: In some cases, viewing slide mass information would produce unnecessary data.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when defining a Staged Rapid Drawdown analysis, contouring PWP, then changing the PWP option.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Radius, Grid, or Block, points would be displayed at the wrong coordinates if values were typed into the edit boxes.
  • Bug fix: In View Slice Information, when printing, no result data is printed.
  • Bug fix: After changing the number of critical slip surfaces to save, you would have to exit GeoStudio, then re-open the file for Results view to display the new number of slip surfaces.
  • Bug fix: Pasting data into the KeyIn Point Loads list could cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: In some rare cases, ponded water would not be displayed in its entirety.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash after entering invalid values when estimating volumetric water content and K functions.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, adding a Convective Heat Transfer analysis or a Density-Dependent analysis could end up creating four new analyses rather than two.


  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash after entering invalid values when estimating volumetric water content and K functions.
  • Bug fix: If a SIGMA/W and a SLOPE/W analysis shared a common material, and if in SLOPE/W the material's weight, cohesion, or sigma were changed to a linear function, the edit box for that particular property would no longer be visible under KeyIn Materials in the SIGMA/W analysis.


  • Bug fix: No results were available in View Result Information when selecting a beam.
  • Bug fix: The solver may crash when solving an Insitu analysis that uses a Spatial PWP function.


  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Analyses, adding a Convective Heat Transfer analysis could end up creating four new analyses rather than two.


  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam Analisis KeyIn, menambahkan analisis Density-Dependent dapat menghasilkan empat analisis baru, bukan dua.


  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio dapat macet setelah memasukkan nilai yang tidak valid saat memperkirakan kadar air volumetrik dan fungsi K.
  • Ubah: Saat mengimpor data iklim, GeoStudio sekarang memastikan kumpulan data memiliki nama yang unik.

Kamis, 29 November 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis November 2012

GeoStudio 2012, November 2012 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga November 2012

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

  • Perbaikan bug: Bug diperkenalkan pada rilis sebelumnya yang mencegah pembuatan grafik beberapa parameter.

Senin, 26 November 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis November 2012

GeoStudio 2012, November 2012 Release (0 B)
Requires maintenance through November 2012

Below are the changes made since the previous release.

All Products

  • Feature: GeoStudio is now Windows 8 Compatible.
  • Feature: Prepared GeoStudio to open files created by version 8.1 (not yet released).
  • Feature: A 'Test' button in the License Manager now checks for the availability of a network license server.
  • Change: When exporting data to CSV, we now use the user's locale settings to choose the delimiter, to better support locale-specific formatting.
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions, the Solve Manager may indicate an analysis is being solved when in fact it was canceled due to Verify errors.
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions, switching between different analyses in Results view may cause GeoStudio to stop responding.
  • Bug fix: When starting to solve an analysis, GeoStudio would switch to Results view, but would show the old results for a short time (until this particular analysis started solving).
  • Bug fix: Grid spacing could not be changed in Results view.
  • Bug fix: Modify Objects would select a background picture rather than the region or line placed in front of it.
  • Bug fix: Undo/Redo in Sketch Pictures did not work correctly when scaling an image.
  • Bug fix: Changes made in Sketch Pictures did not mark the file as needing to be saved.
  • Bug fix: In some cases the License Manager would display duplicate licenses in the list.
  • Bug fix: When importing a DXF file as an image, the text imported from DXF would appear truncated and with gaps between the characters.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio crashes when displaying dynamic Sketch Text in Define view that references fields under the ResultSet object
  • Bug fix: Setup would fail on some systems with an error about a network location being unavailable.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio would crash on Windows 8 when choosing File - Print.
  • Bug fix: Buttons and links on the Start Page were unresponsive on Windows 8.
  • Bug fix: The start page shows a red 'x' instead of each icon on older XP computers with IE6 installed.


  • Change: A small change was made in the computation of the effective base normal stress for the Ordinary Method, for consistency with the equation presented by Duncan and Wright.
  • Bug fix: For an analysis using PWP Conditions from 'Piezometric Line with Ru,' the solver was always using the Ru value, even for materials where 'Include Ru in PWP' was set to 'No.'
  • Bug fix: Results view may take a long time to display when viewing multiple slip surfaces.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may crash when viewing multiple slip surfaces from a GeoStudio 2007 file that used Auto Locate.


  • Feature: The hyperbolic model described by Duncan et al. (1980) has been added to SIGMA/W. The model is sometimes referred to as the hyperbolic E-B constitutive model because the bulk modulus (B) is considered to be constant while the elastic modulus (E) varies according to a hyperbolic relationship, resulting in non-linearity in both the volume and stress responses. The volumetric strain increment tends towards zero at failure as a result of this assumption, which is in keeping with the idea of a critical state. The new hyperbolic constitutive model also allows for specification of a ratio of unload-reload modulus number relative to the modulus number. The stress-strain response during unloading-reloading can therefore demonstrate a stiffer response as compared to the initial loading response, which is controlled by the user specified initial elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memperbaiki crash sesekali saat menyelesaikan.


  • Perbaikan bug: Di KeyIn Earthquake Records, memilih semua catatan dan mengklik Hapus tidak akan menghapus catatan dari daftar.

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Oktober 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Oktober 2012 Rilis (0 B)
Memerlukan pemeliharaan hingga Oktober 2012

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

  • Feature: A couple of changes have been made to lists (such as in the Solve Manager, KeyIn Materials, etc.): they will now remember any changes you make to their column widths, so that next time you display the list it looks the same as the previous time; Home, End, PgUp and PgDown keys now work as expected; double-clicking a column separator will adjust the column's width to include all its data; Ctrl-+ will adjust all column widths to include all data; columns line up better when printing; and column headers no longer allow clicking unless the list can be sorted (the only list that can be sorted at this point is the Slip Surfaces list).
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio was unable to open a gsz archive containing more than 65,535 files (such as for analyses with a large number of time steps).
  • Bug fix: Solving an analysis from a previous time step (after having stopped a solve in progress) may not produce the correct results.
  • Bug fix: The Status column in the Solve Manager window was indicating the wrong date.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could be slow to start up and/or slow to start solving when configured to use network licensing with a license server that was not available.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash under certain conditions when clicking a checkbox in the Solve Manager window while in Results view.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph could occasionally appear to hang when graphing data across many time steps or in particularly large files.
  • Bug fix: Draw Graph could crash under certain conditions.
  • Bug fix: Moving a region's point on top of another one removed both points from the region.
  • Bug fix: The Clone command has been removed from KeyIn Regions, Lines and Points, since it is not valid for those objects.
  • Bug fix: When using multiple monitors, GeoStudio will no longer appear on a monitor that no longer exists.
  • Bug fix: Opening a v7 Basic file may generate an error about exceeding the maximum number of elements.
  • Bug fix: In Help - License Management - Available Licenses, the "Usage" button was disabled when a network activation license was selected.
  • Change: Additional information about common license lifecycle tasks was added to the online help.


  • Feature: Probabilistic and sensitivity analysis can now be performed on most material models and pore-water pressure parameters, including B-bar and Ru.
  • Feature: The Slip Surfaces window has been improved: a Select Critical button to quickly jump to the critical slip surface; additional columns showing more information about slip surfaces; the ability to hide unwanted columns; export, copy and print; and icons indicating which column is being used for sorting.
  • Feature: The Hoek-Brown shear strength function estimation algorithm was improved to produce a better splined fit through the data points at low confining stresses. The algorithm now varies non-linearly the confining stresses used to generate the splined function. The improvement may result in differences in the critical slip surface for shallower slip surfaces.
  • Bug fix: Slide mass fields were missing from Sketch Text - Insert Field - Advanced.
  • Bug fix: Liquefaction zones were not being displayed when using results from QUAKE/W or SIGMA/W.
  • Bug fix: In View Slice Information, the data would not print correctly or copy to the clipboard.
  • Bug fix: Slip surfaces were not being generated correctly along bedrock if the bedrock outcropped (intersected) the ground surface.
  • Bug fix: View Slice Information displayed Slide Mass information instead, when viewing FE stress analysis results and clicking on a slice.
  • Bug fix: Slip surface limits were being displayed even when they were invalid, and were not updating when the geometry changed.
  • Bug fix: The total normal stresses were not always listed correctly in View Slice Information.
  • Bug fix: Overburden stresses were not being computed correctly in the Strength=f(Overburden) soil model when using stresses from QUAKE/W or SIGMA/W.
  • Bug fix: Viewing slice information for non-critical slip surfaces in a Newmark analysis may not display all slice forces, and may cause an error message to be displayed.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio may stop responding or become very slow when viewing body loads, especially with a large number of regions.
  • Bug fix: Factor of Safety contours were not upgrading properly when opening a file created by an earlier version.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by earlier versions, probabilistic and sensitivity material names and modifiers were not associated with the range function. In addition, multiple entries of the Base Case were shown in the Sensitivity Runs docking window.
  • Bug fix: When surcharge loads were applied to the left and right sides of a vertical slope, the normal surcharge force could be computed incorrectly.
  • Bug fix: The solver could crash when solving a block slip surface with vertical projection angles.
  • Bug fix: Shear force direction was incorrect when applied perpendicular to the reinforcement if the direction of movement was right-to-left.
  • Bug fix: Objects created entirely in a KeyIn dialog, such as KeyIn Point Loads, KeyIn Piezometric Lines, and KeyIn Reinforcements) could not be selected using Modify Objects.
  • Bug fix: Some KeyIn dialogs with 'x' and 'y' edit boxes were not saving the 'x' value, requiring it to be re-typed.


  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas nilai primer kadang-kadang tidak diinterpolasi ke titik Gauss untuk keperluan perhitungan properti material. Sebaliknya, kondisi di akhir langkah terakhir digunakan. Perbedaan yang dihasilkan dalam sifat material menghasilkan sedikit kesalahan dalam hasil. Kesalahan hanya terlihat jika masalah mengandung elemen yang terkait dengan kondisi batas nilai primer dan model material yang non-linear merupakan fungsi dari solusi (misalnya jenuh/tidak jenuh).


  • Perbaikan bug: Panah kondisi batas Stres Normal/Tangensial tidak ditampilkan dengan benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pemecah SIGMA/W dapat mogok saat bahan Cam Clay memiliki nilai kappa lebih besar dari atau sama dengan nilai lambda.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas nilai primer kadang-kadang tidak diinterpolasi ke titik Gauss untuk keperluan perhitungan properti material. Sebaliknya, kondisi di akhir langkah terakhir digunakan. Perbedaan yang dihasilkan dalam sifat material menghasilkan sedikit kesalahan dalam hasil. Kesalahan hanya terlihat jika masalah mengandung elemen yang terkait dengan kondisi batas nilai primer dan model material yang non-linear merupakan fungsi dari solusi (misalnya jenuh/tidak jenuh).


  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas nilai primer kadang-kadang tidak diinterpolasi ke titik Gauss untuk keperluan perhitungan properti material. Sebaliknya, kondisi di akhir langkah terakhir digunakan. Perbedaan yang dihasilkan dalam sifat material menghasilkan sedikit kesalahan dalam hasil. Kesalahan hanya terlihat jika masalah mengandung elemen yang terkait dengan kondisi batas nilai primer dan model material yang non-linear merupakan fungsi dari solusi (misalnya jenuh/tidak jenuh).


  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas nilai primer kadang-kadang tidak diinterpolasi ke titik Gauss untuk keperluan perhitungan properti material. Sebaliknya, kondisi di akhir langkah terakhir digunakan. Perbedaan yang dihasilkan dalam sifat material menghasilkan sedikit kesalahan dalam hasil. Kesalahan hanya terlihat jika masalah mengandung elemen yang terkait dengan kondisi batas nilai primer dan model material yang non-linear merupakan fungsi dari solusi (misalnya jenuh/tidak jenuh).


  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas nilai primer kadang-kadang tidak diinterpolasi ke titik Gauss untuk keperluan perhitungan properti material. Sebaliknya, kondisi di akhir langkah terakhir digunakan. Perbedaan yang dihasilkan dalam sifat material menghasilkan sedikit kesalahan dalam hasil. Kesalahan hanya terlihat jika masalah mengandung elemen yang terkait dengan kondisi batas nilai primer dan model material yang non-linear merupakan fungsi dari solusi (misalnya jenuh/tidak jenuh).

Senin, 30 Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, July 2012 Release (0 B)
Requires maintenance through July 2012

Below are the changes made since the previous release.

All Products

  • Bug fix: KeyIn Regions displays this error when typing in a list of points: "Point 0 does not exist."
  • Bug fix: The Result Times window in Results view would not always show time steps from all previous analyses in a chain.


  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Slip Surface Entry and Exit, and in KeyIn Slip Surface Grid and Radius, values entered in the 'x' and 'y' controls may be changed unexpectedly and/or may generate unnecessary error messages.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Slip Surface Entry and Exit, the entry and exit ranges would not snap to the ground surface line as they should, resulting in invalid ranges.
  • Bug fix: In KeyIn Slip Surface Limits, the coordinate edit boxes would be disabled until "Specified Points" was cleared and re-checked.
  • Bug fix: The Draw Factor of Safety Contours command was not computing the factor of safety properly at each grid point, resulting in invalid contours.
  • Bug fix: Factor of safety contours would not display when the contour range was very large.
  • Bug fix: In Results view, the Draw Contours command did not display any contours.
  • Bug fix: Draw Probability did not display the P (Failure) plots for probabilistic analyses with multiple time steps.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by earlier versions, probabilistic and sensitivity data would be lost.
  • Bug fix: When opening a file created by earlier versions, Phi, Cohesion and Unit Weight would not be imported.


  • Perbaikan bug: Jika tabel air awal diakhiri dengan segmen garis vertikal, ketinggian tabel air di sebelah kanan segmen terakhir salah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Saat membuka file yang dibuat oleh versi sebelumnya, Unit Weight tidak akan diimpor.
  • Perbaikan bug: Jika tabel air awal diakhiri dengan segmen garis vertikal, ketinggian tabel air di sebelah kanan segmen terakhir salah.


  • Perbaikan bug: Saat membuka file yang dibuat oleh versi sebelumnya, Unit Weight tidak akan diimpor.


  • Perubahan: Peningkatan pelokalan dilakukan di Lihat Pelacakan Partikel dan Lihat Massa Partikel.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juli 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

  • Perubahan: Dalam Analisis KeyIn, daftar waktu berlalu kustom kini harus dipisahkan dengan titik koma, bukan koma, untuk menghindari kebingungan di lokal tempat koma digunakan sebagai karakter desimal atau pemisah ribuan.
  • Perubahan: Peningkatan pelokalan dilakukan di Analisis KeyIn, Properti Draw Mesh, Wilayah KeyIn, dan di tempat lain.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio dapat macet saat mengarahkan mouse ke jendela grafik.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio dapat macet di perintah Draw Initial Water Table dan KeyIn Initial Water Table.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beralih di antara analisis setelah penyelesaian terkadang menyebabkan GeoStudio mogok.


  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam analisis probabilistik, menghapus koefisien korelasi yang ditentukan dapat menyebabkan pemecah crash.

Senin, 16 Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juli 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Juli 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

  • Feature: GeoStudio 2012 is now available in Simplified Chinese (PRC). By default, GeoStudio will automatically use the Chinese language when run on a computer whose language is set to Simplified Chinese (PRC), and will run in English in all other cases. To change the language, choose Edit - Options from the GeoStudio menu, then pick the desired language from the list. Our thanks to CnTech Co., Ltd. for their invaluable help with the translation.
  • Feature: An improved installer and new tools are available for setting up a network license server. Further instructions are available online in a PDF file titled "Setting Up an Lmadmin License Server" at
  • Feature: Speed improvements have been made while saving changes to disk, resulting in improved solve times and file save times, especially for larger projects.
  • Feature: Wherever lists are displayed (such as the Slip Surface window), columns can be rearranged by dragging them, sorted by clicking on a column header, or hidden by right-clicking on a column header.
  • Change: A number of changes were made to better support localization when displaying or entering values, such as using the correct decimal character, thousands separator, and list separator.
  • Bug fix: Under certain conditions, GeoStudio was unable to solve some analyses, displaying an error about failing to open the file.
  • Bug fix: Inserting a picture with Sketch Pictures caused GeoStudio to lose its geometry if there was a missing picture already in the list.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio now allows viewing results for an analysis whose parent analysis is not solved, as long as it does not depend on results from the parent.
  • Bug fix: When starting GeoStudio, GeoLicense would sometimes crash while checking for updated licenses.
  • Bug fix: The finite element solvers would crash if an analysis used more than 255 materials.
  • Bug fix: Files with Chinese names could not be opened from the Start Page. This issue likely affected other languages as well.
  • Bug fix: DXF files generated while in Results View could be corrupted and impossible to open in AutoCAD.
  • Bug fix: Boundary conditions could not be changed after cloning an analysis.
  • Bug fix: When installed for the first time on a computer, GeoStudio would not display the File toolbar.
  • Bug fix: When a file's time units are set to "Unspecified" (in Set Units and Scale), Draw Graph would not show any graphs that included a time dimension.
  • Bug fix: Opening a GeoStudio 2007 file in GeoStudio 2012 would sometimes display upgrade warning messages that did not apply.
  • Bug fix: Removing the grid values in the Set Grid Spacing command could cause GeoStudio to crash.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash when navigating the menu using the keyboard.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Isolines, a selection of "All" or "Last" time steps would not be remembered when switching between analyses.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, select "All" time steps, change analyses, and the "All" would change to "Custom" and the graph would not display until time steps were re-selected.
  • Bug fix: In Draw Graph, if "Custom Locations" were chosen while solving, they would not be saved.
  • Bug fix: When restoring the GeoStudio window on a monitor to the left of the primary monitor, the leftmost column in lists would be too narrow.
  • Bug fix: In certain graphs (including Slip Surface graphs), and when the axis range was negative, GeoStudio could crash when setting the option to view the graph in log format.


  • Feature: SLOPE/W can now handle any arbitrary shape of the Shear-Normal strength function. The restriction of a function with positive slope is no longer required. Equivalent C and Phi values are computed to represent the specific strength at any effective normal stress at the base of a slice.
  • Change: Slices with positive pore water pressure will be reported as having a pore air pressure of zero, because in such cases the pore air pressure is not used.
  • Bug fix: When using an external file for PWP or Stress conditions in a SLOPE/W analysis, we may get incorrect values or crash during Solve or when switching into Results view and viewing a different slip surface.
  • Bug fix: The solver would crash when encountering a slip surface with invalid material properties such as a negative unit weight, negative cohesion, or negative frictional angle. This may happen in probabilistic analyses when the distribution of the material parameters are not restricted (or capped) to be in the positive range. Now the slip surface will be given a 988 error code instead.
  • Bug fix: SLOPE/W now better supports special cases in reinforcement, such as when the reinforcement starting point is defined inside the sliding mass, or when a reinforcement intersects the slip surface in multiple locations.
  • Bug fix: When computing the geosynthetic bond strength at the base of a slice, the overburden stress was not being included in the surcharge load.
  • Bug fix: The solver would crash when encountering an air gap with a zero volume. This condition can be caused by regions that are drawn next to each other but without sharing a line or point. Now such a condition will generate an error instead of crashing.
  • Bug fix: Occasionally, the Draw Safety Map button in the toolbar would be unresponsive.
  • Bug fix: The solver reports a 998 error under certain conditions, such as slip surfaces that intersect the bottom of the section because the ground surface line is not long enough.
  • Bug fix: The solver could crash when a circular floating region shared a point with a background region.
  • Bug fix: The solver was unable to find the intersecting point of a reinforcement load under certain conditions.
  • Bug fix: When working in Results View with an analysis solved by an older version (e.g., GeoStudio 2007) using Grid and Radius, factor of safety contours may not be displayed, and it may not be possible to select slip surfaces graphically.
  • Bug fix: After saving a GeoStudio 2012 file in GeoStudio 2007 format, if the file contained contours in a SLOPE/W analysis, GeoStudio 2007 would crash when trying to open the file.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio would crash when working with a file created in GeoStudio 2007 containing a GLE analysis with an optimized slip surface.
  • Bug fix: The factor of safety displayed in the toolbar may not update when changing analyses.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to abort solving a probabilistic analysis, nor during the slip surface optimization sequence.
  • Bug fix: For staged rapid drawdown analyses, a Total Phi of zero is now allowed.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to use arrow keys to navigate through the list of slip surfaces in the Slip Surfaces docking window when the Slice Information dialog was also displayed, because focus would go to the Slice Information window every time a new slip surface was selected.


  • Ubah: Elemen antarmuka sekarang dapat diberikan simpul sekunder pada setiap tepi elemen. Sebelumnya tepi pendek tidak diperbolehkan memiliki node sekunder.
  • Perbaikan bug: Kondisi batas tekanan yang diterapkan pada tepi pendek elemen antarmuka tidak didistribusikan ke node.
  • Perbaikan bug: Bahan KeyIn tidak mengizinkan memasukkan bobot unit nol.


  • Perbaikan bug: Bahan KeyIn tidak mengizinkan memasukkan bobot unit nol.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio terkadang macet di bawah Windows XP saat melihat analisis QUAKE/W dan beralih ke Tampilan Hasil


  • Perbaikan bug: Algoritme loncatan waktu adaptif dapat menggunakan kumpulan data iklim yang salah saat menghitung waktu peristiwa yang menonjol (misalnya, matahari terbit, terbenam, dan permulaan dan akhir hujan).


  • Perbaikan bug: Algoritme loncatan waktu adaptif dapat menggunakan kumpulan data iklim yang salah saat menghitung waktu peristiwa yang menonjol (misalnya, matahari terbit, terbenam, dan permulaan dan akhir hujan).

Jumat, 11 Mei 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Mei 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Mei 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.


  • Perbaikan bug: Bug diperkenalkan di versi 8.0.3 di Draw Graph yang menyebabkan sudut dasar irisan ditampilkan secara tidak benar untuk kemiringan kanan-ke-kiri.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam add-in, sudut dasar untuk irisan dilaporkan salah untuk kemiringan kanan-ke-kiri.


  • Perbaikan bug: VADOSE/W tidak menghitung aliran uap dengan benar saat menggunakan satuan imperial. Inkonsistensi unit dalam formulasi dapat menyebabkan pemecah berhenti, atau hasilnya bisa salah jika analisis selesai.

Selasa, 8 Mei 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Mei 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Mei 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

  • Fitur: GeoStudio sekarang mendukung file yang lebih besar dari 2GB.
  • Fitur: Teks Sketsa kini dapat diwarnai seperti objek Sketsa lainnya.
  • Fitur: Klik kanan di Windows Explorer dan pilih "Baru - Dokumen GeoStudio" untuk membuat file .gsz baru (kosong) menggunakan templat default Anda.
  • Fitur: Jika GeoStudio 2007 dan GeoStudio 2012 terinstal, klik kanan pada file .gsz dan pilih "Buka dengan", dan Anda akan memiliki opsi untuk membuka dengan salah satu versi GeoStudio.
  • Fitur: Di Analisis KeyIn saat item root dipilih, Anda sekarang dapat melihat siapa yang terakhir menyimpan file, nomor revisi, versi file, dan versi GeoStudio yang digunakan untuk menyimpan file. Properti ini juga disertakan dalam laporan yang dihasilkan menggunakan Lihat Laporan. Properti "Terakhir Dimodifikasi Oleh" juga ditampilkan di Halaman Awal saat file dibuka.
  • Fitur: Menambahkan bantuan online (F1) ke Manajer Lisensi.
  • Perubahan: GeoStudio sekarang menggunakan port 80 untuk aktivasi lisensi daripada port 8888, untuk mempermudah aktivasi bagi perusahaan yang memblokir port 8888.
  • Perbaikan bug: Beberapa bug telah diperbaiki yang dapat menyebabkan GeoStudio mogok dalam berbagai skenario.
  • Perbaikan bug: GeoStudio dapat macet di Windows XP saat beralih ke Tampilan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Pada faktor zoom yang sangat kecil, beberapa label akan terlihat sangat besar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Roda gulir mouse tidak akan berfungsi jika GeoStudio dibuka di monitor sekunder di sebelah kiri monitor utama.
  • Perbaikan bug: Label wilayah ditutupi oleh area teduh lainnya, seperti kontur, zona pencairan, dll.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam mode Draw tertentu (misalnya, Draw Initial Water Table), preferensi tampilan untuk objek yang sedang digambar sekarang dinonaktifkan.
  • Bug fix: Some controls (such as the "Time" list for initial conditions on the Settings tab of KeyIn Analyses) would not be displayed after switching tabs.
  • Bug fix: When upgrading an older file, sketch text that uses the REPORT function (such as displaying a list of materials) would not upgrade properly.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to open a file created with version 5 or earlier.
  • Bug fix: On computers where the locale settings were configured such that the decimal character was something other than a period, some controls would not allow any numbers to be entered other than whole integers. This bug affected KeyIn Points in all products, as well as a number of dialogs in SLOPE/W.
  • Bug fix: When creating a new file from a template, GeoStudio would actually open and edit the template itself rather than just using it as the base for a new file.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio setup now enforces XP SP3 as the minimum operating system.
  • Bug fix: The Set Page and Set Units and Scale dialog boxes would not update when changing to Imperial Units.
  • Bug fix: The Analysis Explorer window now supports changing analyses using the arrow keys, without losing focus.
  • Bug fix: The Start Page would not refresh when project properties were changed using KeyIn Analyses, such as changing the Title, Author or Comments.


  • Feature: The Slip Surface docking window now has a context menu with an option to "Select Critical Slip Surface".
  • Change: Previously results for non-critical slip surfaces would not be available if the file was opened in a version of GeoStudio other than the one that originally solved the analysis. Now results will be shown, and the Solve Manager window will indicate if they may be out of date because of differences between versions or because of changes in a parent analysis.
  • Bug fix: When a Shear Normal strength function is used, a resulting negative cohesion could cause the solver to stop.
  • Bug fix: In geometry with a vertical wall or with a tension crack, slip surfaces and safety maps may not display properly.
  • Bug fix: Add-Ins can now use GetParam to retrieve a material's Unit Weight.
  • Bug fix: Computed reinforcement values were incorrect when the "F of S Dependent" option was set to Yes for a Reinforcement Load.
  • Bug fix: The solver would crash if an analysis was selected that does both slip surface optimization and probabilistic.
  • Bug fix: The solver was throwing out some valid slip surface results.
  • Bug fix: The solver will now compute a factor of safety even with only one slice.
  • Bug fix: GeoStudio could crash in Result View when the Safety Factor is 0 for some slices in a Finite Element stability analysis.
  • Bug fix: When cloning a SLOPE/W analysis, the slip surface data was not being copied over to the new analysis.


  • Bug fix: For boundary conditions using a Total Head vs Volume boundary function—which always have the "Potential Seepage Face Review" option selected—the solver will now only perform a review when y < elevation. This restores the behavior used in GeoStudio 2007.


  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam kondisi tertentu, bayangan likuifaksi tidak akan ditampilkan meskipun ada zona likuifaksi.

Senin, 19 Maret 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Maret 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Maret 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Produk Elemen Hingga

  • Perbaikan bug: Garis mengambang atau wilayah melingkar yang memotong wilayah latar belakang tidak selalu menghasilkan node elemen hingga dengan benar di titik persimpangan.
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam kasus yang jarang terjadi, garis wilayah dapat memiliki tepi elemen hingga yang tumpang tindih, yang berarti pemecah tidak dapat menghitung hasil.

Semua produk

  • Ubah: File Toolbar disembunyikan secara default, dan harus dibuat terlihat menggunakan perintah View Toolbars. Sekarang terlihat secara default.
  • Ubah: Posisi bilah alat default telah diubah sehingga semua bilah alat pas dalam 2 baris di jendela GeoStudio, daripada ditumpuk satu sama lain. Ini memberikan lebih banyak ruang untuk tampilan Tentukan dan Hasil.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat menyelesaikan analisis, jika Anda beralih ke tampilan Tentukan, tampilan akan terus diperbarui.
  • Perbaikan bug: Saat memindahkan objek di Modify Objects lalu memilih Undo, persegi panjang pemilihan tidak akan diperbarui dengan benar.
  • Perbaikan bug: Gambar Wilayah - saat menggambar wilayah baru, mengklik tepi wilayah yang sudah ada, lalu mengklik tepi wilayah lain yang sudah ada, titik perantara tidak ditambahkan ke wilayah baru.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memilih Kontur "(tidak ada)" di toolbar Analisis tampilan Tetapkan tidak berfungsi. Anda harus menggunakan perintah Draw Contours sebagai gantinya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Tombol panah atas/bawah kenaikan Grid menggunakan kenaikan bilangan bulat, bukan peningkatan spasi Grid yang tepat yang digunakan di GeoStudio 2007.


  • Ubah: Saat Anda memilih nomor Time Step atau Sensitivity Run yang baru di tampilan Hasil, permukaan selip minimum kini dipilih secara otomatis. Ini berarti bahwa nomor permukaan selip Anda saat ini dapat berubah, tetapi itu akan menjadi permukaan selip dengan faktor keamanan terendah.
  • Ubah: Klik kanan di jendela Slip Surfaces di tampilan Hasil sekarang akan menampilkan menu konteks dengan perintah "Pilih Slip Kritis".
  • Perbaikan bug: Nilai properti material Kohesi dan Phi tidak dibaca dari file GeoStudio 2007 dalam kasus di mana Anda pertama kali memilih model Spasial Mohr Coulomb atau Fungsi untuk Kohesi atau Phi, kemudian mengubah model material Anda menjadi Mohr Coulomb dan mengetikkan nilai konstanta .
  • Perbaikan bug: Dalam analisis Sensitivitas, terkadang tidak ada permukaan selip yang ditampilkan saat pertama kali melihat hasilnya.
  • Perbaikan bug: Plot "Faktor Keamanan Minimum vs. Waktu" dalam tampilan Hasil memplot faktor keamanan untuk permukaan gelincir saat ini, bukan faktor keamanan minimum pada setiap langkah waktu.
  • Perbaikan bug: Memilih langkah waktu baru tidak memperbarui faktor keamanan dalam tampilan Hasil jika analisis yang dipilih adalah analisis Sensitivitas.
  • Perbaikan bug: Informasi View Sliding Mass tidak menunjukkan nilai yang benar untuk analisis Janbu atau Bishop.
  • Perbaikan bug: Membuka file GeoStudio 2007 dengan titik permukaan slip masuk/keluar yang tidak valid terkadang menyebabkan GeoStudio 2012 mogok.
  • Ubah: Saat memilih Permukaan selip dalam tampilan Hasil, sebuah pesan kini ditampilkan jika informasi irisan permukaan selip tidak cocok dengan faktor keamanan permukaan selip yang disimpan. Hal ini dapat terjadi saat membuka file GeoStudio 2007 dan melihat berbagai permukaan selip di GeoStudio 2012. Selesaikan analisis untuk memastikan bahwa informasi irisan yang ditampilkan sesuai dengan faktor keamanan permukaan selip.

Selasa, 6 Maret 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Maret 2012

GeoStudio 2012, Rilis Maret 2012 (0 B)

Di bawah ini adalah perubahan yang dilakukan sejak rilis sebelumnya.

Semua produk

Semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih
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Hubungi : +6282231036047
Terima Kasih


Sekian Penjelasan Singkat Mengenai CATATAN RILIS BEBERAPA VERSI GEO STUDIO DARI VERSI 2023 SAMPAI DENGAN VERSI SEBELUMNYA. Semoga Bisa Menambah Pengetahuan Kita Semua.

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